Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

Ramrombit was a stock robot that appeared in Series 2 of Robot Wars. It was built and designed specifically for the Inferno Insurrection exhibition match in the Grudge Matches special, where it and Nemesis were sprayed with paraffin and set alight by Sergeant Bash purely for the crowd's entertainment. The robot was driven by George Francis of Team Chaos, and could also be seen backstage in The Pits with other robots and roboteers in later series.



Ramrombit, decorated, in the pits

Ramrombit was designed as a 'sacrificial' robot by the Robot Wars technical crew, featuring a tall humanoid-like design with a silver head and a long flowing cape reaching down to its baseplate. No weapons were fitted to the robot, as it was solely intended for exhibition matches.

Ramrombit's head resembles those of the Smash Martians from British advertising.


The name Ramrombit is derived from the acronyms RAM (Random Access Memory), ROM (Read Only Memory) and the memory measurement "bit", all related to computing.

Robot History[]

Series 2[]

Inferno insurrection

Sergeant Bash sets Ramrombit and Nemesis ablaze


Ramrombit (left) billows red smoke and fire as 'cease' is called

Ramrombit's only appearance came in the Inferno Insurrection, an exhibition match aired during The Grudge Matches special featuring it, Nemesis and House Robot Sergeant Bash. It and Nemesis were sprayed in paraffin before the battle started, and were set alight instantly as they charged straight towards Sergeant Bash. Both robots continued to drive close to Sergeant Bash before Ramrombit began billowing black smoke and emitting sparks, becoming completely engulfed in flames as it was pushed by Sergeant Bash.

"Ah, it's a Catherine wheel, Ramrombit! Ah, fireworks, that's brilliant!"
Jonathan Pearce's delight as Ramrombit smoulders and sheds fire

Ramrombit finished the battle spinning and billowing red smoke from its head, and as this was an exhibition match, no winner was declared.


Series 2
The Grudge Matches
Inferno Insurrection
Inferno Insurrection vs. Nemesis, Sergeant Bash No Winner
NOTE: This was an exhibition battle in which both robots went into the arena sprayed with paraffin and were set on fire by Sergeant Bash. No winner was announced.

Series Record[]

Series Ramrombit Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Inferno Insurrection
The Third Wars Did not enter
The Fourth Wars Did not enter
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter


  • As Ramrombit's only appearance was a special exhibition battle where there was no winner, nor was the fight officially declared a draw, this makes Ramrombit the only robot to appear on the show and fight a battle without ever winning, losing or drawing a battle.

