Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"Lean, mean and green..."
Robot Wars: The Ultimate Guide

3 Stegs 2 Heaven (referred to on the show as 3 Stegs to Heaven) was a heavyweight robot which competed in Series 5 of Robot Wars and the first series of Robot Wars Extreme. It lost its only battle in Extreme to Tornado, but this prompted the team to make modifications ahead of Series 5, where 3 Stegs 2 Heaven reached the Heat Final before being eliminated by the eventual runner-up, Bigger Brother.

3 Stegs 2 Heaven was the successor to Steg 2 and distant successor to former Grand Finalist Steg-O-Saw-Us, being built by the Jurassic Park team without their former captain Rob Heasman, who had already left the team before Extreme.


3 Stegs Extreme

3 Stegs 2 Heaven as it appeared in Extreme 1, without its spinning blade

3 stegs to heaven

3 Stegs 2 Heaven in the arena in Series 5

3 Stegs 2 Heaven was a radical departure from its predecessors, being a two-wheeled, invertible robot painted green and armed with a small vertical cutting weapon at the front. According to Robot Wars Extreme: The Official Guide, the other end was intended for shunting other robots. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven still used a lot of the same types of parts as its predecessors, including the wheels, speed controllers, batteries and motors. The robot was armoured in 4.5mm thick steel plate and used two 750w Bosch motors for drive, giving the robot a top speed of 15mph.[1]

"They haven't used the full weight allowance, and built the robot as lightly as they could to maximise speed and a nimble turning circle."
Jonathan Pearce in Series 5

In its original appearance in Extreme 1, the weapon was a small double-ended spinning bar, interchangeable with the round cutting disc later seen in Series 5[2], while the robot's wheels were exposed and the top panel decorated with red Stegosaurus-like spikes on its top, which along with its colour scheme, paid homage to its original predecessor Steg-O-Saw-Us. At the time, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven only weighed 72kg.

3 Stegs Extreme

3 Stegs 2 Heaven in the arena in Extreme 1


3 Stegs 2 Heaven before being painted

The concept behind 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was to build the robot small enough in order to be fast and have a nimble turning circle. However, it was untested prior to Extreme 1, and suffered from exposed wheels and numerous other problems that lead to its defeat against Tornado, which compelled the team to redesign it ahead of its Series 5 appearance:

"At the Robot Wars Extreme Event we noticed a few flaws in the design:
The Wheels - They were too exposed. We have not had this problem before as the wheels were on the inside on the previous Robots, but on this Robot they are on the outside.
The Weapon - although it can put holes in other Robots, it didn't give total destruction like we hoped.
Speed Controllers - We had a problem with the speed controllers, which made the robot lose control. The speed controllers have always been matched to their motors and should not have been adjusted! (Was it a freak accident or was it foul play???)
Finally we still have 28 kilo's to play with.
— Team Website[3]
3 Stegs to Heaven

Side profile of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven in Series 5

3 Stegs Profile

Official profile from Series 5

In Series 5, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's wheels were enclosed with additional armour mounted on the sides and rear of the robot, and only the larger and thicker cutting disc was used. The sloped side armour near the robot's spinner were also substituted for flat panels. A top castor was added to help the robot manoeuvre when flipped over. However, the team were unable to fix the problems with the speed controllers due to a lack of time[4].

3 Stegs 2 Heaven otherwise retained the same basic design, colour scheme and Stegosaurus spikes as it carried in Extreme 1. While the new cutting disc was fairly effective in causing damage to other opponents, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was still vulnerable to being flipped, and notably suffered issues with its drive, becoming immobile on one side in Round 2 and the Heat Final.



The competition in the Robot Wars Magazine


The conclusion of the naming competition

The robot's name was a pun on the phrase three steps to heaven, a reference to it being the third in the Steg series of robots, after Series 3 Grand Finalist Steg-O-Saw-Us and Series 4 Semi-Finalist Steg 2. The robot's name came from a competition held in the original Robot Wars Magazine, as the Jurassic Park team did not want to simply call it "Steg 3". The winning name was revealed in Issue 13 to be 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, coined by a seven-year-old boy Mark Coucher. This spelling was used in the magazine and the team's website[5], although the TV show simply used 3 Stegs to Heaven.

"3 STEGS 2 HEAVEN is getting a little make-over for the SIXTH WARS.
We will use the same Robot but with a lot of modification, and the robot's name in the next series will be Steg 3. That's assuming we qualify!
— Team Website

3 Stegs 2 Heaven was planned to be rebuilt for the Sixth Wars and renamed Steg 3, although it ultimately failed to qualify for this series.

The Team[]

Main article: Jurassic Park
Team steg-o-saw-us

The team with 3 Stegs 2 Heaven in Series 5

3 Stegs 2 Heaven was built by the Jurassic Park, albeit without their former captain Rob Heasman, who had left the team by this stage and competed in Extreme with Oblark. The team captain was now electrical engineer Peter Rowe, while Dan King became the driver of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, with newcomer Richard Francis filling the third space in the team.


As the eighth seed for Series 5, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven qualified automatically for the Fifth Wars. It is unknown whether it attended any qualifier events regardless, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's position was secured either way.

The team attended the qualifiers for Series 6 with a modified version of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, now going by the name Steg 3.[6] It fought Atomic in its qualifier battle, but lost the fight as Atomic flipped Steg 3 out of the arena after only a few seconds.[7] Steg 3 failed to qualify for Series 6 as a result.

Robot History[]

Extreme 1[]

3 Stegs 2 Heaven participated in the All-Stars Tournament due to Team Jurassic Park having reached the Grand-Final in Series 3 and Semi-Final in Series 4 with their previous robots Steg-O-Saw-Us and Steg 2 respectively. In the first round, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven faced fellow Series 4 Semi-Finalist Tornado.

Julia Reed: "So those guys [The Tornado team] certainly know how to talk the talk, but do you think they're really up to it?"
Peter Rowe: "Nah, like all tornadoes, they're just a lot of hot air!"
Julia Reed: "You're confident then?"
Danny King: "I'm confident, we've got the experience, we've been here three times before!"
— Team Jurassic Park respond to Team Tornado in the pre-battle interview
Tornado vs 3 Stegs to Heaven

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is pushed around by Tornado

Tornado charged across the arena at its opponent, and 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned around to try and attack Tornado with its spinning cutter as it closed in. Tornado tried to push, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away and spun on the spot. Tornado rammed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven into the arena wall, pinning it against an angle grinder. Tornado backed off a little, which gave 3 Stegs 2 Heaven a chance to escape. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven sped away, pushing past Tornado, but drove into the arena wall. Tornado chased after it, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was able to turn, avoiding Tornado, which drove into an angle grinder. Tornado quickly recovered, driving back at 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to turn away, but Tornado reversed into it, and pushed it up the arena. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to turn away, but one of Tornado's rear spikes was caught by 3 Steg 2 Heaven's wheel, so it couldn't get away until Tornado reversed. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to use its spinning cutter on Tornado's side, but the cutter merely stopped on impact and Tornado reversed. Tornado rammed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven against an angle grinder. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to turn away, but Tornado slammed it against the angle grinder, then pushed it into the bottom corner. Tornado reversed out as Sir Killalot came in, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had stopped moving, so couldn't escape.

Sir Killalot grabs 3 stegs

Sir Killalot grabs 3 Stegs 2 Heaven

"Grand Finalists with Steg-O-Saw-Us in Series 3, Semi-Finalists with Steg 2 in Series 4, they'll go no further here, if Sir Killalot has its way. And The crowd want the end of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. It's been three tottering, teetering, stumbling steps to oblivion."
Jonathan Pearce as Tornado rams 3 Stegs 2 Heaven into the CPZ and Sir Killalot comes in

Sir Killalot grabbed it with his claw, pulled it out of the CPZ, and carried it across the arena, holding it over the flame pit. The chain for 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's right wheel was seen dangling loose. Sir Killalot dropped 3 Stegs 2 Heaven in the arena centre, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had stopped moving.

"And they're already beaten! They [Team Jurassic Park] feel they're beaten! The spinning disc is spinning, but they're going nowhere!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Sir Killalot holds up 3 Stegs 2 Heaven

Dead Metal drags 3 Stegs 2 Heaven to the floor flipper

Tornado Steg

Tornado pushes 3 Stegs 2 Heaven onto the flame pit

Tornado rammed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, cutting it with its spinning drum, then pushed it down to the bottom arena wall in a CPZ. Dead Metal rushed over, grabbing 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and dragging it up the arena to the Floor Flipper, which tossed it into the air, causing it to land upside-down and its blade to hit the floor, as 3 Stegs 2 Heaven did not have a top castor fitted. Sir Killalot grabbed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and spun it around, throwing it aside. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven regained some movement, spinning around on the spot, but couldn't move away as Tornado charged at it again, hitting it with its drum, flipping it up. Tornado kept pushing, cutting into the side of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven with its drum, and pushed it onto the flame pit just as time ran out. Since 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had not been counted out by Refbot, the battle had to go to a judges' decision.

"Technically, it has to go to the judges, but they look comfortable enough. You see, 3 Stegs wasn't ultimately immobilised, pushed around by Tornado, but Tornado couldn't finish them off. ... there can only be one winner, but the disturbing for the Tornado team, they couldn't finish them off!"
— Jonathan Pearce reviews the highlights

Needless to say, the judges ruled in favour of Tornado, eliminating 3 Stegs 2 Heaven from the All-Stars.

Julia Reed: "You said you'd been there before, you were ready, you were confident, what went wrong?"
Richard Francis: "We got chewed to pieces really! Big style!"
Julia Reed: "Really? He came for your wheel, what happened there?"
Richard Francis: "Bent the axle, chain came off, completely immobilised!"
Julia Reed: "Gutted!"
Richard Francis: "Gutted!"
— Post-battle interview

According to Robot Wars Extreme: The Official Guide, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was considered as a potential competitor for the Mayhem event, in order to qualify for one of the two Annihilators. It is unknown if 3 Stegs 2 Heaven chose to withdraw or did not take part at all, but the team ultimately competed in no further events to concentrate on modifying the robot for Series 5.

Series 5[]

"A convincing performance last year has earned them a high ranking, but they've returned with a new robot. I didn't see much wrong with the old one, myself!"
— Philippa Forrester on 3 Stegs 2 Heaven at the start of the Heat

In the first round of the Fifth Wars, the eighth seed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven faced a newcomer, and walkerbot Eleven.


3 Stegs 2 Heaven cuts one of Eleven's hydraulic pipes

3 Stegs 2 Heaven started slowly, holding back to get its spinning disc up to speed. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven cautiously approached the bulky Eleven as it slowly stamped across the floor, and targeted the legs. It managed a glancing blow on one of the legs, but then turned away. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned back, with its disc spinning, holding the disc between two of the legs, waiting for them to come together as the machine walked forwards. As Eleven walked forwards, the two legs held the cutting disc, cutting a hydraulic pipe.

"3 Stegs on the attack, trying to get its spinning cutter... OH! To sever a hydraulic pipe, and it has done! Hydraulic fluid being spewed all over the arena floor!"
— Jonathan Pearce as 3 Stegs 2 Heaven cuts the pipe

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is trapped in Eleven's cables

As hydraulic fluid dripped out of Eleven, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven reversed away. Eleven tried to walk forwards, but one of its back legs was not moving, so the whole robot couldn't move forwards. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven held back, getting its spinner up to speed, before turning back and trying to cut into the body of Eleven. However, as it did so, the spinning disc became caught in Eleven's cables. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried reversing away, but couldn't pull itself free of the cable.

"Look, I think they're snagged on Eleven, on the cabling. You can hear the wheels trying to spin and gain purchase and back away, but they can't get away! They're locked together."
— Jonathan Pearce as 3 Stegs 2 Heaven struggles to get free
Eleven vs 3 Stegs

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is counted out with Eleven

Eleven continued to try walking forwards, but barely moved. Sgt. Bash came out and gave Eleven a push, but this did nothing to separate the two competitors. Refbot began to count the two out, whilst Sgt. Bash fired his flamethrower at Eleven. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven continued to pull, but couldn't get itself free, and Refbot finished his count. The battle went to a judges' decision as both robots had become immobile, and they chose 3 Stegs 2 Heaven.

Craig Charles: "Were you finding it difficult to get friction on the floor there?"
Jurassic Park: "Yeah, especially once the hydraulic hose went."
— The team comment on their lack of movement

It moved on to fight another newcomer Tetanus in the second round of the Heat.


Tetanus pins 3 Stegs 2 Heaven against an angle grinder

3 Stegs 2 Heaven started by turning away from its opponent, getting its spinning disc up to speed, before turning back around and driving towards Tetanus. However, before the two robots reached each other, both competitors stopped. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven started swinging back and forth, and Tetanus reversed a little, before charging at 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had exposed its side to Tetanus, allowing it to easily get underneath and push, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven quickly slipped off. Tetanus tried to get underneath 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away. Tetanus kept pushing, and 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned back and hit the front of Tetanus with its spinning disc, but the disc merely stopped on impact, and Tetanus kept pushing 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, pinning it against an angle grinder and lifting it up with its lifting prong.

"Difficult to see what damage that disc of 3 Stegs can do, because you see the side brace there on Tetanus to protect its armour"
— Jonathan Pearce
3 Stegs to Heaven vs Tetanus

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is lifted by Tetanus. Note the severed prong

Tetanus turned 3 Stegs 2 Heaven around and tried to push it onto the flame pit, but struggled to push its opponent forwards. Tetanus tried reversing to get some traction, but this caused 3 Stegs 2 Heaven to slip off the lifting prong. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven hit the front of Tetanus, but the disc wasn't spinning very fast, so it merely stopped on impact. Tetanus tried to use its lifting prong to pin 3 Stegs 2 Heaven down, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away, driving over the flame pit. Tetanus reversed as 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove into the arena wall, before rushing in. Tetanus got under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and pushed. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried turning away, but turned into the arena wall, so Tetanus quickly got under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven again. Tetanus lifted 3 Stegs 2 Heaven up again, but as it did so, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven knocked off one of Tetanus' top claws with its spinning disc. Tetanus held 3 Stegs 2 Heaven up against the wall.

"And it's balanced very delicately, the machine and the battle I would say"
— Jonathan Pearce as Tetanus holds 3 Stegs 2 Heaven up
3 Stegs vs Tetanus

The limping 3 Stegs 2 Heaven attacks the immobile Tetanus

Eventually, Tetanus dropped 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, and used its lifting prong to pin it down. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's wheels were spinning fast, but it couldn't gain any traction to help get away. Tetanus could not move away from the wall either, because one of its front spikes was caught under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. Refbot rammed in between the two competitors, which pushed them apart. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was spinning on the spot, but Tetanus was immobile. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove into one of Tetanus' wheel guards, causing lots of sparks, and ripping off a part. Refbot began to count Tetanus out, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was not moving either, lying immobile by Tetanus. Refbot finished his count, Matilda reversed into Tetanus with her flywheel, and 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away from its opponent. Sgt. Bash grabbed Tetanus and pushed it down the arena to the pit, and confirmed its elimination by pitting it.

"3 Stegs get a very lucky break! Into the next round by the skin of their teeth! 3 Stegs go through!"
— Craig Charles

Despite losing mobility on one wheel, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had qualified for the Heat Final.

Craig Charles: "You're seeded 8, I reckon you're gonna have to do a lot better than that if you're going to go any further in this competition!"
Dan King: "For sure, for sure. Well, it's a new robot this year, and we've got all sorts of new electronics in there, and it's just not happening, we've lost the drive on one side, you saw it spinning round, we were just lucky really that when we lost it we were so close to them, cause they were close to us, and they [Refbot] broke them apart, and we could get the disc up and do a bit of damage."
Craig Charles: "You're fighting Bigger Brother next, now he's got a flipper and a half! Do you think you're gonna do some damage there?"
Dan King: "Well, I mean if we can get that other wheel running, yeah , we're in with a chance! Cut the end of the flipper off, we'll be alright, won't we?"
— Post-battle interview

This put 3 Stegs 2 Heaven through to fight Bigger Brother in the Heat Final, where the seeded machine went in as somewhat of an underdog, with Jonathan Pearce describing Bigger Brother's progress as "hugely more impressive".

Philippa Forrester: "Lots of tension here at Robot Wars, because Bigger Brother have an amazing flipper which we've seen ... but you can run both ways up."
Peter Rowe: "Yes we can, yeah."
Philippa Forrester: "So do you think that's going to be enough to save you?"
Peter Rowe: "Not if we're outside the pit it ain't, no!"
Philippa Forrester: "This is true, so you're mainly worried that they're gonna get you outside the arena."
Peter Rowe: "Yes, oh yes!"
— Pre-battle interview

3 Stegs 2 Heaven on the flame pit

Bigger Brother started first, charging at 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, which swerved around its opponent to avoid the flipper. Bigger Brother tried to get the flipper under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove around Bigger Brother. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to drive away, but Bigger Brother chased after it and quickly caught up, getting the flipper underneath. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned itself off the flipper before it could fire, so Bigger Brother missed its flip, but in doing so, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove itself onto the flame pit.

"3 Stegs needs to dance away from that flipper and cause damage with its spinning cutter, oh, and on the flame pit! They need to get away from there otherwise the electrics are going to be burnt out!"
— Jonathan Pearce

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is flipped against an angle grinder

3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried driving over the flame pit to get off it, but became stuck in the middle, with its spinning disc hitting the floor and bouncing the robot up and down. After a struggle, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven got itself off the flame pit. Its decorative Stegosaurus spines had caught fire. Bigger Brother quickly got underneath 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and flipped it over, before flipping it back the right way up again. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried reversing away from Bigger Brother, but drove into Sir Killalot. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away from the House Robot before he could attack, but Bigger Brother rushed in, pushed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven against the arena wall and flipped it onto an angle grinder. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven bounced off the angle grinder, but was left stuck on its side.

"Don't go near the arena side wall 3 Stegs, we've seen what Bigger Brother can do! They're relentless, Bigger Brother!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Bigger Brother flips 3 Stegs 2 Heaven against the wall

Bigger Brother tries to flip 3 Stegs 2 Heaven out of the arena

Bigger Brother charged at its opponent, knocking it back onto its wheels, only to pin it against the wall, get the flipper underneath and flip it against the arena wall. With 3 Stegs 2 Heaven leaning against the wall, its spinning disc hanging over the top, Bigger Brother reversed to try and flip 3 Stegs 2 Heaven out of the arena, just as it had done to both its previous opponents. Bigger Brother got the flipper underneath and fired, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was thrown sideways, over the angle grinder, remaining in the arena.

"In goes that shovel-like front flipper again, they're getting closer and closer! 3 Stegs 2 Heaven ... almost out! Bigger Brother, one tactic for little Joe and his dad Ian and Ellie, obviously"
— Jonathan Pearce as Bigger Brother tries to flip 3 Stegs 2 Heaven out of the arena

3 Stegs 2 Heaven is flipped against the side wall, alongside the overturned Shunt

3 Stegs 2 Heaven moved forwards, but Bigger Brother blocked its path, and reversed it into Shunt's Corner Patrol Zone. However, before the House Robot could attack the competitors, Bigger Brother flipped him over. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven couldn't use this moment of distraction to escape Bigger Brother, and Bigger Brother flipped it against the arena wall. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was stuck on its side, and Bigger Brother drove into it and flipped, but 3 Stegs 2 Heaven merely slipped off the flipper. back to its wheels. Sir Killalot came over to the CPZ and grabbed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven with his claw, pulling it out of the CPZ and picking it up.

"Shunt is furious! Sir Killalot wants revenge, on anything! Grapples with 3 Stegs! Unfortunately, you're going to bear the brunt of House Robot's fury 3 Stegs!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Sir Killalot picks 3 Stegs 2 Heaven up

Refbot knocks 3 Stegs 2 Heaven off the wall

Bigger Brother tried getting under Sir Killalot's side and flipping, but could barely lift the heavy House Robot. Sir Killalot dropped 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and chased after Bigger Brother, but Bigger Brother was quick enough to drive around Sir Killalot, straight back at 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, which was limping. Bigger Brother flipped it against the arena wall so its wheels were hanging off the ground. Bigger Brother left its opponent to drive around Sir Killalot, trying to get in under it and flip it, but couldn't lift him at all. Meanwhile, Refbot pushed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven off the wall, and 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove out of the CPZ, straight into Sir Killalot, who was chasing after Bigger Brother.

"But 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, well the Refbot's taking a glance, a wheel was spinning, I think they technically are still mobile, yes, back they come now, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, into the fight."
— Jonathan Pearce as Refbot pushes 3 Stegs 2 Heaven off the wall

Bigger Brother flips 3 Stegs 2 Heaven onto its side

Bigger Brother went back after its opponent, which was turning back and forth on one wheel. As Bigger Brother tried to get its flipper under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned and hit Bigger Brother with its spinning disc, which caused sparks but no serious damage. Bigger Brother tried to get its flipper under 3 Stegs 2 Heaven, but missed. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven turned away, but Bigger Brother chased after it, getting its flipper under the front and flipping it over again. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried to get away, but Bigger Brother kept in close pursuit. 3 Stegs 2 Heaven drove close to the arena wall, and Bigger Brother took advantage, pushing it against the wall and flipping it onto its side. With no way to get back on its wheels, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was immobile.

"Bigger Brother, slamming it onto the side wall once again. Can 3 Stegs get away now Ellie? What do you think? Are you pointing a way out of the arena? Refbot, have a look! I think Ellie might have been saying she thinks 3 Stegs are immobile now, and certainly the Refbot agrees with her!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Bigger Brother flips 3 Stegs 2 onto its side and Refbot comes over to count it out

The pit pile-up

Bigger Brother waited for Refbot to come over and count 3 Stegs 2 Heaven. Once the count was finished, Sir Killalot came over, grabbing 3 Stegs 2 Heaven with his claw, carrying it away from the wall and dropping it by the pit, which was opened for him to finish 3 Stegs 2 Heaven off. As Sir Killalot prepared to finish 3 Stegs 2 Heaven off, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven tried reversing away from the pit, but Bigger Brother rushed over and blocked it. Bigger Brother pushed 3 Stegs 2 Heaven to the edge of the pit, but Sir Killalot pushed the two competitors into the pit together, falling into the pit himself in doing so.

"3 Stegs 2 Heaven gets sent straight to hell! Bigger Brother through to the series Semi-Finals!"
— Craig Charles after the battle

3 Stegs 2 Heaven had been eliminated, and this was the final appearance of the Jurassic Park team.

Craig Charles: "Guys, talk me through it, talk me through it!"
Peter Rowe: "We lost to our wheel again, that was it!"
Craig Charles: "Weapon went down, they're quite strong, aren't they? It was like they were just toying with you really, wasn't it?"
Peter Rowe: "Yeah, yeah."
— Post-battle interview


Extreme 1
Round 1
Round 1 vs. Tornado Lost
Series 5
The Fifth Wars - UK Championship
8th Seed, Heat Final
Heat I, Eliminator vs. Eleven Won
Heat I, Semi-Final vs. Tetanus Won
Heat I, Final vs. Bigger Brother Lost


  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 2

Series Record[]

Main Series 3 Stegs 2 Heaven Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Entered with Steg-O-Saw-Us
The Fourth Wars Entered with Steg 2
The Fifth Wars Heat Final
The Sixth Wars Failed to qualify
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter
Robot Wars Extreme Appearances
Series 1 All-Stars, Round 1
Series 2 Did not enter

NOTE: Former team member Rob Heasman took part in Extreme Series 1 with Oblark.


Outside Robot Wars[]

3 Stegs 2 Heaven - RoboNerd 2022

3 Stegs 2 Heaven at RoboNerd in September 2022

After Robot Wars ended, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven remained in possession of its team. In April 2022, Peter Rowe shared a photograph of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven in its current state on Facebook.[8]

3 Stegs 2 Heaven would later make an appearance in RoboNerd 2022 as a static display without the top panel fitted on.


3 stegs to heaven ext1 stats

3 Stegs 2 Heaven's statistics board in Extreme 1, with an incorrect weight and the name '3 Stegs to Heaven'

  • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven and Gemini are the only non-semi finalists to come from a team with a previous record of consecutive semi-finals. Coincidentally, both of these robots were the number eight seed in their first loss, after reaching the heat final.
  • Although listed as weighing 96kg during Extreme 1, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven actually weighed a mere 72kg.
  • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was the only robot from Team Steg-O-Saw-Us which had a frontally mounted weapon. It was also the first robot from Team Steg-O-Saw-Us which had a spinning weapon instead of a flipper.
  • In Series 5, the statistics board used a picture of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven from Extreme 1 instead of the Series 5 version.
  • Despite its 2-2 win/loss record, 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was immobilised in some form during all of its battles:
    • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven survived until a judges' decision against Tornado, but the robot was immobile, and Refbot simply failed to count it out.
    • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was fully functional against Eleven, but as it became attached to Eleven through its snagged spinner, Refbot counted out both machines and 3 Stegs 2 Heaven won the Judges' decision.
    • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven had lost drive to one of its wheels in its battle with Tetanus, limiting its free movement, but it was still considered more mobile than the completely motionless Tetanus and won the battle.
    • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven was officially immobilised against Bigger Brother after being stranded on the arena wall, though ironically it was still mobile after Sir Killalot pulled it off the wall.
  • 3 Stegs 2 Heaven is one of only ten robots to debut in Extreme 1 and to fight in one of the main competition, excluding Typhoon. The others were Axe-Awe, Comengetorix, Fighting Torque, Fluffy, NEAT Machine, Spawn Again, Sub-Version, The Executioner and Draven.
  • Sir Killalot was present in both of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's losses while Sgt. Bash was present in both of its victories.
  • Eleven was the only one of 3 Stegs 2 Heaven's opponents to never appear in any other episode or series.
  • Both of the robots that defeated 3 Stegs 2 Heaven - Bigger Brother and Tornado - fought each other in the All Stars in Robot Wars: Extreme 2.


External Links[]

