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Robot Wars Wiki

"Oh way out, man, it's got holograms!"
Jonathan Pearce as Roobarb entered the arena in Series 6

Roobarb was a robot that competed in Series 6 and 7 of Robot Wars, as well as the New Blood Championship in the second series of Robot Wars Extreme. It was eliminated in the first round of Series 6, allowing it to compete in the New Blood Championship, where it reached its Heat Final. Roobarb entered Series 7 with a strong opening performance, before being eliminated in the second round by Tiberius 3.


Team Roobarb

Roobarb with its team in Series 6

Roobarb was a steep wedge-shaped robot armed with a low pressure pneumatic flipper equipped with two ramming spikes at the top and a square flipping plate. It featured a steel frame (a mixture of 3mm stainless steel and mild steel) with polycarbonate armour backed with "laser holograph etching panels": essentially a form of shiny, holographic wrapping paper, and a top speed of 15mph. However, Roobarb had a 3cm ground clearance, which allowed robots such as Mute and Tiberius 3 to easily get under it. The flipper was unreliable in Series 6, although it was upgraded in subsequent series to be more powerful and reliable. In Extreme 2, Joshua Pinto claimed the flipper could do between thirty to forty flips per fight.

"Has a low pressure pneumatic flipper, which they claim is better than most high pressure ones!"
— Jonathan Pearce in Series 7
Roobarb EX2

Rear view of Roobarb in the second series of Extreme


Roobarb in the arena for Series 7

It was powered by two 12 17.5Ah Yuasa batteries, two Litton Motors supplied by Big Cheese Robot Company, two NCC 70-36 speed controllers, with a Receiver Battery Eliminator and 24 volt hub, both of which were home-made[1].

The version of Roobarb seen on television was known as Roobarb 2 by the team, as this version had been designed to correct the problems with the original version, which failed to qualify for Series 5. Roobarb was only finished two days before the Series 6 qualifiers, as the team found they had to do a lot of improvements on the flipper after taking the robot to an event in Debenham earlier that year[2].


Roobarb Roobarb pushes Mute R1

Roobarb, complete with "Roobarb" sticker, pushes Mute back during their Extreme 2 New Blood melee

The name Roobarb was likely inspired by the animated children's show Roobarb, often known as Roobarb and Custard. This, in turn, is derived from the vegetable rhubarb, which Jonathan Pearce referenced on the TV show. Stickers of both of the series' main characters were briefly added to Roobarb's front corner panels in Extreme 2, only being seen during its first New Blood Championship fight.

The Team[]


Team Roobarb in Extreme 2

"We are a team of three printers from Twickenham, Middlesex who had been talking for two years about building a robot for Robot Wars, and finally got it together to actually do it. The three of us have little electronics or engineering experience, but we do have a great deal of enthusiasm, and by asking questions to people who have the required skills and learning from them, we have been able to undertake this project."
— Team Roobarb website

Team Roobarb consisted of team captain Joshua Pinto, Lee Simpson, who drove the robot, and weapons operator Mark McIntyre. However, Mark McIntyre was absent for Series 7, so Joshua Pinto controlled the weapons in his place for that series.


Unpainted roobarb1

Roobarb at the time of Series 5

The original version of Roobarb was never seen on television, having originally attempted to enter Series 5 and competed at live events. It was decorated with holograms, and had a flipper, but was lower, being more of a dome wedge shape. Following its qualification attempt, this version fought at four live events before being rebuilt, the last being Brighton Model World in February 2002.

"The first Roobarb had had its day and a new design was needed, we had to address the main problems; Gearbox breaking from motors, Size & Weight, Regulator Freezing, Speed. We all had various ideas on how to improve the new robot and set about implementing them. Keep the robot as small as we can (we have some big gearboxes to deal with), extra power, 36v instead of 24v and a lighter shell."
— Team Roobarb website on redesigning Roobarb[3]

Roobarb's Robot Wars debut took place at the 2001 Wembley Arena Live Event on 11-12 August 2001. This was the only appearance by the original incarnation, which had only been finished the night before. After suffering issues with a frozen CO2 regulator, Roobarb resorted to ramming tactics in its head-to-head qualifier to M2, but lost upon being flipped over and left unable to self-right. Ironically, M2 would also fail to qualify despite taking victory.

"Our first fight was with M2, I had seen M2 at the Wilsons event and it is a good robot. We started the fight and Lee (the driver) was getting the interference problems again and to make matters worse the C02 regulator for the flipper froze. We managed to ram M2 a couple of times and had a bit of a tussle, but he got under us, flipped us over and won. A disappointing result (for us) but M2 went on to do well all day, so we hope he qualifies. It was part of the show for Shunt (a very powerful house robot) to tidy up after a fight, and as we were on our back he flipped us over, and in doing so broke our gearbox of the motor!! We had to try and fix the motor and address the C02 problem before the second fight. The plate which holds the motor to the gear box was shot and we didn't have a spare, so we bodged it with a jubilee clip and gaffer tape and a large washer, cut and grounded into shape. We also tried a different set up on the pneumatics and soldered the aerial to help with the interference problem."
— Team Roobarb website[4]

Roobarb also took part in an exhibition battle along with Granny's Revenge, Purple Predator, Razer, Rattus Rattus and Shunt. Ultimately, Roobarb was not chosen to compete in Series 5.

"We were all clearly briefed to burn the carpet and the old lady and have some fun. We had full control but was hampered slightly by the gearbox but the flipper worked. As the fight went on we got into a bit of a battle with razor and shunt (don't ask why, we just did) so while the fire raged and the old lady was being ripped to bits we somehow managed to push shunt into the pit and within a minute we got razor as well, now by this time the pit was full, what with shunt in there and all that so razor didn't quite drop in and was able to get out, they also raised the pit so shunt got out as well. We then just went for it, we got done buy razor a couple of times and have the holes to prove it shunt had a few pops as well and we eventually ended up in the pit (they didn't raise it for us)."
— Team Roobarb website

Roobarb ahead of Series 6

At the Series 6 qualifiers, Roobarb fought Hell's Teeth, Major Tom and an unknown third robot, also armed with a spinner.

"The fight started and due to our starting position in the arena, and as they had the most experience in the arena, we went for Major Tom first. We flipped them and they rolled over back onto their wheels. This happened a few times and we managed to get them into what would be the CPZ area. As the fight was being judged in the same Robot Wars format, we figured that would score us points, we then turned to Hells Teeth! They were after us from the start and I think managed to get a small hit on us when we were working on Major Tom, anyway we managed to throw them up a few times. ... The other robot in the fight was having problems and after flipping them over we tried to get them back into the fight, but Hells Teeth with their spinning wheel hit us at the back, so we pulled out and went for them. Hells Teeth went for the 3rd robot and hit them with the spinning disk and that was the end of that. We managed to get a few flips on them and them on us, then they got stuck on what would normally be the flame pit! All this happened in around 2/3 mins and Major Tom was still going!! We went back to fight them but soon realised that our flipper had flailed, so we then relied on the pushing/driving tactics to see us to the end. We did manage to push Major Tom around the arena and felt that we had done enough to qualify. Matt Irvine was the judge for the fight and as we had effectively immobilised all three robots gave it to us."
— Team Roobarb website[5]

It won the battle, and automatically qualified for Series 6. Major Tom was also given a discretionary place.

"After a good result qualifying we decided to make only a few adjustments to Roobarb. The first thing we need to address was the minor damage we had got from Hell's Teeth, this we fixed by welding a piece of steel over the damaged part. We were concerned about the speed of the robot and decide to put an extra battery (run at 36v) for extra power. A few tests and adjustments later we managed to get a nice set up and was happy that we had a balance of speed and control."
— Team Roobarb website reflects on their Series 6 defeat[6]

Robot History[]

Series 6[]

"The flipper and ramming spikes give Roobarb a sharp flavour, but that wrapping paper does tear, leaving them vulnerable to spinners. Mind you, I always like my rhubarb well-shredded."
Jonathan Pearce on Roobarb's unusual choice of decoration

In its first appearance, Roobarb was drawn against fellow newcomer Armadrillo and two veterans in the first round; Shredder and the seventh seed S3.

"Not overly worried about that!"
— Josh Pinto, having heard his opponents from Philippa Forrester

Roobarb and Armadrillo (right) battle as S3 rips one of Shredder's discs off


Roobarb is hammered by Mr. Psycho

At the beginning of the battle, Roobarb drove towards Shredder, but then ran into Armadrillo, flipping it up. It then rammed into the seeded S3, pushing it back by one wheel. However, it appeared to be unable to get under and flip S3, despite S3 being briefly pushed onto the flipper by Shredder, and S3 reversed away. S3 turned around and slammed into Roobarb a couple of times, after which Roobarb stopped moving. It was rammed into the arena side wall by Sir Killalot, and Mr. Psycho came into and hammered it, causing a split in the armour. Roobarb was then counted out by Refbot.

"That's the end of Roobarb I think, the newcomers, Joshua Pinto, Lee Simpson and Mark McIntyre, who operates the weapons, couldn't ever really get into play there."
— Jonathan Pearce
Sir Killalot vs Roobarb

Roobarb is dropped into the Pit by Sir Killalot

Sir Killalot held Roobarb aloft by the flipper and carried it to the centre of the arena, spinning it around before finally dropping it in the Pit to put Roobarb out of the Sixth Wars.

"We got a flip on Armadrillo and went back on the attack on S3 we had a little scrap and then appeared to loose drive on one wheel. After spinning a bit we took a hit of S3 which it looked like our removable link had jumped out, so from from that point on we were sitting ducks for the house robots who obliged. ... We then did our loser's interview and went home very disappointed. ... After a couple of weeks we decided to get fixed up for the next live event and discovered that the armature's in both motors had failed, this was due we think to the fact that we had put 36v into them! they just gave up and bust. This was a better reason for crashing out than the link not being put in properly. We replaced the armature's and went back to 24v and have had no problems since"
— Team Roobarb website reflects on their Series 6 defeat[7]

Extreme 2[]

"Could be fruitful, unless Roobarb's a cowardly custard!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Roobarb enters the arena

Roobarb participated in the New Blood Competition of Extreme Series 2, it was in the first battle of the first heat, and went up against Terror Turtle and Mute in its first round match.

Philippa Forrester: "But are you nervous? I mean, it's all new, it's New Blood!"
Joshua Pinto: "Um, it's good to be nervous, keeps you on your toes!"
Philippa Forrester: "Okay, so embracing the nerves here, the Roobarb team."
— Pre-Round 1 interview

Roobarb flips Terror Turtle

Roobarb started by driving straight at Terror Turtle. Mute also drove at Terror Turtle and pushed it. Roobarb tried to flip Terror Turtle, but missed. Mute also tried getting under Terror Turtle, but when it turned, Terror Turtle slipped off and Mute missed its flip as well. Mute got at the side of Terror Turtle and pushed it, and Roobarb got under the front of Terror Turtle, flipping it clean over with one flip, and pushing it into the Disc of Doom release. Terror Turtle was left immobilised as it couldn't self-right. It was then flipped towards Dead Metal's CPZ by Mute, but Roobarb swiftly self-righted. It drove under one of Dead Metal's claws, but quickly reversed and opened the Pit. Mute tried to get under it, but drove at it at the wrong angle, so failed to get under it, and missed another flip.

"Roobarb has a very suspect 3cm ground clearance, that is far too high off the arena floor to survive a flipper."
— Jonathan Pearce
Mute flips Roobarb

Mute launches Roobarb across the arena


Roobarb flips Terror Turtle back over

Roobarb pushed Mute in reverse, and tried to get under and flip Mute. Mute was able to dodge, and Roobarb missed a flip, then went back to attack Terror Turtle. It tried to flip Terror Turtle out of the arena, but failed to do so, as its flipper was only low pressure. By flipping Terror Turtle, Roobarb righted its opponent, but its spinning bar was caught on the arena wall. Roobarb chased Mute, and Mute drove down the arena close to the Pit, but when Roobarb came down the arena after it, Mute turned into the Pit. However, Terror Turtle had already been immobilised for over thirty seconds and eliminated, so Roobarb and Mute progressed to the next round.

Roobarb faced Maximus in round two of the heat.

Philippa Forrester: "You might not be fighting a working robot!"
Joshua Pinto: "Well, I hope we are! I hope we are!"
Philippa Forrester: "I think you will be, they're determined to make it work. But have you got the power to flip them out of the arena, say?"
Joshua Pinto: "Yes we do. We've got a very fast acting flipper. It's low pressure, not quite as fast as the high pressure boys, but it's significantly powerful, so I reckon they'll go flying!"
— Pre-battle interview

Roobarb flips Maximus

Roobarb drove at the side of Maximus, trying to get under it. At first it couldn't get under, so it reversed for another charge. Maximus moved forwards slightly, but could not escape. Roobarb charged at the side, got under it and flipped Maximus onto its side, then turned it onto its back. Roobarb flipped it, so it was resting on its flipper. Maximus could self-right from this position, but the flipper opened very slowly. Roobarb rammed Maximus a couple of times as it tried to right itself, and one of these knocks caused it to fall onto its wheels. Maximus slowly turned around, and Roobarb quickly got under it again and flipped it. This time, Maximus landed on its side, and one of the spikes on top of the flipper prevented from falling onto its flipper. Roobarb pushed Maximus to the arena wall and tried to flip it out. The first two attempts failed because the flipper was not under Maximus properly each time.

"They've had a couple of attempts, can they get that flipper underneath the side of Maximus and lift it? I don't think they're strong enough."
— Jonathan Pearce

Maximus gets its flipper stuck on the arena wall


Roobarb aligns itself to try and flip Maximus out of the arena

This left Maximus on its side by the wall, and it opened the flipper to try and self-right. Roobarb flipped Maximus so it was resting on the open flipper, and then flipped it so the flipper was hanging over the arena wall. It got behind Roobarb and tried to flip it out, but the flipper was not powerful enough, and the flip caused Maximus to fall off the wall, back onto its wheels.

"Now they'll have a chance! Go on Roobarb! You won't have a better chance than now! Get in and try and flip them out! Not strong enough. Now that could be a telling factor later on."
— Jonathan Pearce as Roobarb fails to flip out Maximus

Maximus slowly moved into the arena centre, and Roobarb pushed it to Mr. Psycho in the CPZ. Mr Psycho landed a hammer blow on the flipper. Shunt came in and axed it, and Mr. Psycho hammered it again. Roobarb opened the Pit, and Maximus was counted out and had a cooker dropped onto it by the Drop Zone.

"Few tweaks to it, should get it out of the arena, next one."
— Mark McIntyre to Craig Charles in the post-battle interview

In the Heat Final, Roobarb fought Mute again.

"A Mute final on Robot Wars? What, with this crowd baying? No, I'm gonna to go for Roobarb."
— Jonathan Pearce's prediction

Mute comes close to flipping Roobarb out

Both robots rammed into each other, and though Mute got under Roobarb, Roobarb bounced off. The two turned to face each other again, and Roobarb dodged Mute's charge. After turning to face each other again, and Mute got under the front of Roobarb, but Roobarb turned itself off the flipper. Roobarb tried to get away, but Mute got under it and pushed it up the arena and flipped it into Shunt.

"Now, when I went for Roobarb to win this, I forgot that ground clearance, and Mute has already taken advantage and has got the flipper in!"
— Jonathan Pearce

Roobarb quickly self-righted and moved away before the House Robot could attack. Roobarb tried to get under Mute, but missed a flip. Mute got under Roobarb again, but as it pushed Roobarb, it turned and Roobarb fell off the flipper. The two robots spun around together, each trying to get under the other. Roobarb fired the flipper, but missed as the flipper was not under Mute's side. Mute got under Roobarb and flipped it onto the arena entry gate in an attempt to flip it out, but Roobarb managed to fire the flipper as it was on the wall, self-righting and keeping itself in the arena.

"Brilliant recovery! That is the finest recovery we've seen on Robot Wars! They're out, they're going out, they're going out! No, they're not, they're bouncing back! That was brilliant!"
— Jonathan Pearce on Roobarb's near-brush with defeat
Mute vs Roobarb

Roobarb flips Mute

Roobarb got under Mute's side and flipped it over, and kept the flipper open so that when Mute tried to self-right, it was blocked from getting up. Mute closed the flipper, and Roobarb opened the flipper, held Mute under the flipper and pushed it down the arena. Mute managed to self-right, landing on Roobarb as it did so, and both robots tried to get under the other.

"This is a very close final!"
— Jonathan Pearce
Roobarb vs mute

Roobarb is wedged on top of Mute

Roobarb turned on the Disc of Doom, and after driving onto the flame jet, Mute charged under it. For a moment, Mute stopped on the flame, but soon recovered, and pushed Roobarb around the arena, before slamming it into the bottom arena wall by the pit release, knocking off the tire. Roobarb pushed Mute in reverse, but Mute turned and drove away. Mute got under Roobarb again, and pushed it to the Flame Pit. A shot of the roboteers in the Roobarb control booth showed that the flipper of Roobarb had stopped working, as Mark McIntyre was seen pressing the button, but getting no response. Mute pushed Roobarb into Sgt. Bash, and held it against the arena wall. However, Roobarb appeared to be stuck on top of Mute, and Shunt came in and axed it, dragging it off Mute.

"For me, Mute has been the more aggressive machine, would you agree if it goes to the Judges? Certainly, Roobarb's escape from the high wire was stylish and controlled, but they are sustaining telling damage now, and that could be the turning point of the final!"
— Jonathan Pearce
Mute on the flame pit

Mute ends the Heat Final on the Flame Pit

Both robots escaped the CPZ, and Mute got under Roobarb once more and pushed it into Shunt's CPZ, who axed Roobarb again. Roobarb managed to get off Mute's flipper, but drove into the arena wall. The two robots spun around together again, each trying to get in a good position to attack, and Mute managed to get its rear flipper under Roobarb and flip it two times in quick succession. Roobarb pushed Mute in reverse onto the Flame Pit in the last few seconds, and Mute did not get off as the battle ended, seemingly immobile. The battle went to a Judges' decision, and in spite of Mute's perceived immobility at the end of the battle, Roobarb was deemed to have lost the decision, and was eliminated at the Heat Final stage.

"We're pleased to go out to a decent robot!"
— Joshua Pinto, gracious in defeat

Series 7[]

Series 7 arena

Roobarb waits in the arena along with its three opponents

"Fixed the motors, we put a much bigger ram in it, redone all the electronics, fingers crossed!"
— Joshua Pinto lists the improvements to Roobarb before Round 1

Roobarb fought in the first broadcast heat of the Seventh Wars, and was drawn up against Dutch Robot Wars grand finalist Twister, the wooden machine Brutus Maximus and the number nine seed Pussycat.


Roobarb flips Twister over

Roobarb started by charging at Twister and trying to flip it, but only managed to flick it up a little. Roobarb then drove to the other side of Twister and flipped it again, but again only flicked it up a little, so both robots drove away. After keeping away from its opponents for a short time, Roobarb attacked Brutus Maximus, trying to get under the front. However, the front of Brutus Maximus was too low to get under, and Brutus Maximus pushed Roobarb into an angle grinder.

"Haven't seen a lot of Roobarb until now, and it's in trouble from Brutus Maximus!"
— Jonathan Pearce

Roobarb flips Brutus Maximus

Twister vs Pussycat

Pussycat attacks Twister

Twister attacked the side of Brutus Maximus, which reversed, allowing Roobarb to get away from the wall. Roobarb tried getting under Pussycat, but couldn't due to the shape of its opponent, and its own shape. It drove down the arena, and Brutus Maximus reversed into it, trying to attack with the disc, but the discs fell off on contact. Roobarb drove at the front of Brutus Maximus, but couldn't get under it, and Brutus Maximus pushed it into the arena wall by an angle grinder. Pussycat rammed into the side of Brutus Maximus, and it reversed away, allowing Roobarb to get away. Roobarb got under Twister and tried to flip it, but as it did so it pushed forwards and turned, so Twister slid off the side and Roobarb missed its flip. Whilst Twister was fighting Pussycat, Roobarb got under Twister and managed to flip it over. Brutus Maximus pushed it from behind, and Roobarb flipped Brutus Maximus over, then flipped it again. Roobarb's flips were causing parts to come loose on Brutus Maximus, such as the front. Roobarb flipped Brutus Maximus onto Twister, and tried to strand it on its side, but Pussycat rammed into Roobarb and Twister, causing Brutus Maximus to fall onto Twister. Roobarb quickly flipped Brutus Maximus again, causing its front to fall off as it rolled over. Roobarb flipped Brutus Maximus and pushed it into Shunt's CPZ, before quickly reversing away from the House Robot.

"I think Roobarb has looked fairly impressive, don't you? It has been in the thick of the action all the while."
— Jonathan Pearce
Brutus Maximus loses a wheel

Brutus Maximus loses a wheel after being flipped by Roobarb

This gave Brutus Maximus a chance to get away, but Roobarb soon got under it again and flipped it over, then flipped it into the CPZ. Brutus Maximus drove up the arena, but Roobarb was close behind it. Brutus Maximus drove into the top arena wall, then went after Twister. Pussycat got at its side and tried to cut into it with the saw, so Brutus Maximus drove away. It reversed into Roobarb, which flipped it over again, and one of the wheels fell off. Roobarb pushed and flipped Brutus Maximus into Shunt, leaving it for the House Robot to attack. Roobarb drove around Twister, then got between it and Pussycat, causing Pussycat to drive away. Twister pushed against Roobarb, then turned on Pussycat as it closed in. Whilst Refbot counted Brutus Maximus out, Roobarb tried getting under Twister, but Twister turned away. Twister continued to dodge Roobarb as it was chased, and Roobarb drove away as Pussycat closed in on it and Twister. Time ran out, with Roobarb driving around the broken pieces of Brutus Maximus in the last few seconds. The Judges were required to decide which robot would be eliminated along with Brutus Maximus.

"Well Pussycat, in the middle there, for me, definitely to go through, and I think Roobarb did enough as well."
— Jonathan Pearce on which robots he felt deserved to go through

The Judges decided to eliminate Twister, putting Roobarb and Pussycat through to Round 2. In the second round of the heat, Roobarb went up against the much more experienced Tiberius 3 machine.

"We took a lot of damage in the first fight, but we've fixed it up and yeah, I think it should be fine! ...if they get hold of us, they've got a very powerful crushing weapon, and we've got problems! ...we think that he's got a slow self-righter."
— Joshua Pinto before the battle
Roobarb vs Tiberius 3

Tiberius 3 lifts Roobarb

Roobarb charged straight at its opponent, getting under the side, but Tiberius 3 turned, so Roobarb missed its flip. Tiberius 3 tried to get under Roobarb, but Roobarb drove away. Tiberius 3 caught up with it and tried to get under the side. Roobarb tried turning away, but Tiberius 3 had its front wedge under Roobarb, so Roobarb could not escape, and Tiberius 3 began crushing into it. Tiberius 3 crushed deep into Roobarb, and lifted it into the air. Tiberius 3 lifted Roobarb up and down, and showed it to the crowd.

"Roobarb, at the moment, being hoisted, and I don't think it'll be dumping Roobarb into a bowl of custard. Its going to be into the pit of doom and gloom."
— Jonathan Pearce

Roobarb is dumped in the Pit

Roobarb's wheels had stopped spinning, and Tiberius 3 seemed unable to drop Roobarb from the claw. However, Tiberius 3 was able to lower Roobarb and shake it off. Tiberius 3 pushed the immobile Roobarb down the arena, leaving it by the Pit, then opened the Pit. Tiberius 3 reversed Roobarb towards the Pit, missing on its first attempt, then turned around and reversed it into the Pit.

"Roobarb and custard, Roobarb done and dusted."
— Jonathan Pearce after Roobarb is pitted

Roobarb was therefore eliminated. After the battle, the team found Tiberius 3 had crushed the gas bottle, which bent the support for the gas bottle and wedged onto the wheel, meaning it could not spin, and shorted out some of the electronics.

"So all in all, not a good day!"
— Joshua Pinto after showing Jayne Middlemiss the damage done by Tiberius 3


Series 6
The Sixth Wars - UK Championship
Heat, Round 1
Heat D, Round 1 vs. S3 (7), Armadrillo, Shredder Eliminated
Extreme Series 2
New Blood Championship
Heat Final
Heat A, Round 1 vs. Mute, Terror Turtle Qualified
Heat A, Round 2 vs. Maximus Won
Heat A, Final vs. Mute Lost
Series 7
The Seventh Wars - UK Championship
Heat, Round 2
Heat A, Round 1 vs. Brutus Maximus, Pussycat (9), Twister Qualified
Heat A, Round 2 vs. Tiberius 3 Lost


  • Wins: 3
  • Losses: 3

Series Record[]

Main Series Roobarb Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Did not enter
The Third Wars Did not enter
The Fourth Wars Did not enter
The Fifth Wars Failed to qualify
The Sixth Wars Heat, Round 1
The Seventh Wars Heat, Round 2
Series 8 Not selected
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter
Robot Wars Extreme Appearances
Series 1 Did not enter
Series 2 New Blood Championship, Heat Final


Outside Robot Wars[]

An earlier version of Roobarb also competed at the Dutch Robot Games in 2001 featuring a rounded wedge shape and a flatter flipper than the version seen in Series 6-7 and Extreme 2. It lost its competition fight to Tornado by knockout, but fought Barbaric Response and The Grim Reaper in a non-competition rumble, also winning a round of Robo Rugby over Barbaric Response and Stinger.

This version of Roobarb also appeared at the Brighton Robot Rumble that same year[8], once again fighting Tornado.

Roobarb remained with its team captain Joshua Pinto from its original time on the show right up until June 2020, where the robot was relatively intact with internals and its pneumatic ram, but lacked a lot of its armour and its flipper. On 29 June 2020, it was agreed that Roobarb would move to a new home, and was donated to Team Shock for restoration. However it was instead taken apart and used to build Tectonic shortly upon arrival.


  • Roobarb was one of eight competitors from The Sixth Wars to enter the New Blood Championship, alongside Doctor Fist, Mr Nasty, Revolution 2, Cedric Slammer, Thor, Edge Hog and ICU.
  • Roobarb is one of only two robots to face three front-hinged flippers in consecutive battles: Mute, Maximus and Mute once again in its New Blood heat. The other is The Morgue in Series 4.
  • Roobarb was the first robot in Series 7 to fall into the Pit from a Pit camera view.
  • Both of Roobarb's first melees in the UK Championship involved a seeded robot that was invertible who had or would fight against Razer, Firestorm, Bigger Brother, Stinger and Dantomkia.
  • Roobarb never appeared in a battle with Matilda, Growler or Cassius Chrome despite them all appearing in each of the episodes that Roobarb featured in - Matilda appeared in Heat D of Series 6 and Heat A of the Extreme 2 New Blood Championship, Growler appeared in all three episodes that Roobarb featured in and Cassius Chrome appeared in Heat A of Series 7.


Roobarb S7

Official Series 7 photo

External Links[]

