Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

— Team Motto

Bumblebot was a heavyweight robot which competed in Series 2 and 3 of Robot Wars. In Series 2, it was not selected to compete in the main series, but fought in the Reserve Rumble, which it lost to Jim Struts. In Series 3, it reached the second round of its Heat, where it lost to Ultor.



Bumblebot in Series 2, with its hammer

Bumblebot was a vaguely triangular-shaped robot with a body made from multi-layered steel, aluminium and plywood. In Series 2, the robot had a hammer for a weapon that was powered by a 15 foot bungee cord. In Series 3, the hammer was replaced with a large axe which was upgraded to a 500kg pneumatic ram and also has additional castors which made it invertible, and necessary for the axe to upright the robot while retracting. The team claimed that Bumblebot has a top speed of 15mph, but the robot itself suffered from poor acceleration.

At 81.1kg in Series 2 and 79.6kg in Series 3, Bumblebot weighed 2.7 and 0.2kg over the Heavyweight limits implemented for each respective series.

Robot History[]

Series 2[]

Although Bumblebot was not selected for the main competition of the Second Wars, it competed in the Reserve Rumble, shown as part of the end-of-series special, The Grudge Matches. There, it fought Lateral Thought, Jim Struts-the first walkerbot, Forklift and Malice.


Jim Struts and Bumblebot do battle

Rr killalot broken head bumblebot

A damaged Sir Killalot attacks Bumblebot

In the battle, Lateral Thought and Malice were pulverised and pitted very early on by the House Robots after driving into the PPZ. Bumblebot made a few missed hammer attacks on Jim Struts and Forklift, the latter of whom was forced to drive into the PPZ, and its armour came off after Shunt punctured it numerous times. Sir Killalot lifted the orange machine into the air and burnt its electronics over the flame pit. Bumblebot found itself beached on the floor spikes, before resuming battle with Jim Struts, however its hammer mechanism was now broken. Jim Struts used its kicking legs against the armour of Bumblebot before the black and yellow machine drove near enough to the PPZ so that the pendulum was able to knock Bumblebot over the boundary. Bumblebot was caught by Dead Metal, axed by Shunt and rammed by Sir Killalot, ultimately losing the Reserve Rumble to Jim Struts.

Series 3[]

In the first round of the Third Wars, Bumblebot went up against the experienced Milly-Ann Bug and was considered the underdog for this fight.

Bumblebot Milly Ann Bug

Bumblebot misses with an early attack of its axe

Milly-ann bug vs bumblebot

Bumblebot scrapes a victory, as Milly-Ann Bug falls into the pit of its own accord

Milly-Ann Bug dominated this first round battle, pushing Bumblebot around the arena. Bumblebot's only contribution to the cause was a single inaccurate axe blow, and wasted more chances to strike as the weapon became disabled (this was mentioned in the post battle interview) but kept on chasing down Milly-Ann Bug. All fight long Milly-Ann remained aggressive until it directed Bumblebot towards the pit of oblivion. Bumblebot then slid off the front of the double-domed Bug and Milly-Ann Bug drove itself into the pit, which put Bumblebot through to Round 2 of the heat.

There was to be no such luck as before against fellow newcomer to the main competition Ultor.

Ultor vs bumblebot

Ultor rams Bumblebot

Bumblebot Ultor Dead Metal

Bumblebot loses its axe head to Dead Metal

Ultor began by pushing Bumblebot around and striking once with the pickaxe. Bumblebot then prepared an axe attack, but its weapon shot uselessly to the ground as Ultor pushed it into Dead Metal's CPZ, Dead Metal then sliced off the head of the axe weapon.

"Don't use a toothpick Bumblebot, go to the dentist like the rest of us"
Jonathan Pearce as Dead Metal slices the axe off
Bumblebot Ultor pit

Bumblebot leans into the Pit

Ultor then pushed Bumblebot towards the Pit of Oblivion, and ultimately managed to get its front casters into the Pit, but the long axe pole prevented Bumblebot from falling in. This was then when the house robots took over from Ultor and Shunt and Sir Killalot managed to break off one of Bumblebot's front castor wheels and force it further into the Pit, but not fully. After unsuccessfully attempting to get it in fully, Sir Killalot lifted Bumblebot out of the Pit, carried it to the Flame Grille and burnt it instead, eliminating the Series 2 veteran from Series 3.


Series 2
The Grudge Matches
Reserve Rumble
Reserve Rumble vs. Jim Struts, Malice, Forklift, Lateral Thought Lost
Series 3
The Third Wars - UK Championship
Heat Semi-Final
Heat D, Round 1 vs. Milly-Ann Bug Won
Heat D, Round 2 vs. Ultor Lost


  • Wins: 1
  • Losses: 2

Series Record[]

Series Bumblebot Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Reserve Rumble
The Third Wars Heat, Round 2
The Fourth Wars Did not enter
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter



  • Bumblebot was the first robot to compete in a side event and then take part in the main competition of a future series.
  • A fourth, unnamed team member replaced Sarah Corps for their second round match against Ultor in Series 3. Following their defeat it was he who spoke to Philippa Forrester, lamenting how the axe had consistently fired in a car park in Reading.

