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Bob Smith was a featherweight robot from the 1997 US Robot Wars championship. Bob Smith was a thwackbot and performed decently reaching the Quarter Finals of the main championship and reaching the featherweight melee final.


Bob Smith was a simple aluminium box shaped robot with two large wheels to give the robot invertibility. The robot was armed with a thwacking tail that would be effective when the robot would sit and spin to attack.

Robot History[]

1997 US Championship[]

In the first round of the featherweight face-off, Bob Smith faced Wedge of Doom in a duel match with Red-Green and Destructomatic.

Wedgeofdoom vs bobsmith

Wedge of Doom rams Bob Smith across the arena

The second opening 'Dual Match' saw the redesigned Wedge of Doom immediately approach and brush the right-hand side of Bob Smith. Bob Smith swung its tail within reach of the returning Featherweight Face-Off champion, though it was quickly scooped up and rammed against the lower wall. Upon completing this powerful drive, Wedge of Doom slalomed across the arena as Bob Smith made its escape and briefly brushed with Destructomatic from the other pairing.[1][2][3]

"As I quickly learned, this robot was one of the most difficult to disable because it could run upside down and had foam covering most of its exposed surfaces (even the wheels)."
— Tony Buchignani on Wedge of Doom fighting Bob Smith[3]

Wedge of Doom maintained its ever-dominant form, repeatedly slamming Bob Smith into the walls and flipper hazards while trying to turn it completely over. With each impact, the hinged tail mechanism that formed Bob Smith's weaponry started to bend, compromising its shape and overall effectiveness as the match went on. Almost two minutes in, one of Bob Smith's wheels detached, halving its drive as Wedge of Doom continued to shove and chase it across the arena.[1][2]

While generally overpowered by the rams of Tony Buchignani's machine, Bob Smith valiantly tried to swipe Wedge of Doom with the tail multiple times. After hitting both Red-Green and Destructomatic, it was shoved against the lower-left flipper, pinned, and finally immobilized. The crowed cheered as Wedge of Doom hassled its opponent; the cheers grew louder as the silver machine spun around in victory.[1][2]

On his robot's official website, Tony Buchignani revealed that Bob Smith's attacks dented Wedge of Doom's shell multiple times and bent both of its side hinges. Additionally, the impacts with the tail briefly immobilized Wedge of Doom, as it stopped responding to Buchignani's transmitter inputs for a few seconds.[3]

In the Loser's Bracket, Bob Smith faced Gorange. Following irreparable damage sustained in its previous fight, Bob Smith's original 'jointed metal' tail was replaced by a 'lower-tech' equivalent utilizing a cable, foam and duct tape.[4]

The battle started evenly between both competitors; while Bob Smith smashed its tail against Gorange, Gorange tried to scoop and push it in retaliation. Bob Smith proceeded to ram Gorange from the right-hand side, driving it towards a spike trap, only for Anthony DuRaine's orange machine to escape quickly. No sooner had Gorange tried to push it again, however, Bob Smith shoved it wedge-first into the left wall, getting underneath Gorange multiple times. A quick turn resulted in Gorange being flipped over, revealing its white baseplate and nullifying its front wedge shape.[5][6]Bob Smith continued to push Gorange across the perimeter, compelling the latter to drive behind the lower-left flipper. For several moments, it resumed its sit-and-spin tactics, whacking Gorange with the tail a few more times. With one minute remaining, Bob Smith again pushed Gorange into the wall, after which Gorange drove too close to the flipper in the lower-right corner. The flipper continuously smacked Gorange alongside Bob Smith's tail, and it would ultimately become partly immobilized by the time the match reached its full duration. Both robots survived to a Judges' decision regardless; based on control and aggression, Bob Smith was ruled as the winner.[5][6]

In the loser's bracket, second round, Bob Smith faced Bayou Bengle. As both robots cautiously approached each other, Bob Smith twice swung its tail into Bayou Bengle and briefly lifted the former using it. Bayou Bengle, now sporting a plush tiger on top, received several more blows as it tried to control Will Wright's machine across the arena. Again, the RC car drivetrain of Patrick Eskew's entry proved underpowered, struggling to push Bob Smith around every time it got underneath.[7][8]

After a few more hits, Bob Smith immobilized Bayou Bengle completely, before proceeding to whack and push it against a spike trap 'curb' until its victory was announced.[7][8]

Red2 vs bobsmith

Red 2 rams Bob Smith from behind

In the loser's bracket, third round, Bob Smith faced Red 2. Both competitors quickly rammed each other; Red 2's wedge shape allowed it to launch Bob Smith into the air as it careered into the upper spike trap. Bob Smith trundled around and began swinging its tail, using it to hit the sides of Red 2 before it got shoved against an arena flipper. Red 2 pushed Bob Smith backwards into the wall on the opposite side of the arena; seconds later, its drive began squealing as its belts began 'shearing apart' again.[9][10]

As before, Bob Smith repeatedly whacked the slowing John Knoll entry, which struggled to line up another ramming attack. Following a short period of tactical driving, the two robots collided head-on. Red 2 was unable to push Bob Smith back, before Bob Smith reversed, out-drove, and eventually pushed it wedge-first into the upper-right corner. The invertible red machine backed out and spun near the arena center, hesitating as Bob Smith proceeded to ram it again. Red 2 broke free, driving towards and stopping alongside a flipper paddle, which tapped it multiple times as it struggled to maneuver away.[9][10]

During a very tentative phase, Red 2 dodged one of the spike traps, and was subjected to more attempted tail attacks as it tried to reengage with, then forcefully rammed Bob Smith with its rear spikes. Neither robot attacked each other again for some time, until Bob Smith hit Red 2 three more times during the final fifteen seconds. Following a final head-to-head brush, both robots survived to a Judges' decision. Likely as a result of its attacks and Red 2's mobility issues, Bob Smith was declared the winner.[9][10]


Bob Smith thwacks TKO with its tail

In the loser's bracket, fourth round, Bob Smith faced TKO. Both robots rammed each other immediately; the larger Bob Smith pushed TKO back across the arena center before starting to whack it with the tail. TKO drove away and attempted to ram Bob Smith in response, but took more hits from Will Wright's machine in the process. A back-and-forth chase ended with TKO getting underneath Bob Smith with a head-on charge, though Terry Barker's machine struggled to maintain a consistent counter-strategy against the spinning Bob Smith.[11][12]

Bob Smith lured TKO across the arena, dodging a spike trap as it did so. It continued to smack and push TKO, pressing the latter against the upper-left wall for several seconds. TKO was forced upwards during this attack, leaving it perched on the front-left corner of Bob Smith as it was pushed to the other side of the arena. Bob Smith briefly became stuck on top of TKO, which carried it around in circles for a few seconds. Once both robots separated, Bob Smith kept whacking, luring and ramming TKO, while dodging the other spike trap.[11][12]

During another head-to-head 'embrace', TKO drove Bob Smith around in circles. This was followed by a moment where TKO lined up behind Bob Smith, hooking and pushing it in backward circles. After several seconds where both robots remained stuck together, TKO pulled clear and tried, without success, to push Bob Smith from the side. Bob Smith responded with another tail swipe, ramming and luring TKO into the center of the arena once again. Another series of pushing matches followed, as did another close call between Bob Smith and the upper spike trap.[11][12]

Bob Smith finished the battle by whacking TKO a few more times, while also forcing the latter to drive within the vicinity of the spike trap. Another head-on collision and a final attempt by Bob Smith to push TKO concluded the match. The two competitors survived to a Judges' decision, which ruled Bob Smith the winner on points.[11][12]

Doughboy vs bobsmith

Dough Boy takes off Bob Smith's wheel

In the quarter-finals, Bob Smith faced Dough Boy. In one of the shortest battles of the entire event, both robots approached each other tentatively and met in the center. Bob Smith charged into Dough Boy from the front-left side, only for Dough Boy to rip its left wheel off and immobilize it within the first four seconds. Lisa Winter's machine powered its spinning blade down, moved forwards and spun triumphantly to overwhelming applause from the crowd.[13]

Bob Smith also competed in the featherweight melees where it faced in its qualifier Destructomatic, No Love, Spike II, The Grinch and The Rat. Bob Smith swung its tail in an attempt to swipe Spike II and The Grinch, just as The Rat shoved Spike II towards the nearby spike trap. Andrew Lindsey's machine dodged the descending hazard while spinning uncontrollably into the wall and ramming The Grinch twice more. The Rat backed into the spinning Bob Smith, then rammed Destructomatic alongside Spike II.[14][15]

No Love engaged in a brief pushing match with Bob Smith, only to take a few swipes from the latter's tail. While pressuring Destructomatic towards the upper spike trap, Spike II clipped the back of The Rat, which proceeded to shove Bob Smith towards the same hazard. Bob Smith narrowly avoided getting spiked, as it then pushed and tried to use its sit-and-spin tactics against Destructomatic. Spike II reversed across the arena to meet, then push and lift The Rat simultaneously. The lifting arm of Andrew Lindsey's machine hooked under The Rat's shell as the two robots became locked together opposite the lower-right flipper. Spike II took advantage by carrying and ramming The Rat into Bob Smith, with Destructomatic also driving into Robert Orr's helpless machine.[14][15]

Spike II controlled The Rat back and forth, reversing into and getting whacked by Bob Smith's tail in the process. As No Love closed in on the duo, the bell rang to indicate that a separation would be carried out for Spike II and The Rat. Bob Smith struck Destructomatic with the tail just before the match was officially paused.[14][15] After the pause, Bob Smith began attacking Destructomatic again, stunning Phil Putman's machine for a few moments as it was then pushed by Spike II. [14][15]

The hobbled Rat backed into No Love, only to take multiple swipes from Bob Smith's hammer tail. Spike II attempted to control Destructomatic into the lower spike trap, but without success, as No Love proceeded to slam into and take a few whacks from Bob Smith. The duels between Spike II and Destructomatic; and Bob Smith and The Rat continued.[14][15]

Spike II's chassis took damage during the collision, though it sped backwards across the arena to ram Bob Smith, which continued to attack The Rat. A swipe from Bob Smith's tail appeared to stop Spike II moving, though Spike II spun around and pushed No Love - also demonstrating mobility issues - with its lifting arm. Spike II and No Love came to rest alongside The Grinch, which could only turn around slowly on one side as its batteries became severely depleted. With The Rat seemingly immobilized, Bob Smith whacked The Grinch and No Love multiple times, though No Love darted away as the match entered the final minute.[14][15]

A hit from Bob Smith's tail brought Spike II back to life, the red machine darting under the tail of Will Wright's machine and into No Love. Spike II and No Love again stopped moving, this time parked next to The Rat, then took turns at weathering more tail blows from Bob Smith. Bob Smith's tail folded down as its spikes caught the lifting arm of Spike II, though both robots quickly separated. Spike II lifted No Love and The Grinch, darting across the arena before it took more direct attacks from Bob Smith. The Melee finished with Spike II ramming, then lifting The Rat for one final time. Spike II, Bob Smith and No Love were announced as the last remaining machines still mobile.[14][15]

In the featherweight melee semi final, Bob Smith faced Dough Boy, Gorange and Wedge of Doom again as well as KMM. KMM grabbed Gorange, which spun Rik Winter's machine around in circles, and Bob Smith started swinging its tail. After pushing Dough Boy into the opposite side of the arena, Wedge of Doom approached and began pressuring KMM, which drove into Bob Smith while Dough Boy and Gorange clashed. The former three machines closed in on each other; KMM trying to grasp Wedge of Doom from the side. Wedge of Doom proceeded to scoop under and ram Gorange into the upper-right corner, then push Bob Smith into the lower-right flipper as Gorange drove across the upper perimeter.[16][17]

Bob Smith, spinning in place, whacked Wedge of Doom as it approached, only to be shoved across the arena. Upon being released, Will Wright's machine rammed Gorange a few times, all while both robots were again pressured by Wedge of Doom. Dough Boy, rejoining the fray, turned into Wedge of Doom's front scoop; Wedge of Doom pushed it into the upper-left flipper, only for both robots to be momentarily pinned by Gorange.[16][17]

During the next series of attacks, the invertible Gorange was flipped and almost thrown over the left wall bumper by Wedge of Doom. Anthony DuRaine's machine survived, landing upright in the struggle, which also involved Bob Smith closing in to whack both robots with its tail. In response, Wedge of Doom again pushed Bob Smith across the arena and into Dough Boy. Bob Smith proceeded to hit Gorange, which in turn rammed and tried to push Dough Boy back into Wedge of Doom. Dough Boy and Gorange each took turns at attacking Bob Smith, bumping into each other in the process.[16][17]

At that point, Wedge of Doom closed in on the trio, pushing Dough Boy into its opponents and towards the lower-right corner. The momentum of its shoves caused Dough Boy to turn over, eliminating the latter from the battle as it struggled to self-right. Wedge of Doom slammed into and began pushing Bob Smith around once again, while Gorange lingered in the upper-right corner, its batteries having become severely depleted by this point. Wedge of Doom shunted Gorange into the right-side wall bumper, collecting Dough Boy in the process, before resuming its pushing attacks on Bob Smith.[16][17]

By the end of this battle, Gorange had become immobilized on one side. While continuing to push and slam Bob Smith around, Wedge of Doom also attacked less frequently in an effort to save battery life and preserve its drivetrain. Following a final shove on Bob Smith, the end bell rang; Wedge of Doom and Bob Smith were both fully mobile, thus qualifying for the Melee Final together.[16][17]

In the featherweight melee final, Bob Smith faced Spike II, Wedge of Doom and No Love again as well as Red-Green. Bob Smith began whacking Spike II as it was caught up in its own clash, though Andrew Lindsey's machine pushed back at one point.[16][18][19]

Wedge of Doom buffeted both of its remaining opponents aside, scooping and pushing Bob Smith into the upper-left corner with Spike II in pursuit. Bob Smith started hitting the stranded Red-Green with the tail, while Wedge of Doom duelled with Spike II. No Love, having managed to escape the wall during this time, charged past its opponents on its way into the upper-left corner. Wedge of Doom flipped Spike II over with a ram, before the pair again congregated with Bob Smith near the center. Spike II, having self-righted following this flip, turned over upon driving up Wedge of Doom's scoop, as Bob Smith whacked both machines at once.[16][18][19]

The three machines continued their scraps past the two-minute mark, until the match was paused to allow Red-Green, now jammed jaw-first under the wall, to be freed. Red-Green opened its jaws, and began ramming Wedge of Doom alongside Spike II once the Melee restarted. In response, Wedge of Doom shoved Red-Green back into the lower-right corner, while also flipping Spike II over for the third time. Spike II self-righted through a reverse wheelie, barging into its remaining opponents.[16][18][19]

Wedge of Doom proceeded to flip Red-Green over, before ramming Bob Smith as the latter duelled with Spike II once again. During this time, Spike II was pushed and left stranded against the wall by Wedge of Doom, though its lifter enabled it to escape from that position. Wedge of Doom flipped Spike II back upright with another ram; Red-Green drove under the spinning Bob Smith, then Spike II, but could not get a lift or grab in with its jaws.[16][18][19]

Wedge of Doom shoved Red-Green into the upper-left corner. Bob Smith repeatedly whacked Spike II until time ran out and the end bell rang, with No Love being the only robot of the quintet to have become immobilized. An audience vote was cast following the initial deliberation by the Judges. Wedge of Doom, receiving the loudest applause, was deemed to have won the 1997 Featherweight Melee championship.[16][18][19]


1997 US Championship
Featherweight Face-Off
Quarter Finals
Round 1 vs. Wedge of Doom Lost
Loser's Bracket, Round 1 vs. Gorange Won
Loser's Bracket, Round 2 vs. Bayou Bengle Won
Loser's Bracket, Round 3 vs. Red 2 Won
Loser's Bracket, Round 4 vs. TKO Won
Quarter-Final vs. Dough Boy Lost
Featherweight Melee
Melee, Round 1 vs. Destructomatic, The Rat, Spike II, No Love, The Grinch Qualified
Melee, Semi-Final vs. Dough Boy, Gorange, KMM, Wedge of Doom Qualified
Melee Final vs. No Love, Red-Green, Spike II, Wedge of Doom Lost


  • Wins: 6
  • Losses: 3

Series Record[]

Events Bob Smith Event Record
1994 Entered with Julie-Bot
1995 Entered with Kitty Puff Puff
1996 Entered with
1997 Featherweight Quarter Finals


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named RGDesWoDSmith
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 'MATCH: THE WEDGE OF DOOM VS BOB SMITH', Team Spike website (archived)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 'Pictures of the 1997 Featherweight Face off.', Nolex/Wedge of Doom website (archived)
  4. 'BOB SMITH', Team Spike website (archived)
  5. 5.0 5.1 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight match: Bob Smith versus Gorange', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 3 2021
  6. 6.0 6.1 'MATCH: BOB SMITH VS GORANGE', Team Spike website (archived)
  7. 7.0 7.1 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight match: Bayou Bangle versus Bob Smith', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 4 2021
  8. 8.0 8.1 'MATCH: BOB SMITH VS BAYOU BENGLE', Team Spike website (archived)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight match: Bob Smith versus Red 2' Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 5 2021
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 'MATCH: BOB SMITH VS RED 2', Team Spike website (archived)
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight match: Bob Smith versus TKO', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 5 2021
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 'MATCH: BOB SMITH VS TKO', Team Spike website (archived)
  13. 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight match: Bob Smith versus Doughboy', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 6 2021
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight Melee 2', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 11 2021
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 'FEATHERWEIGHT MELEE ROUND 2', Team Spike website (archived)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named WoDMelee-97
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 'Robot Wars 1997 Featherweight Melee 5', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded May 11 2021
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 'Robot Wars 1997 Final Featherweight Melee', Andrew Lindsey (YouTube), uploaded 11 May 2021
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 'FEATHERWEIGHT MELEE ROUND 6', Team Spike website (archived)

