Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"Weapons are an important part of any robot in order to win a fight on gamaged caused. Without offensive weapons, the robot becomes another "brick with a spike" which make for boring fights. We are going to have two weapons, the lifting flap and the axe."
— Metal Fatigue website on the robot's weaponry

Metal Fatigue was a competitor robot that attempted to enter Series 4 of Robot Wars. It failed to qualify for that series for as yet unknown reasons, although the team did not attempt to apply for any future series.


Metal Fatigue was a four-wheel drive robot with a double wedge-shaped chassis and armed with two weapons - a "lifting flap" powered by a motorbike starter motor and a bladed axe powered by a car starter motor. The team had originally intended to use a pickaxe, but this was changed to a bladed axe after encountering problems with the pickaxe head's weight. The replacement head was either intended to be custom-made, or sourced from garden shears.

"We were going to use an ordinary pick axe head, but have now decided to make our own head as the pick head is far to heavy to move and change direction quickly. The head is going to be a weighted block with a blade on either side, the blades will be either home made or from a pair of garden shears, if they are strong enough. There will also be a counter weight on the other end of the axe shaft."
— Metal Fatigue website on their decision to adopt a bladed axe

The robot cost over £432.90 to build, with its wheels and motor being sourced from an electric mobility scooter bought from a second-hand shop.

Series Record[]

Series Metal Fatigue Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Did not enter
The Fourth Wars Failed to qualify
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter

External Links[]

