Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

Lateral Thought was a competitor robot that appeared in Series 2 of Robot Wars. It competed exclusively in the Reserve Rumble, broadcast as part of the Grudge Matches special, but lost after being immobilised by the House Robots.

The robot was entered by students from the University of Glamorgan, led by then-student Phil Hardwick. After competing in the Reserve Rumble of Series 2, it was not seen on television again despite having intentions of entering both Series 3 and 4.


Lateral Thought was an invertible, six-wheeled robot armed with a set of spikes. It was box-shaped, and had a ground clearance on all sides, for ease of running the Gauntlet. However, it was extremely light at 56.2kg, only 2.2kg above the weight limit for the middleweight category.


Lateralthought auditions

Lateral Thought at the Series 2 rehearsals

Lateral Thought attended the Series 2 auditions with a white colour scheme [1], and although it did not qualify for the main series directly, it was selected as a reserve.

The team had intentions of competing in Series 3[2], although its application status is somewhat unknown. Phil Hardwick would sign many forum posts in 1999 and 2000 with the signature "Lateral Thought - Superheavy weight entry series III", suggesting that Lateral Thought may have been upgraded to super heavyweight status for the Third Wars, in which case it may have been present at filming before the cancellation of the Super Heavyweight Championship. It is unknown if this would have been a new build, or if Lateral Thought had applied or been accepted in the first place.

Although Series 4 would not feature a Super Heavyweight Championship, the team did apply to the Fourth Wars[3], although the Lateral Thought team and their robot would not qualify, nor compete in any future series of the show.

Robot History[]

Series 2[]

After not being selected for the main competition, Lateral Thought appeared in the Reserve Rumble, which was broadcast as part of the Grudge Matches special. There, it fought against Malice, Bumblebot, Forklift and the walkerbot Jim Struts.

Lateral Thought shunt

Shunt punctures a hole in Lateral Thought

Lateral Thought drove back and forth in the opening seconds, but soon found itself in the PPZ, where it had its top panel axed by Shunt and was caught under Dead Metal's pincers as it tried to escape. Both House Robots continued attacking Lateral Thought as it sat immobile, with Shunt axing and shoving it into the pit. This eliminated Lateral Thought early on from the Reserve Rumble, which was eventually won by Jim Struts.


Series 2
Grudge Matches
Reserve Rumble
Reserve Rumble vs. Malice, Bumblebot, Forklift, Jim Struts Lost


  • Wins: 0
  • Losses: 1

Series Record[]

Lateralthought team

The Lateral Thought team

Series Lateral Thought Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Reserve Rumble
The Third Wars Super Heavyweight Championship (event cancelled)
(not confirmed)
The Fourth Wars Failed to qualify
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter


  • As there were no known super heavyweight events planned for Series 4, and the weight limit for heavyweight competitors had not yet been increased, it is uncertain if the team applied for the Fourth Wars with an existing version of Lateral Thought from Series 2, 3, or with a new robot entirely.


