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G-Force was an American competitor that fought in Season 2 of Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors. Though it lost in the first round of its Heat in the US Championship, G-Force had more success in the Tag Team Terror competition, finishing as runner-up with teammate Sir Force A Lot.



Top view of G-Force in the arena

G-Force is a black wedge shape robot resembling a stealth bomber, causing Stefan Frank to make many comparisons to jets and flight. It was four-wheel driven, with all of the wheels being very close together, near the centre of the robot. Its weapons were two axes on each side near the wedge, quick in actuation at the expense of being comparatively light, and two 8 inch steel spikes on the back.

The robot had two Mag Motor electric motors, run at 24 Volt, giving 4 horse power, and was powered by eight 20 cell 3000mah NiCad batteries. The 4 wheels were 6 inch Battle Colsons, and it had two 4QD-300-24 speed controllers. The armour was a composite of Titanium, Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Kevlar. The two axes were controlled by Parker pneumatic rotary actuators, with 24 ounce CO2[1].

The robot was one of the fastest in Extreme Warriors with a top speed of 17mph, and its low-profile shape combined with this to form a robot competent at ramming and pushing. However, the robot was unreliable, breaking down without provocation on various occasions.

The Team[]

"We have been heavily involved in combat robotics since Dec, 2000. Our custom built combatic robots have competed in TLC's "Robotica" season 1, Comedy Central's "Battlebots" San Francisco 2001, Litewave's "Robot Street Fight", TLC's "Robotica" season 2, TNN's Robot Wars..."
— Team Triborg Robotics website[2]

Team Triborg Robotics

G-Force was entered by Team Triborg, a team from Virginia, consisting of Eric Koss, his wife Joyce, and third team member Jonathan Clawson. Eric Koss was a Navy reconnaissance instructor, and used his military experience to help the design the robot. Eric Koss and his wife controlled the robot.

"Eric Koss is a Navy reconnaissance instructor who has used his expertise in laser targeting to design a robot he says is right on structurally!"
— Robotica on Eric Koss and his design for Kraken's armour[3]

Robot History[]

Season 2[]

G-Force fought in the US Championship in Heat G against Tag Team Terror runner up General Chompsalot 2. and fellow newcomer and middleweight Marauder.

Marauder vs G-Force

G-Force backs Marauder into the CPZ


The immobile G-Force sits on the Floor Flipper

G-Force was assertive in the early stages, as no robot could make effective use of their weapons, and the wedge shape of G-Force along with its speed allowed the robot to push Marauder backwards, and trap it in a CPZ. G-Force was also able to drive under General Chompsalot 2, but over the course of the battle, G-Force slowed, and suffered a seemingly unprovoked breakdown near the Floor Flipper. General Chompsalot 2 became wedged on top of the beaten machine, which was counted out by Refbot, and the two were separated. G-Force was thrown a great distance by the Floor Flipper, and was eventually pitted.

"Faulty wires!"
— Team Triborg

G-Force also fought in the Tag Team Terror with Sir Force A Lot, and in the first round they fought also first round drop-out of the main competition Snookums and Loanerbot Bang.

Snookums vs G-Force

G-Force fires its axes at Snookums

G-Force vs Snookums

G-Force pushes the beaten Snookums towards the Pit

G-Force started out in the arena with Snookums, who pushed G-Force around a bit before tagging Bang. Sir Force A Lot also came out of its zone to help G-Force in pushing Bang (whose tyre had been punctured) onto the Flame Pit where Bang was immobilized. G-Force sat out as Snookums was hurled across the arena and flipped over by Sir Killalot, and Bang was pitted by Sir Force A Lot.

In Round 2, the team fought Texas Tornado and Mad Cow Bot. G-Force sat out at the start.


Texas Tornado rams G-Force


An immobile G-Force is attacked by Dead Metal

Sir Force A Lot and Mad Cow Bot exchanged blows with each of their spinning weapons. Mad Cow Bot was then set alight, and Texas Tornado had been pitted by G-Force's partner, however Mad Cow Bot was still mobile, and G-Force strayed too close to Matilda's CPZ. Matilda's flywheel destroyed G-Force, leaving Sir Force A Lot to continue against Mad Cow Bot who took the battle to a Judges' decision, who in turn put G-Force and Sir Force A Lot through to the Final.

In the Final, the team fought Black Widow and Rocky-Bot-Boa.


Black Widow fights Sir Force-A-Lot, whilst Rocky-Bot-Boa rams G-Force


G-Force, stuck in the arena wall

Black Widow was shoved around by Sir Force A Lot, but G-Force had been pushed onto the Flame Pit by Rocky-Bot-Boa. G-Force then got its spike stuck in the arena wall and could only watch as Sir Force a Lot fought Black Widow and Rocky-Bot-Boa alone, but to no avail. As a result, G-Force and Sir Force a Lot were declared runners-up of the Tag Team Terror competition.


Season 2
US Championship
Round 1
Heat G, Round 1 vs. General Chompsalot 2, Marauder Eliminated
Tag Team Terror
Competing with Sir Force A Lot, Runner-Up
Round 1 vs. Bang & Snookums Won
Round 2 vs. Mad Cow Bot & Texas Tornado Won
Final vs. Black Widow & Rocky-Bot-Boa Lost


  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 2

Series Record[]

US Series G-Force Series Record
Season 1 Did not enter
Season 2 Heat, Round 1
Nickelodeon Did not enter


Outside Robot Wars[]

G-Force originally competed in the second season of Robotica as Kraken. It had the same internals and weaponry, but a much higher ground clearance, and a different paint scheme, provided by Lafayette-Winona Middle School in Norfolk[4]. Kraken lost its Gauntlet run to Armorgeddon, and whilst it was able to subsequently win the Labyrinth, it could not score enough points to overtake Armorgeddon's score and Kraken subsequently lost its heat.

Team Triborg also competed in the third season of BattleBots with Isosceles 1, a Super Heavyweight robot that lost its first and only battle to No Apologies. Isoceles would also fight in the Robot Street Fight, where it won a battle against Mowbot (No relation to the UK competitor), but lost to CUAD the Crusher and 6 Million Dollar Mouse[5]

G-Force also competed in the third and fourth North Carolina Robot Street Fight competitions where it was painted blue and green and armed with a flipper as well as the axes. The team also entered a new version of Isosceles, which fought Rocky-Bot-Boa, a rematch of their encounter in the Tag Team Terror final, but lost again.


  • G-Force was sponsored by Minneapolis Oxygen[6].
  • In an official Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors souvenir programme, G-Force's name was spelt as Ge-Force.


See Also[]

External Links[]

