Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"Imagine it’s ancient Rome, it’s a Sunday afternoon, you’ve washed your chariot, you’ve ironed your togas, and now you’re off down the Amphitheatre to watch grown men get butchered. OK, so the ancient Romans enjoyed some pretty barbaric entertainment, but back then, it was just like the footie, only Roman gladiators never advertise shampoo, even if all that was left of them was their head and shoulders. I suppose it’s a bit like Robot Wars, although our gladiators don’t wear skirts, they wear titanium plated body armour. And they don’t fight for honour either, they fight for a place in our series semi-finals. Yes it may be savage, but it’s still drawing in the crowds!"
— Craig Charles' introduction

Heat M of Robot Wars: The Third Wars (also referred to in recaps as Heat 13) was the thirteenth of sixteen heats which determined the Semi-Finalists of Robot Wars: The Third Wars. The episode featuring Heat M was originally broadcast on 10 March 2000 on BBC Two. The broadcast managed to attract 5.85 million viewers, a decrease of 160,000 viewers when compared with the previous episode. According to BARB, this meant it ranked first in the top thirty highest rated BBC 2 broadcasts during 6-12 March, for the third consecutive time.

Competing Robots[]


Hammerhead S3 Crop
Weight 77.3kg
Dimensions 0.40 x 1.03 x 0.70m
Clearance 0.30m
Power 2 x 24V Wheelchair Motors
Weapons Interchangeable Axe
Notes Cost £1,400
From: Barnstaple
Team Members: Paul Brend & Mike Brend
Scutter's Revenge Crop
Scutter's Revenge
Weight 79.8kg
Dimensions 0.47 x 1.30 x 0.80m
Clearance Variable
Power 2 x 2HP Starter Motors
Weapons Front Bulldozer Blade
Notes High Powered Motors
From: Essex
Team Members: Graham Warner, Oluremi Idris & Darren Ball
Thermidor series 3 official image
Weight 78.0kg
Dimensions 0.34 x 1.43 x 0.73m
Clearance 0.30m
Power 2 x Car Motors
Weapons Lobster Claw
Notes 3mm Aluminium Shell
From: Norwich
Team Members: David Harding, Ian Harvey & Eli Kirkpatrick
Weight 78.8kg
Dimensions 0.70 x 0.80 x 1.00m
Clearance Variable
Power 2 x 24V Electric Motors
Weapons Rear Pickaxe & Scoop
Notes Cost Approximately £400
From: Wiltshire
Team Members: Julian Raffle, Mark Raffle & John Raffle


Cassius II Crop
Cassius 2
Weight 81.3kg
Dimensions 0.33 x 1.20 x 0.87m
Clearance Variable
Power 2 x Lawnmower Motors
Weapons Flip Up Paddle & Rear Spike
Notes Shell Made of Polycarbonate
From: Suffolk
Team Members: Rex Garrod, Simon West & Mick Cutter
Dundee S3 Crop
Weight 75.7kg
Dimensions 0.40 x 1.20 x 0.65m
Clearance 0.03m
Power 2 x 12V Batteries
Weapons Disc Cutter & Lifting Ram
Notes Cost £200
From: Bristol
Team Members: Richard Manion, Eric Manion & Charles Humphries
Weight 75.5kg
Dimensions 0.40 x 1.20 x 0.65m
Clearance 0.01m
Power Electric
Weapons Circular Saw
Notes Cost £4,000
From: Hampshire
Team Members: Mike Onslow, Bryan Kilburn & Ken Burt
Pussycat S3 Crop
Weight 81.6kg
Dimensions 0.95 x 0.56 x 0.73m
Clearance Variable
Power 2 x 750W Motors
Weapons Diamond Edged Saw
Notes Cost £1,000
From: Gloucester
Team Members: Robin Herrick, David Gribble & Robert Bettington

Round One[]

"I'd say don't try this at home, but who's got a hi-tech arena with their flame pit in their living room? Not me. Let the wars begin!"
— Craig Charles

Hammerhead vs Pussycat[]

Pussycat vs hammerhead opening attack

Pussycat strikes Hammerhead's wheels

Pussycat Hammerhead sparks

Sparks fly as Pussycat attacks the front of Hammerhead

Both robots moved towards the arena centre, with Pussycat coming down onto its front. Pussycat tried to angle its blade onto the side of Hammerhead, but barely scratched their opponent. Pussycat once more tried to line up its blade, but both robots met side on again. Hammerhead went backwards, onto the arena wall, which allowed Pussycat to use their weaponry to attack the front of Hammerhead, causing sparks. Hammerhead remained against the arena wall, with Pussycat's weapon creating more sparks, while Hammerhead missed with an axe attack.

"The cat, here, using not talons and claws, but their circular saw."
— Jonathan Pearce
Pussycat vs hammerhead

Hammerhead is pushed around, moments after getting its axe stuck in the arena floor

Pussycat vs hammerhead

Pussycat pushes Hammerhead into the Pit

Hammerhead finally moved away from the arena wall, with Pussycat attacking the back end of it. Hammerhead turned around to face Pussycat, but both robots were locked side on once more. Hammerhead used its axe again, but missed, and it got stuck in the arena floor.

"No, no, no, it's not the idea; you attack the other robots, and the House Robots, not the arena floor! And now they're stuck!"
— Jonathan Pearce

Pussycat lunged forward, into Hammerhead's axe, and failing to saw off the axe-head, before shoving Hammerhead - whose axe was still stuck in a downwards position - from the side. They angled Hammerhead towards the Pit, before nudging it down.

"Ooh, meow, meow, you could be in pain, Hammerhead, if you go into that Pit! And into the Pit goes the shark!"
— Jonathan Pearce

Winner: Pussycat

Cassius 2 vs Dundee[]

Cassius vs dundee vs sir killalot

Cassius mistimes a flip and is caught by Sir Killalot

Dundee vs sir killalit vs cssius

Cassius pushes Dundee into Sir Killalot's clutches

Dundee started by going across the arena and very near to Sir Killalot's CPZ. Cassius 2 tried to keep Dundee in there, bringing its new Flip-up Paddle into play, but was not immediately able to get fully underneath Dundee, and then overstepped their mark and went into Sir Killalot. The House Robot pressured Cassius 2, pinning it against the arena wall, before the Series 2 runner up got away.

"Ooh, and immediately, driven, here, Cassius, into Killalot's claws. The great lance, and the drill and the pincer."
— Jonathan Pearce
Cassius 2 vs dundee

Cassius 2's knockout flip on Dundee

Shunt vs cassius

Shunt axes Cassius, in revenge for its attempted House Robot attacks

Both robots met again, with Dundee bumping Cassius 2. The two clashed again, before Cassius slid under the side of Dundee and then repositioned itself in an attempt to flip Dundee. Again, though, Cassius 2 couldn't get sufficient purchase on Dundee having partially wedged underneath it, and their flip failed to topple Dundee. Cassius 2 continued to attack though, and its open flipper forced Dundee towards the CPZ. Sir Killalot caused little trouble for Dundee, who, after a short amount of time, got away from danger. Both robots collided into each other again, before Cassius 2 slid under the side of the Crocodile-shaped robot, hurling it upside-down with its wide flipper.

"And Dundee already doing better than Loco DID, in the last series until then! And falling the same way - tucked in, flipped up and over, and over and out."
— Jonathan Pearce

After 'Cease' was called, Cassius 2 then went after the House Robots in its usual style, chasing Matilda and dislodging her rear armour, but ultimately ending up on the receiving end of an axe blow from Shunt, which went through the top panel of its flipper, causing Cassius to fire it forwards to remove the unwanted axe.

"And this is what we love about Rex Garrod! A smile etched on his face as his bot takes on the House Robots - OH, and taking terrible punishment from Shunt!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Shunt axes through Cassius 2's flipper

Winner: Cassius 2

Plunderstorm vs Thermador[]

Thermador vs plunderstorm

Thermador's only contact with Plunderstorm

Plunderstormvs dead metal

Dead Metal slices into Plunderstorm

Plunderstorm seemed to be having a mechanical fault at the start of the fight, turning on the spot with one track working, and failing to get away from the arena wall. Thermador trundled towards it, and went up the front scoop of Plunderstorm, before reversing away. Thermador spun around and then drove towards Plunderstorm again, ramming it. Thermador then grappled Plunderstorm with its claws, and slammed it into the side wall, and after a briefly attacking Plunderstorm with the rear angle grinder, Thermador backed off as the House Robots closed in.

"Will those caps and sunglasses and the attitude and boasts all mean nothing here for Plunderstorm? Because they're not moving."
— Jonathan Pearce
Plunderstormvs shunt

Shunt axes Plunderstorm

Plunderstormvs sirkillalot

Sir Killalot pits Plunderstorm

They pushed Plunderstorm against the arena wall, before it became clear that Plunderstorm was immobilised, prompting Dead Metal to saw through and Shunt to land some axe blows at will.

"Plunderstorm? It's not even a shower!"
— Jonathan Pearce

Sir Killalot then came in and hooked Plunderstorm's tracks with its lance, lifted it into the air, and carried it around the arena before eventually lowering the beaten machine into the Pit.

"And the weather forecast is that the Plunderstorm will be swiftly snuffed out, and there will be sunny skies ahead for Thermador."
— Jonathan Pearce

Winner: Thermador

Zeus vs Scutter's Revenge[]

Scutters revenge vs zeus

Scutter's Revenge pushes Zeus into the angle grinder

Scutter's revenge vs zeus

Scutter's Revenge pits Zeus

Both robots started slowly, ambling towards each other before meeting. Scutter's Revenge managed to force Zeus back though, and into the arena wall. Scutter's Revenge then got fully underneath the front of Zeus and pinned them against an angle grinder.

"They tell us that Scutter's Revenge has this mighty power - engines like we've never seen, or heard. Hardly roaring, more like purring. But nonetheless, shoving Zeus against the arena wall."
— Jonathan Pearce

Scutter's Revenge then pushed Zeus across the arena floor, with Zeus's axe spike breaking off on a grill, before they were forced into the Pit.

"Well that was over very quickly for Zeus. They're out."
— Jonathan Pearce

Winner: Scutter's Revenge

Round Two[]

Cassius 2 vs Pussycat[]

Cassius 2 vs pussycat

An aggressive Pussycat tips onto its side, while lunging at Cassius 2 opposite the side wall

Cassius vs pussycat

Cassius 2 uses its rear spike to launch Pussycat

Cassius 2 started strongly, hurtling into Pussycat. Pussycat then attacked the rear of Cassius 2, as the action drifted towards the flame pit. Pussycat continued the scratch Cassius 2, causing little trouble for it, with Cassius seemingly trying to line up their spike weapon. Cassius 2 then hung next to the arena wall, with Pussycat charging at it, but falling onto its side. Pussycat struggled to self-right, but was then knocked back on its wheels as Cassius 2 used its pneumatic spike.

"Great shunting and bashing and barging going on."
— Jonathan Pearce
Pussycat vs cassius 2

A major shock unfolds as Cassius 2 reverses into the Pit

Cassius defeated

Cassius 2 lies in defeat

With Pussycat still adjusting itself, Cassius 2 drove backwards at maximum speed to try and ram the now-righted Pussycat into the Pit, but the feline machine drove out the way, causing Cassius 2 to miss, overshooting and flying backwards into the Pit. Cassius 2 was also unable to attempt to escape the Pit as it fell in at the wrong angle to use its spike, sending the Series 2 runner-up out of the fight and sealing the victory for Pussycat. This was arguably one of the biggest upsets in Series 3, and a famous early win for Pussycat.

"The srimech technique, brought INTO ROBOT WARS, but Cassius into the Pit backwards! So, we'll see! Can they get themselves out, or did it go in sidewards? That's the first time we saw the great CO2-powered spike, lunging out. Now they went on the drive, misjudged, went into the Pit on its side! They won't get out of there! What a shock this is - Cassius 2 have gone!"
— Jonathan Pearce, shortly after Cassius 2's self-pitting

During the post-battle interview with Craig Charles, Rex Garrod admitted that he was not driving Cassius 2 in the duel and Mick Cutter did.

Craig Charles: "You were probably my favourite robot to win this - I had my money on you guys!"
Rex Garrod: "Well, you lost again!"
Craig Charles: "Well, you've got loads of tricks that the robot can do that we never got to see... Cassius was responsible for one of the finest, finest moments on Robot Wars 2. We were expecting fireworks from you this time round, but they never happened!"
Rex Garrod: "Well, we got the fireworks out of the Pit!"
— Interview following Cassius 2's elimination

Winner: Pussycat

Scutter's Revenge vs Thermador[]

Thermador vs scuttersrevenge

Thermador attempts to grab hold of Scutter's Revenge

Thermidor 1

Scutter's Revenge pits Thermador

Both robots clashed head on, with Scutter's Revenge forcing Thermador backwards. Thermador managed to wriggle away from Scutter's Revenge though, and then clutched it with the claws, side on.

"Oh, behave, Scutter's Revenge, says the message on the back."
— Jonathan Pearce

Scutter's Revenge turned as it was in the grips of Thermador, before getting away and then coming onto the attack itself. This time, Scutter's Revenge slid in between the claws of Thermador and forced the lobster backwards. Thermador tried, but couldn't match Scutter's Revenge for pushing power, and was forced into the Pit.

"Thermador wants to get it in its claws, and then force towards a CPZ, but is being pushed towards the Pit itself, and the lobster is in the net and caught, and it's Scutter's Revenge who go through."
— Jonathan Pearce

Winner: Scutter's Revenge

Round Three[]

Pussycat vs Scutter's Revenge[]

Scutter's Revenge vs Pussycat

Scutter's Revenge and Pussycat in the early stages

Pussycat blade shatters

Pussycat's blade shatters, along with its chances of advancing

Scutter's Revenge had a better start, pushing the cat into the arena wall twice. Pussycat got away and began attacking Scutter's Revenge with its saw, pushing it over the Flame Pit at the same time.

"Is that the that the same blade? Well, they've put another diamond blade on there, a diamond saw blade. It certainly looks darker than the one we had before."
— Jonathan Pearce notices something amiss with Pussycat's saw.
Pussycat vs scutter revenge

A weaponless Pussycat is carried away by Scutter's Revenge

Pussycat vs scutterrevenge

Pussycat rams Scutter's Revenge into the side wall

Scutter's Revenge pushed back at Pussycat, who managed to evade it, but it then drove at the arena wall, its blade shattering upon impact.

"Oh! And it was a different blade, it's shattered! It's a completely different blade....and not only could they be in trouble from Scutter's Revenge, but they could be in trouble here with the judges, Pussycat!"
— Jonathan Pearce as the blade shatters
Scutters revenge immobile

Scutter's Revenge lays immobile

Scutters revenge floor flipper

Scutter's Revenge is thrown by the Floor Flipper

Scutter's Revenge pushed it against the arena wall several more times, before surprisingly, Pussycat began pushing the Essex newcomer against the wall, then towards the Flame Pit. Eventually, Scutter's Revenge started to billow smoke. The House Robots came in; Sir Killalot pushed Scutter's Revenge onto the Floor Flipper, where it was thrown over.

Winner: Pussycat
Pussycat s3 disqualification

Philippa Forrester informs the Cold Fusion Team of their disqualification

Cut from television, the Cold Fusion Team were interviewed by Craig Charles as winners of the battle, and it seemed as though Pussycat would progress to the series Semi-Finals. However, due to the rule stating that 'hardened blades that may shatter are prohibited', Pussycat was disqualified due to its violation of this rule. According to the TV edit, Cold Fusion Team had failed to declare the change in weaponry in advance, although this is denied by Robin Herrick, believing this was written for narrative effect. Due to Pussycat's disqualification, Scutter's Revenge advanced to the series Semi-Finals.

"As it's a technical contravention and for health and safety reasons, the judges have had to vote that you've been disqualified because the saw shattered and it was against the rules, and I'm really sorry to have to break that news to you because you've got a fantastic robot and you've been a great team, but we have to let you go."
— Philippa Forrester breaks the news to the Cold Fusion Team

Heat Winner: Scutter's Revenge

"You can grovel and beg, when you're down on all fours, but we'll show no mercy, on Robot Wars!"
— Craig Charles signs off

Special Event[]


The two robots slowly advance on one another

Between Round 1 and Round 2 of each heat, a Special Event or Trial took place. For Heat M, it was a Walker Battle.

Mammoth vs Anarachnid[]

Outcome: Draw


Tyrant cameo

The confiscated antweight, Tyrant

  • Heat M featured two Grand Finalist teams from Series 1, who ended up fighting each other in the second round of the heat.
    • Said teams were the Runners-up from both preceding Series.
  • Heat M was one of two heats in Series 3 to feature two Series 2 semifinalists, the other being Heat G.
  • Cassius 2's battle against Dundee was a grudge match from Series 2, where Cassius beat the team's old machine, Loco.
  • This episode marked the last appearance of Rex Garrod and his team on Robot Wars. Garrod retired from the show in response to a behind-the-scenes accident occurring during filming of Series 3.[1]
  • Heat M was also the only occasion in which a competitor was disqualified for a rules violation whilst competing. Subsequent disqualifications (Mauler in The First World Championship and Terrorhurtz in The Seventh Wars) occurred before the robots concerned were able to compete.
  • This heat also featured accusations of cheating as a radio transmitter was confiscated from an audience member, although this turned out to be a false alarm. The transmitter in fact belonged to an antweight called Tyrant, no bigger than Sir Killalot's rear plates, that the audience member had created. However, this could have been one of the antweights from the cancelled Antweight competition as teams or builders of atweights were allowed to remain on site despite the competition's cancellation.
  • For unknown reasons, Philippa Forrester only introduced seven robots during her pit report at the beginning of the heat. Thermador was not seen in the pits, and was only introduced to the viewing audience during the Round 1 line-up.
  • For an unknown reason, the opening titles recap was not structured sequentially, unlike the preceding ones, and did not feature any clips from Heat B and Heat D.


