Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

The Featherweight Championship was a side competition for robots in the featherweight class, weighing up to 12kg, or 13.6kg for the proposed Series 10 competition. There were a total of four Featherweight Championships run throughout the original series of Robot Wars; one in Series 2, one in each series of Robot Wars Extreme, and one in Series 7. However, no champion ever came back to defend their title after they had won it. The first two Featherweight Championships were single battles, while the Extreme 2 and Series 7 competitions consisted of mini-tournaments with qualifying rounds, with two or three robots progressing to the final from each qualifying round.

Two additional featherweight competitions were intended to take place during Series 3 and Series 10 respectively. However, the Series 3 competition was cancelled as a result of a behind-the-scenes accident,[1] while the Series 10 championship was postponed indefinitely due to time constraints.[2]

Featherweight Championships[]

Series 2[]

Main article: Robot Wars: The Second Wars/Featherweight Championship

Anarchy vs Armadillo vs Deadline vs Demolisher vs The Ripper

Winner: Demolisher won

NOTE: It has been suggested by Team Danby of Deadline that a sixth robot may have competed in the bout, but if this is the case, it remains unidentified[3].

Series 3[]

Event cancelled (although twelve robots were due to compete)[4]

Extreme Series 1[]

Main article: Robot Wars Extreme: Series 1/Featherweight Championship

Beef-Cake vs RC Warrior

Winner: Beef-Cake

Extreme Series 2[]

Main article: Robot Wars Extreme: Series 2/Featherweight Championship

Robots Competing: AM CVn, Argh!, Bernard, Cutlet, Dragon, Eddy Evolution, Flybot, Gi-Ant-O, Gladiator, Katnip, Kitty, Micro Mute, Neoteric

Round 1

  • Gi-Ant-O vs Katnip vs Argh! vs Bernard vs AM CVn vs Eddy Evolution vs Neoteric: Katnip, Argh! & Bernard qualified
  • Dragon vs Kitty vs Gladiator vs Micro Mute vs Cutlet vs Flybot: Micro Mute, Gladiator & Cutlet qualified


  • Argh! vs Bernard vs Cutlet vs Gladiator vs Katnip vs Micro Mute: Argh! won

Series 7[]

Main article: Robot Wars: The Seventh Wars/Featherweight Championship

Robots Competing: Alienator, Alpha, Bernard, Cutlet, Cygnus X3, DTK, G2, Gi-Ant-O, Kitty, Mammoth, Micro Mute, Mini-Maul, Prince of Awe, Rampage 2, Rip, Staglet, Typhoon Cadet, Whipper

Note: G2 was referred to as "Cheese 2" in the event due to a scripting error.

Note: RC2 and Storm Vortex both qualified for the competition, but withdrew prior to their respective battles.

Round 1

  • Alpha vs Cygnus X3 vs G2 vs Kitty vs Mini-Maul vs Prince of Awe vs Rip: Prince of Awe & Rip qualified
  • Alienator vs Bernard vs Cutlet vs DTK vs Mammoth vs Staglet vs Typhoon Cadet: Bernard & DTK qualified
  • Gi-Ant-O vs Micro Mute vs Rampage 2 vs Whipper: Rampage 2 & Whipper qualified


  • Bernard vs DTK vs Prince of Awe vs Rampage 2 vs Rip vs Whipper: DTK won

Series 10[]

In May 2017, a new Featherweight Championship was originally planned to be recorded as part of Series 10, featuring changes to the weight limits for standard, walking and shuffling robots. Applications for featherweight entries opened at the same time as those for regular heavyweights,[5] although timing constraints forced the championship to be postponed indefinitely. However, the official Robot Wars Facebook page stated at the time that they still intended to film a potential Featherweight Championship after Series 10 had finished, though the cancellation of the series meant this never went ahead.


  • With at least 38 separate participants, the Featherweight Championship had more entries than any other alternate weight class championship events. This does not include any potential competitors for the cancelled Series 3 championship, or those which withdrew from the Series 7 championship.
  • No UK featherweight champion ever attempted a title defence.
  • Originally, at the 1995 US Robot Wars championship, the weight class was known as the Super Lightweight championship, with the term 'Featherweight' being introduced for the 1996 championship.


