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Robot Wars Wiki

The Middleweight Championship of Robot Wars: The Second Wars was a side event which was partially broadcast in the Grudge Matches special of Robot Wars: The Second Wars. The first of four Robot Wars Middleweight Championships - initially dedicated to robots weighing 45.4kg or under - it consisted of a single four-way melee, which was shown as a brief recap in the aforementioned special.

Competing Robots[]

Doodlebug rws2
Weight Unknown
Dimensions Unknown
Power Unknown
Weapons Clamping Spikes
From: Unknown
Team: Unknown
Hard Cheese Series 2
Hard Cheese
Weight 42kg
Dimensions 1.04m x 0.58m x 0.30m
Power 2 x 36V Wheelchair Motors
Weapons Large Spikes
From: Liverpool in Merseyside
Team: Nigel Kerr, Stephen Pearson, Andrew Norton, Alan Stein
Weight Unknown
Dimensions Unknown
Speed Unknown
Turning Circle Unknown
Ground Clearance Unknown
Power Unknown
Weapons Unknown
From: Unknown
Team Members: Shaun Wilson, Paul Kitchener, Darren Kimber
Weight 24.2kg
Dimensions 1.10m x 0.70m x 0.35m
Speed 8mph
Turning Circle 2m
Ground Clearance 5mm
Power 24W wheelchair control unit
Weapons 2 large spikes
From: Biggleswade in Bedfordshire
Team Members: Oliver Brown, Nick Brown & Tom Anthony

Middleweight Championship[]

Doodlebug vs Hard Cheese vs Wharthog vs Scorpion[]

Series 2 Middleweights

Hard Cheese chases and nudges Wharthog away from an immobilised Doodlebug

The four machines converged in the middle of the arena. Early on, Scorpion was outclassed by its opponents and left for the House Robots,[1] and after just a few light bashes from the other two competitors Doodlebug suddenly broke down. Hard Cheese then pressured Wharthog towards the PPZ while Matilda closed in on the now-immobile Doodlebug. Both Scorpion and Doodlebug were attacked by Dead Metal and placed on the Flame Pit, with Scorpion catching fire.[1]


Verminator, placed on the Flame Pit

Wharthog turned around again, but Hard Cheese continued with its attacks on the experienced machine. Eventually, the shunts from Hard Cheese rendered Wharthog immobile as well. Hard Cheese proceeded to venture near the PPZ again and bump into Dead Metal, the collision knocking the rat mascot Verminator off its wedge shape. Shunt then placed Verminator over the Flame Pit, before 'cease' was finally called and Hard Cheese declared the inaugural Middleweight Champion.

Middleweight Champion: Hard Cheese

Hard Cheese Series 2

Hard Cheese, the Series 2 Middleweight Champion

