Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"I'm a bit disappointed that so few people are making middleweights, I don't see the point in making an abysmal heavyweight when you could make a much better middleweight with the same components"
— David explains his reasons for building a middleweight

Phase One (also spelt as Phase 1) was a middleweight robot which attempted to enter the planned Middleweight Championship of Series 3 of Robot Wars. It was not selected to compete in the championship after its team were unable to finish it in time for the auditions; however, the Middleweight Championship was later cancelled following a behind-the-scenes accident. The robot was built by two brothers who had become inspired to build a robot after watching Series 2.



Initial design for Phase One, with the lifting arm

Phase one front view

A front view of Phase One's chassis

Phase One was a wedge-shaped robot armed with a spring-powered, front-hinged lifting arm. Originally, the robot was planned to be a heavyweight, but costs resulted in the team building it as a middleweight instead. Phase One was also going to be armed with a pneumatic spike, but the spike proved ineffective in testing, so was replaced with the lifter.


The name Phase One was meant to refer to the fact that this robot was the "first phase" with later robots being the other phases[1].


The Phase One team managed to complete most of their robot in time for the auditions in London, but were unable to get the radio gear in with the speed controllers, which hindered their chances to qualify. At the Auditions Phase One appeared armourless with nothing more than a piece of paper with its name written on it.[2]

"Big gap in the diary is caused by the panic to get as much finished as possible for the audition, the drive pulleys and belts arrived just in time to be fitted. Unfortunately there just wasn't time to get the radio gear in with the speed controllers, so they went down to London in a plastic bag!"
— The Phase One team explain their issues with completing Phase One in time for Series 3

Series Record[]

Series Phase One Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Not selected for Middleweight Championship
The Fourth Wars Did not enter
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter

External Links[]


