Bigfish was a robot which failed to qualify for Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars, entered by Tyrone Ellis, who would later compete with Hodaf the Bad and Crazy Coupe 88.
Bigfish was built to resemble a fish, featuring a rear axe as its tail. The robot was wedge-shaped and invertible, and was also armed with a spinning drum.
Series Record[]
Series | Bigfish Series Record |
The First Wars | Did not enter |
The Second Wars | Did not enter |
The Third Wars | Did not enter |
The Fourth Wars | Failed to qualify with ISM |
The Fifth Wars | Failed to qualify with X box |
The Sixth Wars | Failed to qualify |
The Seventh Wars | Entered with Hodaf the Bad |
Series 8 | Entered with Crazy Coupe 88 |
Series 9 | Not selected with Iron Heart 88 |
Series 10 | Did not enter |
Outside Robot Wars[]
A modified version of BigFish (then known as Big Fish) briefly competed on the live scene for a few years sporting a hinged wedge at the front and a thwacking tail at the rear as to qualify for UK events without spinners allowed.