- "There are lots of different routes through it, so only a complete idiot would ever end up going down a dead end."
- — Jeremy Clarkson demonstrates ironic humour, as he walks down a dead end while introducing the Labyrinth
Labyrinth was one of the Trial events that featured during Series 1 of Robot Wars. Appearing solely in Heat E of that series, it essentially consisted of an enlarged version of the metal maze seen in The Gauntlet, with three entrances, spiked pyramids and three House Robots - Sergeant Bash, Shunt and Matilda - located in different places within the maze.
Five competitor robots would start at one end of the maze, with the aim of reaching the end zone on the other side within one minute and 30 seconds. As an added challenge, the House Robots had the freedom to leave their starting places and drive around, blocking certain routes and impeding competitors' progress. The competitor which travelled the shortest distance by the end of the event would be eliminated from the competition. If all five robots made it to the end zone, the one which completed the maze in the slowest time would be eliminated.
It is notable that the only time the Labyrinth appeared, the results table was completely inaccurate, with Bodyhammer and REALI-T's finishing positions being swapped around, and Psychosprout's name being misspelt as "Pyschosprout".