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Robot Wars Wiki
For the series of American championship-winning robots, see Panzer Mk.

"On paper, as dangerous as a panzer tank with its disc-cutter and aluminum shell, but a quarter of the 79.9 kilos lies in the tracks. Steering and mobility could be a problem."
— Jonathan Pearce introduces Panzer in The Third Wars

Panzer was a tracked robot that competed in Series 3 of Robot Wars. Panzer won its first two rounds in Series 3 before losing in the Heat Final against Evil Weevil after failing to move. Panzer would later appear in Extreme 1 as Panzer Wraith, but it lost its Mayhem battle to X-Terminator, despite immobilising Cataclysmic Variabot.

Versions of Panzer[]



Top/rear view of Panzer

Panzer was known for its large tracks, made of rubber and taking up a quarter of the weight of the machine, which also provided invertibility. Despite efforts during the build to keep Panzer within the heavyweight weight limit of 79.4kg, Panzer was listed at 79.9kg, 0.5kg overweight. It was a small box-shaped robot made from aluminium and powered by two 24V electric motors taken from invalid carriages, as well as having two large batteries. For weaponry, it was armed with an interchangeable array including a 4000-5000RPM 12" disc cutter, powered by a two-stroke petrol engine, and static spikes, but only the spikes were used on the show. The top of the robot was decorated with yellow and black warning stripes. Panzer's pushing power was high, and its spikes caused reasonable damage to its opponents.

Panzer Wraith[]

Panzer wraith

Panzer Wraith in the arena

Panzer Wraith's shape was more wedge-like in design, though still featured a high, curved ground clearance at both ends. Panzer Wraith also retained its tracked design, with each track featuring steel inserts. Its high speed disc, powered by a petrol engine and spinning at 4000rpm was now painted red with more accentuated teeth, was located on the taller end of the robot. The warning stripes of the previous design were swapped for a logo of the robot's disc. However the robot was extremely slow for its era, at 5mph, and was also 11kg below the weight limit, which failed to provide the advantage of higher speed.

The Team[]


The team in Series 3

The original version of Panzer was built by 42-year old Simon Jones, an engineer at Ermin Plant Hire in Gloucester. Jones was challenged to build a robot by his 15-year old son Richard, who joined the team for Panzer's televised appearance. Alfred Cromwell, a colleague of Jones', completed the team for The Third Wars[1]. Richard Jones drove Panzer in all of its fights and conducted most of the team's interviews, with the robot's introduction and occasional comments given by dad Simon. Cromwell's only speaking role was in the post-credits interview with Philippa Forrester as the team commiserated their loss.


The team in Extreme 1

For Panzer Wraith's only televised fight neither eldest son Richard Jones nor Cromwell were part of the team; Simon Jones was instead joined by children Violet and Hayley. Violet Jones drove the robot in its Mayhem battle against X-Terminator 2 and Cataclysmic Variabot.


While Panzer earned its place in the Third Wars by running an obstacle course, Panzer Wraith never qualified again once combat qualifiers were introduced. In its attempt to enter Series 4, Panzer Wraith fought Small Torque. Unfortunately, its slow speed proved a disadvantage as Small Torque's agility and disc weapon gained itself enough aggression. Panzer Wraith barely made much contact with its own weapon, but occasionally rode its tracks up Small Torque's sides. Panzer Wraith soon weakened from the punishment, then faced pressure from Shunt as it got shoved onto the flame grille, before becoming immobilised. Panzer Wraith thus was not chosen to compete, despite most Series 3 Heat Finalists earning seeded positions in the Fourth Wars.

Robot History[]

Series 3[]

Panzer pushes Undertaker

Panzer pushes Undertaker

In Heat L of the Third Wars, newcomer Panzer were drawn up against Undertaker, a robot created by the team that competed with Havoc in Series 2, in its first round battle of the heat. The battle started slowly as Panzer drove towards Undertaker, which was having some control issues, and lining up for an attack by driving up the wedged front of Undertaker. Undertaker was then bounced around by the Arena spikes, briefly being flipped onto its side before coming back down onto its wheels while Panzer retreated and waited to make another attack. Undertaker could not move properly because of control difficulties, and Panzer was able to attack from the side, pushing Undertaker across the arena with its spikes and towards the CPZ of Sgt. Bash.

"R.I.P., you may well be resting in peace, within seconds, Undertaker. Panzer still doing all the work here, now pushing Undertaker across the arena floor."
— Jonathan Pearce

Undertaker was pushed onto the arena wall and into the clutches of Sgt. Bash as Panzer came around and went for another attack by driving up the front of Undertaker.


Panzer continues to move Undertaker around the arena

Panzer then tried to push Undertaker down towards the Pit after having caused some dents in Undertaker's armour with the spikes. Panzer started to slow down and lose drive as the countdown timer appeared on screen, with both robots limping towards the end of the fight.

"And I think this is Panzer's battle and I think they'll be back to fight again"
— Jonathan Pearce as the battle ends

Both robots were mobile throughout so the battle went to a Judges' decision, with the Judges giving the victory to Panzer and putting the newcomer through to the next round of the Heat. After the fight, Richard Jones confirmed that the batteries had failed halfway through the fight, causing Panzer to lose power and slow down as the battle wore on.


Panzer attacks Challenger 2

Panzer then went up against another veteran in the second round, Challenger 2. Panzer's tactic in the fight was to attack the rear of Challenger 2 given its lack of weaponry there, while also giving it a pushing advantage, however its opening attack hit Challenger 2 at the front, causing Panzer to bounce away and regroup. Panzer came back in quickly and began to attack the rear of Challenger 2, dodging its opponent's attempts to spin around and use its own spiked weaponry. Panzer then again attacked the front of Challenger 2, avoiding damage while continuing to control the fight.

"Really, I would say Panzer's main hope here is to push Challenger 2 to a CPZ and let the House Robots take over. The Challenger 2 weaponry vastly superior."
— Jonathan Pearce makes an early assessment
Challenger 2 pitted

Panzer shoves Challenger 2 down the Pit

Panzer then ran up and over the side of Challenger 2 as they dueled in the middle of the arena, running up Challenger 2's sides multiple times. Finally, Panzer managed drive behind Challenger 2 and use its spikes to steer Challenger 2 towards the Pit and then into it, putting it through to the next round of the Heat.

"And that's where I thought Panzer would have a chance, shoving and pushing, and Challenger 2 is in the Pit!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Panzer secures its victory

While trying to free itself from Challenger 2, Panzer took damage of its own from Shunt and Sir Killalot before the House Robots turned their focus to the defeated Challenger 2.


Panzer fails to move at the beginning of the heat final

In the Heat Final, Panzer went up against fellow newcomer Evil Weevil still sporting its spikes, despite Simon Jones' intention to switch to the saw weapon. However, Panzer did not move as the battle began, and then team could quickly be seen signaling that their robot was not working. Despite this, Evil Weevil drove around both Panzer and the arena, not making an attack in the opening seconds. Evil Weevil then ran into the immobilised Panzer and tried to lift it up with its forks, before moving away to allow Sir Killalot to come in.

"Well, they were asked just before they went into the cherry-picker, "Are you happy with your robot?" That's an inquiry we always make. "Yes" was the reply, and obviously something has gone wrong, badly, right at the start here. There's no life in Panzer at all"
— Jonathan Pearce as Panzer remains immobile

As the House Robot began to pick Panzer up by its tracks Evil Weevil came back in on the charge, opting to push Panzer towards the Flame Pit and the CPZ and lift the stricken machine up again against the angle grinder on the side wall.

Panzer vs Evil Weevil

Panzer is picked up by Sir Killalot

The rest of the House Robots closed in, with Sir Killalot this time lifting Panzer up and spinning around the centre of the arena with Panzer in its clutches. As cease was called, Sir Killalot dangled the defeated Panzer in front of Sgt. Bash and torched the machine. While the team were unsure of the problem in their immediate post-fight interview with Craig Charles, the issue persisted for the team after the fight, as despite their efforts Panzer could not be repaired in the Pits[2].

Extreme 1[]

In the first series of Extreme, Panzer Wraith singularly competed in a Mayhem qualifier battle against veteran X-Terminator and newcomer Cataclysmic Variabot for a right to fight in the first Annihilator of the series.


X-Terminator, Panzer Wraith and Cataclysmic Variabot in the pits, ready for their Mayhem battle


Cataclysmic Variabot is attacked by X-Terminator and Panzer Wraith

X-Terminator Panzer Wraith 1

X-Terminator plunges its axe into Panzer Wraith's track

X-Terminator vs Panzer Wraith

X-Terminator pits Panzer Wraith

X-Terminator and Cataclsymic Variabot exchanged axe blows from the start, while Panzer Wraith rammed them both with its saw, but still keeping out of the way of the axes of the other machines. Teaming up with X-Terminator, the two robots attacked Cataclysmic Variabot from both sides with Panzer Wraith causing noticeable cosmetic damage to the rear of its opponent. Panzer Wraith attacked Cataclysmic Variabot, removing the safety link and immobilising it before X-Terminator shoved it into Shunt's CPZ and rammed it into a side wall. Panzer Wraith drove up X-Terminator and flipped itself over, allowing X-Terminator to get its axe through one of Panzer Wraith's tracks. Panzer Wraith was able to escape and drive across the arena, but the flip had damaged the aerial which caused Panzer Wraith to grind to a halt. X-Terminator activated the Pit, and Panzer Wraith was unable to resist as X-Terminator pitted it before it was joined by Cataclysmic Variabot. Cease was called and X-Terminator was declared the winner of the battle.

Once out of the Arena, and within range of the torn aerial, the robot was in full working order. The team of Cataclysmic Variabot offered the safety link to the Panzer Wraith team as a trophy of the 'half-victory'.


Series 3
The Third Wars - UK Championship
Heat Final
Heat L, Round 1 vs. Undertaker Won
Heat L, Round 2 vs. Challenger 2 Won
Heat L, Final vs. Evil Weevil Lost
Extreme Series 1
Mayhem & Annihilator
Mayhem Qualifier vs. Cataclysmic Variabot, X-Terminator Lost


  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 2

Series Record[]

Main Series Panzer Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Heat Final as Panzer
The Fourth Wars Failed to qualify as Panzer Wraith
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter
Robot Wars Extreme Appearances
Series 1 Entered as Panzer Wraith
Series 2 Did not enter


Outside Robot Wars[]


Ravioli competing along side Technomoth in Techno Games 2002


The first Panzer as Rash at Techno Games

Like many teams on Robot Wars, the team also entered Techno Games. The first time they entered was in Techno Games 2002 where they competed alongside Technomoth in the football competition, with a robot called Ravioli, where they lost to the eventual winners Sprocket and Storm Chaser.

The team returned with the original Panzer machine and competed in the Assault Course of Techno Games 2003 under the name Rash where it, rather ironically, beat Technomoth in Round 1. It then lost in the second round to Sugar Plum Fairy.


  • Both of Panzer's losses involved a robot that would reach the semi-finals of a UK Championship.
  • Robot Wars: The Ultimate Guide misspells Panzer Wraith as "Panzerwrath".
  • Alfred Cromwell notably stayed very still during the whole of Panzer's Series 3 introduction, appearing to not move or even blink. This was brought up indirectly by Jonathan Pearce, saying that Cromwell was the 'most frightening thing about the Panzer team'.
  • Panzer made a cameo appearance in the Series 6 House Robot introduction as a clip of Shunt axing Challenger 2 in the Pit is used.
  • In its Mayhem battle introduction Panzer Wraith is billed as being from Ettington in Gloucester. However, this is likely a mistake as Ettington is a village in Warwickshire, some 33 miles away.


