Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"On the way out of the arena one of the crew commented on Barry's name saying that it is probably the meanest robot with the weakest name. That was the whole point."
— Daniel Parry[1]

Barry was a super heavyweight robot and Team Power's first entry into Robot Wars. Competing exclusively in the first series, it was eliminated at the Gauntlet stage after getting stuck on the arena hazards and being attacked by the House Robots during its run.


"This school-based engineering project features a pneumatic bulldozer-inspired scoop, and is powered by two 24-volt wheelchair motors. Barry packs a real punch and is the heaviest robot in the field."
Jonathan Pearce introduces Barry
Barry official image

Official image of Barry

Barry was a two-wheeled robot armed with a spring-suspended, bulldozer-inspired pneumatic scoop intended to push and turn opponents over. According to Oliver Steeples, the scoop - the first of its kind to be used by a competitor - only had a maximum travel of 60mm, though this had the advantage of allowing the weapon to consistently remain level with the arena floor.[2]

Barry arena

Barry in the arena

With a limited budget, Team Power decided to prioritise the robot's drive power over damaging weapons. As such, Barry's internal construction primarily comprised two batteries, two speed controllers, two gearboxes and two pneumatic tyres for improved traction, as well as its scoop and 24V wheelchair motors. The robot also featured a decorative rear wing reminiscent of that of a racing car, and had the robot's name printed in half cut letters. Below the wing was an old roadie case that housed most of the components and castor wheels, and was Barry's only form of body armour. The whole machine was painted dark brown with rust and fake blood effects spray-painted on its tyres and scoop.

"Due to the limited budget available, it was decided to concentrate all our effort, cash and weight allowance into motive force and have the minimal amount of weapons. Barry is basically two batteries, two speed controllers, two motor / gear boxes and two chunky pneumatic tyres. Its only form of weapon is rolled steel bulldozer blade. It is felt that as it weighs 116 Kg (18 stone), travels at 30 mph and hits the opposition at ground level, you don't need any weapons!"
— Team Power website on Barry[3]

As a rudimentary failsafe device, Barry employed a separate braking system on each wheel which kept them locked in place until the drive motors received inputs from its main transmitter. It is unclear exactly how this system was operated, or whether it could completely immobilise the robot in case of malfunctions or loss of radio signal like an electrical failsafe component.[1]

Barry front

Barry, head-on view

An original concept drawing for Barry depicted it as also having a rear circular saw and a pair of exhausts behind the wheels, although the saw was discarded and the exhausts replaced by the wing. The robot took three months to design and build.

At 116.9kg, Barry was easily the heaviest competitor to be classed as a conventional heavyweight in any of the main UK series. Additionally, it was shown to have good manoeuvrability and speed as well as having a zero-degree turning circle. Jeremy Clarkson, seemingly impressed by its power and design, described the robot as a 'vicious thing' when interviewing Team Power on television. However, Barry's poor control (exacerbated by radio interference issues encountered prior to filming), small rear castors (which could fall through and trap the robot on grilles) and low ground clearance of 6cm ultimately contributed to its early elimination from its only series.


"We saw for the first time the Robot Wars TV set, we laughed because admittedly we thought it was cheese, given the chance, Barry would demolish it. As there were 6 other teams using our frequency. This meant that we had no time to re- calibrate the circuits after the journey or to test its straight line running."
— Daniel Parry, recollecting confidence and early concerns over Barry's performance and radio signal[1]
Barry teampits

Barry with its team at filming

Like other Series 1 competitors, Barry was transported directly to the London Docklands filming venue upon completion. Behind the scenes, preparations for filming - commencing on a Wednesday afternoon - did not go smoothly. Daniel Parry recollected that Team Power did not have enough time to test Barry or change its frequency upon realising it had been shared by six other robots. The latter resulted in radio interference issues which posed major problems when Barry was called up to film its introduction sequence.[1]

"We were told to go around to the back of the set and we were asked to wheel Barry up a very steep, narrow ramp, off camera. Not difficult, except that Barry's brakes were locked on, (they work on a system where they are always on except for when the motors were turning). We carried him up to the door on to the set, we now wished we had driven! Barry only just fitted in the space provided, it was as big as a phone box. The 2 men who were sliding the doors, (to make them look hydraulic), stood either side of Barry. We were told to drive him forwards in a straight line, through the doors. Bear in mind that this is a machine of mass destruction being asked to do 'Stars in Their Eyes'. When testing in the workshop, we always stood on the benches for safety."
— Daniel Parry, discussing the procedure for the Series 1 robot introductions[1]

Upon being carried up by the team to the starting position (accessed by a 'steep, narrow ramp' hidden behind the manually-operated arena doors), Barry began the first take for its introduction. However, rather than driving through the space between the doors as they opened, it charged straight into the doors themselves, causing damage severe enough to require a carpenter to mend. Barry's second attempt also went awry in a similar fashion, at which point Team Power realised that interference issues were the cause behind these as another team was using the same frequency as them at the same time.[1]

"By now we had worked out that it was radio interference causing us the trouble, there was at least one other person using a similar radio channel at the same time just off set. Then a member of the crew took the transmitter off Amy and walked over to Barry. Standing in front of Barry, he accidentally knocked the transmitter lever, Barry drove forwards at full speed taking this crew member down."
— Daniel Parry, describing the interference issues and subsequent incident involving Barry and an unidentified crew member[1]

A further, much more serious incident involving Barry occurred shortly after. When an unidentified Robot Wars crew member seized Amy Sproat's transmitter to try and resolve the interference issue, he accidentally pressed one of the transmitter's joysticks, causing the robot to drive forwards and bowl him over at full speed. Similarly to a later accident in The Third Wars involving Roadkill and assistant director Alex Rofaila, the crew member fell onto and cut his arm on the spikes lining the top of Barry's scoop. At that moment, the producers asked Team Power to leave the arena complex to avoid further issues. Despite the robot's weaponry drawing blood from the collision - as also observed by fellow First Wars roboteer Oliver Steeples - it can be assumed from the subsequent lack of publicity that the crew member fully recovered from this incident.[1][2]

During their time away from the filming area, Team Power took the opportunity to test Barry's controls and drive system. This was done by moving Barry in straight lines and through figure-eight turns, to which they became satisfied that its systems 'worked perfectly'. Despite the severity of the third incident, Barry was still allowed to return to filming and compete in the televised First Wars. With Chris Sherwood at the controls, it successfully completed its third attempt at the introduction, albeit in 'partial control' and not without 'bashing' one of the doors again in the process. Daniel Parry used his own transmitter to raise and lower Barry's scoop, demonstrating its weaponry in front of the camera crews, which also captured the robot spinning 180-degrees in front of the arena façade.[1]

"THURSDAY, the TV people announced that filming for the first event, Gauntlet was to start, we were wary due to our pre-experienced radio interference.

We were asked to move Barry's aerial to the outside of his body. He hasn't got a body but we moved it anyway. We planned out and discussed various paths we could take through the Gauntlet. We could have gone through the maze, which was meant to be for the smaller Robots. We mean through the maze, not around it, Barry had enough power to plough through the barriers; they were only screwed into the plywood floor. In the workshop Barry had pushed 2 work-benches across the floor and knocked a lathe over. In the end we decided it be more fun and would make better TV if we attempted to take on the house robots. Plus one of the house robots controllers said that they wouldn't be too hard on us, should we have believed him?
— Daniel Parry, explaining pre-filming design changes and Team Power's strategy for The Gauntlet[1]

In a likely response to the aforementioned incidents, plus their own concerns about a similar reoccurrence happening in The Gauntlet, Team Power were advised by the producers to reposition Barry's aerial prior to its televised appearance. However, the change did not appear to alleviate the team's worries about radio interference, as they subsequently declined to take part in a battle held separately to the official televised competition for this reason (see Trivia).

According to an archived Tinweb page, Barry also attempted to audition for The Second Wars alongside Team Power's second machine, Gnasher. Unlike the latter, which was to enter the main championship, it attended the rehearsal with a view to a possible entry in the dedicated Super Heavyweight Championship. However, neither robot would appear in the televised series.[4]

Robot History[]

Series 1[]

"They've only ever made a cassette rack before, and a key fob, and they're gonna be fobbed off here!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Barry gets itself stranded on the grille seconds into its Gauntlet run
Barry Gauntlet

Barry becomes high-centred on the ramp and loses a drive chain


Barry is trapped in place by Sergeant Bash

Barry appeared in Heat A of The First Wars, and was the second-ever Robot Wars competitor to attempt The Gauntlet. It began its run by speeding off the turntable, but bumped into a breeze block and got its castors stuck through the grille while trying to turn towards the ramp on the centre route.[1] Sergeant Bash immediately shot flames at Barry, before blocking its movements as it turned round and tried to drive off the grille. Barry escaped, but lost its left-hand drive chain, forcing itself to turn tightly onto the bottom corner of the ramp. As a result, Barry became beached due to its scoop and low ground clearance, thus struggled to either climb or back away, allowing Sergeant Bash and Matilda to come in and nudge it about.

"...and the pupils from Hagley High, seem to me to be left hanging high, and dry!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Matilda attacks Barry
Barry matilda

Barry is attacked by Matilda

Matilda attempted to cut the springs behind Barry's scoop with her chainsaw, causing sparks to fly, but very little damage. Barry had regained purchase and turned round, but was again attacked by Matilda - who again attempted to use her chainsaw to damage its sides and scoop - and lost power once left alone just before time ran out. By the end of its run, Barry had travelled a distance of only 2.93m.

"We couldn't do anything. We had had our one and only chance and blown it big time."
— Team Power express their regret over their poor Gauntlet run[1]

While disappointed by their own performance, Team Power remained optimistic that Grunt, a stock robot driven by the son of Judge Eric Dickinson, would be eliminated. However, Grunt subsequently completed the Gauntlet, eliminating Barry from the First Wars. Following their defeat, Team Power stayed around to watch the Sumo Trial, which they believed Barry would have been ideally suited for, and became even more disappointed when Grunt immediately drove itself off the platform during its run.

"We were kicking ourselves. It would have been easy for Barry; no problem. When it came to Grunt's turn (watch out for this on TV) he drove straight off the edge. Why couldn't he have fallen in the Gauntlet so at least we would have been given the chance to show up the house robot, Shunt?"
— Daniel Parry on the website[1]


Series 1
The First Wars - UK Championship
Heat, Gauntlet
Heat A, Gauntlet 2.93m (6th) Eliminated

Series Record[]

Series Barry Series Record
The First Wars Heat, Gauntlet
The Second Wars Not selected
Not Selected with Gnasher
The Third Wars Entered with Sonic
The Fourth Wars Failed to qualify with Blur
Withdrew from qualifiers with Tecumseh
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter



"Mr Sherwood was in high spirits and in the mini bus on the way to the studio he told us his plan to ask for a grudge match, with the house robots, or for that matter with any robots. We were again exited at the prospected of being able to fight with Barry. We told the TV people, they initially thought it was a good idea, and Mr Sherwood said if they okayed the idea he would drive to Cambridge and get a replacement circuit board for Barry. They then told him not to bother and that in fact there probably would not be any grudge matches taking place. Another team, who were also knocked out before they had a chance to fight their robot, had arranged for a large illegal melee style fight to occur later that day, at the back of the studio or in another hall of the building. We agreed to participate, but later we decided to abstain, due to the obvious radio difficulties we would experience."
— Team Power website, describing Chris Sherwood's 'grudge match' proposal and the unofficial melee fight[1]
  • Following Barry's elimination, a still-enthusiastic Chris Sherwood proposed a 'grudge match' involving it and another machine (either a competitor or the House Robots). The idea was initially welcomed by the producers, and Sherwood stated that he would replace Barry's circuit board in preparation for the fight. However, no 'grudge matches' would go ahead in The First Wars, and Team Power subsequently backed out of an unofficial 'melee style fight' which was reportedly being organised by another defeated competitor.
  • Barry was the only Super Heavyweight to compete in the main UK Championship, although its statistics board still referred to it as a heavyweight.
  • Barry was the first competitor to be equipped with a lifting scoop.
  • Barry is one of twenty robots never to have fought in robot combat, having only ever competed in the Gauntlet and/or Trial stages.
  • Barry was the first-ever competitor to be eliminated from any Robot Wars competition.
  • Barry's motors and wheels were later installed into Sonic, and the hubs by the wheels would later be used as part of Tecumseh's weapons.
  • During its arena introduction, one of the endplates of Barry's rear wing was damaged.
  • On the second day of Series 1 filming, 50 other students from Hagley Roman Catholic High School arrived, hoping to see Barry compete, only to be told that Barry had been eliminated the previous day.[1]


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