Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

Bigfish was a robot which failed to qualify for Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars, entered by Tyrone Ellis, who would later compete with Hodaf the Bad and Crazy Coupe 88.


Bigfish was built to resemble a fish, featuring a rear axe as its tail. The robot was wedge-shaped and invertible, and was also armed with a spinning drum.

Series Record[]

Series Bigfish Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Did not enter
The Fourth Wars Failed to qualify with ISM
The Fifth Wars Failed to qualify with X box
The Sixth Wars Failed to qualify
The Seventh Wars Entered with Hodaf the Bad
Series 8 Entered with Crazy Coupe 88
Series 9 Not selected with Iron Heart 88
Series 10 Did not enter

Outside Robot Wars[]

A modified version of BigFish (then known as Big Fish) briefly competed on the live scene for a few years sporting a hinged wedge at the front and a thwacking tail at the rear as to qualify for UK events without spinners allowed.

