- "It's a solid steel construction, 6 wheel drive. We have lots of power, and we're here to take a bite out of the competition at Robot Wars!"
- — Bob Allen in Snake Bite's introduction
Snake Bite was an American competitor robot that fought in Season 2 of Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors. It reached the second round of the US Championship before being eliminated by Probophobia. Snake Bite then fought in the Robot Rebellion, and defeated Paul Bunyan and Rosie the Riveter 2 in back-to-back victories to earn a battle against the House Robots with Snookums, where it was pitted by Sir Killalot.
- "And there's Snake Bite, in at 195 pounds! It's a 6 independently wheeled, all-steel construction 'bot, with some major fangs on the front!"
- — Stefan Frank describes Snake Bite in the House Robot Rebellion

Snake Bite in the arena
Snake Bite was a six-wheel drive, invertible box-shaped robot with a front wedge and sloped sides, bearing a strong resemblance to future New Blood and World Champion, Storm 2. It was painted green with yellow spots to resemble a snake, and was armed with two static[1] "fangs" on the front wedge to hold robots in place.
It was a modified version of the team's Robotica entry, Viper, using the modified chassis. The chassis was built from steel tube, and had two NPC 24V 180 Rpm motors, giving 1 horsepower. A steel hub was manufactured to provide direct drive to the middle wheels, so they could still drive if the drive chains broke. The robot was designed using CAD.
- "The robot was completely designed using CADkey 19 in 3D. Using this package the robot designed was tweaked until perfect, then the parts could be manufactured using a combination of CAM and standard manufacturing techniques. The ability of CADkey to assess the weight of each of the components and the robot as a whole proved invaluable as the original design would have weighed 250 Lbs. Some judicious drilling and milling and the estimated weight was calculated as 206 Lbs"
- — Team Viper website on Viper[2]
Snake Bite's main weapon was its pushing power and traction, and the "fangs" were added to help hold robots whilst pushing them. The robots weakness, as listed on the statistics board, was that it was slow, at only 4mph.
Snake Bite's name came from Viper, the team's Robotica entry which Snake Bite was modified from. In keeping with the name, the robot had toy snake mascots, and the team all wore matching shirts with Cobra designs.
The Team[]

Team Viper at Extreme Warriors
- "Team Viper started back in 2000 when my friend Michael Garrod and I built a robot to be on TLCs Robotica."
- — Team Viper website
Snake Bite was entered by Team Viper, whose name came from their Robotica entrant, which was modified to become Snake Bite. The team captain was Bob Allen, who built Viper with help from his friend Michael Garrod. Mike Morino was the third team member.
- "For the last 15 years, Bob Allen has known 2 things; robotics and fencing!"
- — Robotica on Bob Allen [3]
Although she did not compete with the team on Robot Wars or Robotica, Bob's wife Corie also helped in the construction of the original robot.
Interestingly, Bob Allen controlled Snake Bite for its battles in the US Championship, whereas Michael Garrod drove the robot in the battles in the House Robot Rebellion.
Robot History[]
Season 2[]
Newcomers Snake Bite faced two returning teams in Round 1: Joker and the reigning champion Panzer Mk4 in Round 1 of Heat A.
- Carol Grow: "Tell me how you feel about the competition?"
- Bob Allen: "We're really excited about being here. There's a lot of good bots, we've got Panzer, but we're really not worried about Panzer."
- Carol Grow: "Well they're the US champs, you know!"
- Bob Allen: "We're not worried about 'em. We've got a lot of power, they don't have any power. We can push 'em around, we're gonna push them right into the pit. We've never seen Joker though, so we're a little worried, they got this spinning device, so we're kinda concerned about them. So we're gonna be a little bit more cautious around them then we are Panzer, and let the Wars begin!"
- — Pre-battle interview with Carol Grow

Joker stops moving as Panzer Mk4 wedges itself up on Snake Bite
At the start of the battle, Snake Bite held back as Panzer Mk4 charged at Joker. Panzer Mk4 rammed Joker, and Joker tried to use its spinning disc, which did no damage. Snake Bite cautiously approached, driving into the back of Panzer Mk4, which tried to turn around, but as it did so Snake Bite got its front wedge under the side, and pushed Panzer Mk4 towards the arena wall, until Panzer Mk4 reversed. Panzer Mk4 sped down the arena, past Snake Bite, and rammed Joker into an angle grinder a couple of times. Panzer Mk4 reversed, then rammed into Joker again, pushing it towards the wall, but this time Snake Bite got in the way as it pushed, driving between Joker and Panzer Mk4, and Snake Bite drove up the front wedge of Snake Bite, onto one of Joker's wheels, but quickly reversed off. Snake Bite turned to attack Joker, but Panzer Mk4 charged up the arena, slamming into its side.
- "There's Snake Bite, they gotta be in it to win it, and they're right in the middle of everybody right now!"
- — Stefan Frank as Panzer Mk4 slams into Snake Bite
However, Panzer Mk4 rode up the sloping side of Snake Bite, getting its lifter caught on the top. Snake Bite reversed, pushing Panzer Mk4 back, then tried driving forwards and pulling Panzer Mk4, but Panzer Mk4 raised the lifter, getting off the back of Snake Bite and reversing. Snake Bite reversed at Panzer Mk4, but Panzer Mk4 reversed and drove past, so Snake Bite drove down the arena.
- "Not a whole lot of aggression coming from the Snake Bite team, and Panzer, just testing the waters."
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite pushes Panzer Mk4 back

Panzer pushes Snake Bite into Sgt. Bash
Panzer Mk4 also drove down the arena, and charged at Snake Bite, but Snake Bite reversed, dodging Panzer Mk4, which crashed into Joker. As Panzer Mk4 reversed for another charge, and Joker turned into Snake Bite's side, but Snake Bite drove away, driving straight at the front of Panzer Mk4, getting its front wedge under the front of the reigning champions, but Panzer Mk4 reversed. Panzer Mk4 pushed Snake Bite, which drove away, and began spinning as Panzer Mk4 drove at it again, but Panzer Mk4 merely drove into it, stopping its spinning and pushed it up the arena, towards Sgt. Bash's CPZ.
- "And there's Panzer and Snake Bite going head up, as Bash comes out to do a little... assisting!"
- — Stefan Frank as Panzer Mk4 pushes Snake Bite to Sgt. Bash

Snake Bite is pushed by Panzer Mk4
Sgt. Bash got his pincer under the side of Snake Bite, but Panzer Mk4 rammed into the side of Snake Bite, knocking it off the pincer before the House Robot could grab it. Snake Bite drove away as Panzer Mk4 drove after Joker, but Panzer Mk4 then drove after Snake Bite, driving into the back and pushing it, but Snake Bite reversed, pushing back against Panzer Mk4. Panzer Mk4 left Snake Bite and rammed Joker into the CPZ, where it was attacked by Dead Metal. As Joker fled the CPZ, with Dead Metal chasing after it, it drove into Snake Bite. Panzer Mk4 then rammed Snake Bite up the arena, into a CPZ, and Dead Metal drove straight at its front, pinning it against the wall.
- "As Panzer delivers Snake Bite into the Corner Patrol Zone, and the capable pinching arms of Dead Metal, who's gonna make Snake Bite feel it! Little poison of their own!"
- — Stefan Frank
Dead Metal reversed, slammed into Snake Bite and got its arms around it, and although Snake Bite pushed Dead Metal back, Dead Metal used his saw on the front of Snake Bite. However, Snake Bite reversed, slipping out of Dead Metal's clutches and escaping the CPZ. As the battle went into the last 10 seconds, Joker appeared to only be moving on one wheel, and Panzer Mk4 charged up the arena at Snake Bite, but drove up its front wedge, so quickly turned off just before "Cease" was called.
- "Well those Judges will be deciding on Damage, Style, Control and Aggression, and it's clear to me that Panzer filled all the high marks on those categories. It's just a case of who else caught the eye of the Judges in this battle!"
- — Stefan Frank reviews the highlights
The battle went to the Judges, who chose to eliminate Joker.
Snake Bite then faced fellow newcomer, Probophobia in Round 2. Before the battle, Team Viper captain Bob Allen dismissed Probophobia's weapon as "a set of goalposts", which started a heated argument between the two team captains, and a staged shoving match.
- "Snake Bite has had their last victim! Dr Probe is gonna inject them with their own venom, and then we're gonna pick 'em up and spin 'em all around, and throw 'em in the pit, and that'll be the end of Snake Bite, and we're moving on!"
- — Jeff Banks to Carol Grow before the battle. Bob Allen made gestures suggesting he was crazy as he said this, but he proved to be correct

Snake Bite is lifted into the air
The two robots charged straight at each other as the battle started, and Snake Bite drove onto Probophobia's lifting forks. Probophobia tried to lift Snake Bite, but Snake Bite fell off. Snake Bite reversed, turned and charged at Probophobia, but as it did so it drove onto Probophobia's lifting forks, allowing Probophobia to lift Snake Bite up, until it fell off the side, falling back on its wheels. Snake Bite turned and pushed against Probophobia's side, but Probophobia used its lifting forks to lift its back end off the ground, making it harder to push, then raised the lifting forks, causing it to fall against Snake Bite's wedge, disrupting its pushing. Probophobia reversed towards Sir Killalot, and Snake Bite charged at them, but as it did so, it drove onto Probophobia's lifting forks. As Sir Killalot pushed Probophobia away from the CPZ, Probophobia lifted Snake Bite up with its forks, which became caught in the gaps for Snake Bite's wheels, allowing Probophobia to lift and hold Snake Bite up without it falling off.
- "They put those skewers right into Snake Bite, for a little snake kabob! Snake Bite being held high, 200 plus pounds, Snake Bite is! Which means Probophobia has got some mean power behind him!"
- — Stefan Frank as Probophobia lifts Snake Bite up

Snake Bite is pitted
Probophobia carried Snake Bite into the arena centre, then drove down the arena, hitting the Pit release button. The Pit opened, and Probophobia carried Snake Bite over, and slowly lowered Snake Bite into the Pit, although it could not get the forks free at the end.
- "He's got a lotta choices here, Probophobia. He can chuck Snake Bite right out of the arena if he wanted to, but he's opted for the Pit release! The Pit goes down as we're looking at Snake Bite impaled on the probes of Probophobia! Probophobia bringing Snake Bite ever closer to a certain demise!"
- — Stefan Frank as Probophobia carries Snake Bite to the Pit release, then carries it into the Pit
Snake Bite was therefore eliminated from the US Championship.
- Mick Foley: "I saw that Snake Bite could drive upside-down, I thought "Okay, maybe Probophobia won't be effective against you", but it got its probe in there, had its way. How do you feel about that?"
- Bob Allen: "Well he said something about he's going to something to our butt! And I think he did, so I guess those goal posts kinda worked out!"
- Mick Foley: "I think something was kicking it!"
- — Post-battle interview
Snake Bite also took part in that season's Robot Rebellion, where it fought for a chance to compete against the House Robots. In the first round, it faced Paul Bunyan. Before the battle, the Paul Bunyan team claimed they were planning to attack Sir Killalot straight away, without waiting for the Final, and when Carol Grow asked them if they were going to take Snake Bite as well, he claimed "Well, if we can!".
- Carol Grow: "Snake Bite, what's your strategy?"
- Bob Allen: "Well we're gonna help 'em! We're gonna push 'em into Sir Killalot and the rest of the House 'Bots and see how well they hold up, so then we can move on!"
- — Pre-battle interview

Snake Bite pushes Paul Bunyan into the arena wall
The two robots drove straight into each other, and Snake Bite pushed Paul Bunyan across the arena, into the arena wall by Sgt. Bash's CPZ. Snake Bite tried to push Paul Bunyan into the CPZ, then reversed a little. Paul Bunyan drove at Snake Bite, but rode up the front wedge, allowing Snake Bite to push it against the wall. A Co2 vent went off, and Snake Bite reversed a little. Paul Bunyan pushed back at Snake Bite, and Snake Bite reversed, allowing Paul Bunyan to drive away from the wall.
- "Immediately, Snake Bite pulls the fangs right into Paul Bunyan. Paul Bunyan up against the rails, and Bash is letting him know he's a little close to the Corner Patrol Zone!"
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite pushes Snake Bite into the wall by the CPZ

Snake Bite pushes Paul Bunyan into Sir Killalot

Sir Killalot drives after Snake Bite
Paul Bunyan drove around Snake Bite, despite bumping into its front when Snake Bite drove at it. Both robots turned around and drove at each other, with Snake Bite getting under the front of Paul Bunyan and pushing, but Paul Bunyan quickly reversed, driving close to Sir Killalot. Paul Bunyan turned around to try and use its spinning axes, but Snake Bite pushed it into Sir Killalot, who pushed it into the CPZ, pinning it against the wall. As Sir Killalot attacked Paul Bunyan, Snake Bite drove to the edge of the CPZ, and Sgt. Bash drove across the arena and pushed it out of the CPZ. Snake Bite drove away, and Sgt. Bash helped Sir Killalot block Paul Bunyan's escape from the CPZ. Eventually, Sir Killalot reversed, and Paul Bunyan drove around him to escape the CPZ. It drove past Snake Bite, into the arena centre. Sir Killalot drove out of the CPZ, but he drove into the side of Snake Bite, despite the fact it was nowhere near a CPZ.
- "Now Snake Bite, sitting out in the middle of the arena, and Killalot has gone right after him! Poor Snake Bite better get moving!"
- — Stefan Frank as Sir Killalot drives at Snake Bite

Paul Bunyan pushes Snake Bite with its spike
Sir Killalot reversed, and Paul Bunyan drove at Snake Bite's side, using its spike to help push it up the arena. Snake Bite tried to turn away, but the spike was caught in the side, so it merely pulled Paul Bunyan around with it. Paul Bunyan kept pushing, forcing Snake Bite to the Flame Pit, where Snake Bite managed to get free. It quickly drove away from Paul Bunyan, driving over the Flame Pit and past Sgt. Bash, who had come out of his CPZ when the two robots were caught together. Paul Bunyan drove past the Flame Pit, and Snake Bite chased after it, but Paul Bunyan was faster and was able to keep its distance, driving down the arena and hitting the Pit release button.
- "We haven't seen some major collisions in this round, not yet anyway! There's a good possibility, if neither one of these guys gets put out, it'll have to go down to a Judges' decision."
- — Stefan Frank as Paul Bunyan pushes Snake Bite

Snake Bite tries to pit Paul Bunyan, but Sir Killalot blocks it
It then charged at Snake Bite, but drove up the front wedge, allowing Snake Bite to push it. Paul Bunyan reversed, but drove to the edge of the CPZ, and Sgt. Bash rushed over, driving between Paul Bunyan and Snake Bite. Paul Bunyan drove up the side of Snake Bite, and Snake Bite reversed, trying to push Paul Bunyan to the Pit, but Sir Killalot blocked Snake Bite using his claw, then Refbot pushed the two apart. Paul Bunyan drove away, but drove too close to the Pit, with one of its wheels falling over the edge.
- "So far, we haven't seen Snake Bite on any major tactical moves. Paul Bunyan may have the points so far, if he can stay away from that Pit!"
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite tries to push Paul Bunyan to the Pit, but Sir Killalot blocks it, then Paul Bunyan nearly drives into the Pit as it backs away
It quickly drove off the Pit before it could fall in, driving over the side of Snake Bite, but Sgt. Bash blocked it, using his pincer to prevent Paul Bunyan from getting away and biting into it. Sgt. Bash seemed unable to let go of Paul Bunyan, so Sir Killalot tried to free Paul Bunyan, lifting it and Sgt. Bash with his claw and lance. After some pushing from Sir Killalot, Sgt. Bash was able to let go of Paul Bunyan, and Paul Bunyan drove at the front of Snake Bite, but then reversed into Sir Killalot, who grabbed it with his claw and pushed it to Sgt. Bash, who crushed its spining axes, bending it and ripping it off.
- "Now for some reason, the House 'bots are out of their corner, which is a no-no! Unless they've been immobilised, there's no reason for them to be picking on these 'bots while they're still trying to fight each other ... Snake Bite, just wisely stays right out of the way of this one, just there for moral support maybe."
- — Stefan Frank as the House Robots attack Paul Bunyan
Sir Killalot let go and Paul Bunyan fled, driving up to the top of the arena, but Sir Killalot chased after it, grabbing one of the wheels and lifting the whole robot off the ground. Despite the fact Paul Bunyan had not been counted out, Sir Killalot carried it down to the bottom of the arena, and dropped it over the fence, allowing Snake Bite to go through.
- Bob Allen: "The only thing that worked out there was your spike, right into our steel, which was really, really effective, but Killalot did a good job!"
- Mick Foley: "Seems to be a camaraderie between the roboteers here."
- Bob Allen: "Well I hope we make it through to the very last, 'cause then we can really go at them!"
- Mick Foley: "Just like the little engine said "I think I can, I think I can!""
- — Post-battle interview
In the second round, it faced Rosie the Riveter 2 for the right to take on the House Robots in the Final.
- "Snake Bite's got a lot of protection, but Rosie's got all the agility!"
- — Stefan Frank in the opening moments of the battle

Rosie the Riveter pushes Snake Bite
Snake Bite started by cautiously approaching Rosie the Riveter, which turned around and reversed into the front of Snake Bite, then quickly turned around to Snake Bite's side and started pushing it in reverse. Snake Bite tried turning, and reversing, to get away from Rosie the Riveter as it pushed, but Rosie the Riveter kept pushing.
- "It just goes right into the side of Snake Bite immediately, staying away from any weapons that might get in the way."
- — Stefan Frank as Rosie the Riveter pushes Snake Bite

Matilda attacks both robots with her flywheel
Eventually, Snake Bite turned to get its front wedge under Rosie the Riveter, then reversed. Both robots charged at each other, and this time Snake Bite got its wedge under Rosie the Riveter, lifting the back wheels off the ground and pushed it back, but Rosie the Riveter reversed, driving into the Disc of Doom button. Rosie the Riveter turned and drove away to the centre of the arena, and Snake Bite drove after it. Rosie the Riveter drove down past the Pit as Snake Bite drove towards it, then drove past as Snake Bite caught up. Snake Bite turned, and Rosie the Riveter drove around to Snake Bite's side and tried getting its front wedge underneath, but it couldn't breach Snake Bite's ground clearance, instead pushing past. Snake Bite reversed, and when Rosie the Riveter turned, it drove at it, getting its wedge under Rosie the Riveter's front wedge, lifting two of the wheels off the ground, and pushing it up the arena to an empty CPZ, pinning it against the wall.
- "And now Snake Bite's the one doing the pushing, as he pulls Rosie right back into the Corner Patrol Zone"
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite pushes Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter pushes Snake Bite into the arena wall
However, in doing so, it drove into the CPZ as well, and Matilda reversed up the arena, hitting Snake Bite's side with her flywheel, flipping the two robots up, separating them. Both robots drove out of the CPZ, and Rosie the Riveter got at the side of Snake Bite, and pushed it into the wall. Rosie the Riveter reversed, allowing Snake Bite to turn away from the wall. Rosie the Riveter charged at the front of Snake Bite, but it rode up Snake Bite's front wedge, leaving it propped up on the front, with all of its wheels off the ground, allowing Snake Bite to push it across the arena. Snake Bite tried to push it towards the Flame Pit, but Rosie the Riveter slipped down a little, so it was hanging on Snake Bite's front corner, leaving Snake Bite unable to move, and Rosie the Riveter unable to get off. Sgt. Bash came out of his CPZ and pushed Rosie the Riveter with his pincer, allowing it to get its wheels on the floor and drive off of Snake Bite. Rosie the Riveter turned around and drove at the front of Snake Bite again, but Snake Bite got its wedge under Rosie the Riveter's wedge again and pushed it back.
- "Rosie's not over yet, but look at the pieces missing off of both of these 'bots! Rosie's got no traction as long as that wedge of Snake Bite is driving underneath! Snake Bite is definitely pushing at will, and poor Rosie's got no power to those wheels!"
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite pushes Rosie the Riveter

Snake Bite pushes Rosie the Riveter 2 backwards
Snake Bite forced Rosie the Riveter up the arena, and onto the flame jet, then pushed it to the arena centre. Rosie the Riveter could not get off the front as all of its wheels were off the ground, but as Snake Bite pushed it, Refbot reversed into it, pushing it off Snake Bite's front. Rosie the Riveter drove towards a CPZ, and Snake Bite drove towards it, but Rosie the Riveter turned and reversed, dodging Snake Bite as it charged at Rosie the Riveter. Sgt. Bash drove down the arena, and Rosie the Riveter rammed Snake Bite into him. Snake Bite reversed a little, then drove at the front of Rosie the Riveter, getting underneath the front wedge, but Rosie the Riveter quickly reversed, turned and drove away. Rosie the Riveter drove up the arena, and Snake Bite drove after it. Rosie the Riveter reversed into Snake Bite's side just before time ran out.
- "One of the closest contests ever here on Robot Wars!"
- — Mick Foley after the battle
The battle went to the Judges, who narrowly decided on a 2-1 split decision to put Snake Bite through to the final to face the House Robots.
- Mick Foley: "Congratulations, not only on winning this bout, but also on the kind of dubious distinction of having to battle it out with the House Robots, and knowing, let's be frank here, that most of the fans would want to see your machine get destroyed!"
- Bob Allen: "Well, we're kind of looking forwards to going against the House 'bots! You know, they took a pretty good hit on us in this round, and we want to get some revenge!"
- — Post-battle interview
This put Snake Bite through to face Dead Metal and Shunt in the Final, alongside Snookums.
- Carol Grow: "Now, Matilda doesn't sound like a really strong robot name, but she's done some damage on your machine!"
- Bob Allen: "Absolutely! We have 8-inch steel tubing, and she just bent it to nothing!"
- Carol Grow: "So we don't know if she's out there, but if she is you'd better stay clear of those tusks!"
- Bob Allen: "We are!"
- — Pre-battle interview

Shunt drags Snake Bite with his axe
Shunt started by attacking Snookums, but it missed a couple of axe blows and Snookums drove away, so Shunt went after Snake Bite. Snake Bite could not get away fast enough as Shunt drove at it, and Shunt got at the side and fired the axe, which failed to puncture the top. Shunt pushed Snake Bite around, and Snake Bite tried to drive away, but this allowed Shunt to get his axe in by the wheel. Shunt dragged Snake Bite back, reversing into the Pit release button.
- "And now Shunt tries to get the axe down into Snake Bite, without too much luck, and now he's got some luck! He buries it into that wheel well, and he is just dragging poor Snake Bite back!"
- — Stefan Frank as Shunt gets his axe in the wheel well of Snake Bite and drags it back

Dead Metal slices into Snake Bite
However, he then pulled the axe back, and Snookums drove into his side, allowing Snake Bite to get away. Snake Bite drove around Shunt and Snookums as Snookums got his spear in Shunt's wheel guard, where it became caught. Snake Bite drove at Shunt's front scoop, but couldn't get underneath, so turned and drove away, driving straight at Dead Metal as he charged at it. However, on impact with Dead Metal, Snake Bite reversed away before he could grab it with his arms. Dead Metal instead attacked Snookums, but Snake Bite got behind him and pushed, getting underneath the back with its front wedge, stopping Dead Metal from attacking Snookums. As Shunt dragged Snookums into the CPZ, Dead Metal turned to fight Snake Bite, getting one of his arms on top of it. Whilst Shunt got free of Snookums' spear, Dead Metal got his arms around Snake Bite and started cutting into the top.
- "But Dead Metal's now burying the saw into Snake Bite! And poor Snake Bite, this is such a mismatch!"
- — Stefan Frank as Dead Metal cuts into Snake Bite

Snake Bite pushes Shunt into the top arena wall
Dead Metal pushed Snake Bite to an empty CPZ and let it go, but Snake Bite turned and drove back at Dead Metal, getting under one of his arms. Suddenly, Sir Killalot entered the arena. Dead Metal got its arms around Snake Bite and started cutting into the top again, and pushed it into the arena centre. Sir Killalot also came over, but after driving into Snake Bite, he then reversed and drove at Snookums. Dead Metal let go of Snake Bite, and it rushed away, but Dead Metal chased after it. Sir Killalot picked Snookums up, spun it and threw it aside, with Snookums landing on its back, immobilising it. Dead Metal pushed Snake Bite into a CPZ, and Shunt came over and axed it, getting the axe behind one of the wheels. However, as he did so, he lifted his scoop allowing Snake Bite to reverse against Shunt pushing it back against the top arena wall, with Snake Bite getting under Shunt's scoop as it did so.
- "And now Shunt is getting high-sided on Snake Bite!"
- — Stefan Frank as Snake Bite pushes Shunt into the wall

Sir Killalot picks up Snake Bite
Sir Killalot picked up Snookums, took it to the arena centre and spun it around, and Snake Bite charged down the arena at him, and Sir Killalot tossed Snookums aside. Snake Bite reversed as Sir Killalot turned around, and as Sir Killalot drove at it, Snake Bite drove into Sir Killalot's front. Sir Killalot turned to use his claw on Snake Bite's side, and although Snake Bite turned to avoid the claw, Sir Killalot turned, getting his claw under Snake Bite's side and cutting through the side armour.
- "Snake Bite is actually still in it to try to do some battle, but look at that, every time a House 'bot gets near it, it takes on some severe damage!"
- — Stefan Frank as Sir Killalot picks up Snake Bite

Sir Killalot pits Snake Bite
Sir Killalot then picked Snake Bite up and carried it across the arena, putting it down by the Disc of Doom, but instead of letting go, he picked it up again and started spinning, throwing Snake Bite down the arena. Snake Bite reversed a little, but then drove at Sir Killalot as he drove towards it. Sir Killalot got the claw under its side and lifted it up a little, but then turned, so Snake Bite slipped out of the claw. Snake Bite fled from the House Robots, whilst Snookums was put on the Drop Zone and had an organ dropped on it. Sir Killalot caught up with Snake Bite, pinning it against the side wall and grabbing Snake Bite's side with his claw. Sir Killalot pushed Snake Bite across to the Pit, driving through the smashed remains of the organ, and dropped Snake Bite into the Pit, pushing some of the broken organ into the Pit with it.
- "But they're [the House Robots] not done yet out in that arena, Killalot hasn't seen enough pieces fly off. And look at the debris as Killalot puts him in the pit! Moves the organ bits out of the way, and there was some good sportsmanship on Snake Bite and Snookums' teams!"
- — Stefan Frank as Sir Killalot pits Snake Bite
Neither Snake Bite or Snookums had survived to the end, so the House Robots were victorious.
- Mick Foley: "You have to realize now, that you guys gave the House Robots a real struggle there, probably feels good to know they needed to send out the big guy, Sir Killalot, to try to take care of you! He managed to trap Snookums in his claw, but he couldn't really get a hold of Snake Bite there for some time!"
- Bob Allen: "No he couldn't! You know he didn't. He threw us around, and we came back, and he pushed us around, and came back. But you know, we're gonna drive outta that pit, so the game ain't over yet!"
- — During the post-battle interview
Season 2 | ||
US Championship Heats, Round 2 | ||
Heat A, Round 1 | vs. Joker, Panzer Mk4 | Qualified |
Heat A, Round 2 | vs. Probophobia | Lost |
Robot Rebellion Lost Final Rebellion (with Snookums) | ||
Round 1 | vs. Paul Bunyan | Won |
Round 2 | vs. Rosie the Riveter 2 | Won |
Rebellion | vs. Dead Metal, Shunt & Sir Killalot | Lost |
- Wins: 3
- Losses: 2
Series Record[]
US Series | Snake Bite Series Record |
Season 1 | Did not enter |
Season 2 | Heat, Round 2 |
Nickelodeon | Did not enter |
Outside Robot Wars[]

The team originally entered Robotica with Viper, the robot from which the team got its name. The original version, which was modified to become Snake Bite, was built over 8 weeks competed in the first season[4]. In the Heats, Viper defeated Evil Beaver, beating them at the Speedway, Maze and Gauntlet, then fought Panzer Mk1, the first model of the future double champion of Extreme Warriors, in the Fight to the Finish, which Viper won to reach the Final. In the final, Viper was drawn against Juggerbot, but came second in the Speedway, Maze and Gauntlet, so Juggerbot went through to the Fight to the Finish.

Viper Revision 2
After not entering the second season, the team returned with a new version known as Viper Revision 2. This version had six-wheel drive like the original, but had a CNC cut aluminium chassis, as opposed to the original which had a steel chassis, and the power was increased from 24 volt to 36[5], raising the top speed to 12mph. Instead of the wedge the original robot had, this version had a lifting wedge, that could be reset if the robot was flipped over[6]. In the Heats, it was drawn against Particle Accelerator, which it beat in the Gauntlet and the Labyrinth to reach the Fight to the Finish, where it fought Rambot (Not to be confused with the UK competitor), but lost as it drove off the platform.
After competing on Extreme Warriors, Bob Allen joined a local robotics club in San Jose, California called HomeBrew Robotics, and also competed in RoboGames in San Francisco, and Robothon in Seattle, Washington. The team have also built a number of robots for untelevised competitions, including;
- ISIS, a firefighting robot built for a competition at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
- Hexapod, a six-legged walkerbot.
- EggHead, a two-wheeled balancing robot
- Tormax, a Table Top Challenge robot
- Odyssey, an autonomous robot built to compete in Robomagellan
- Giraffe, a robot with a neck that could extend up to 25 feet
- IGOR, a robot that used an indoor position system

Mick Foley interviews the Snake Bite team after the House Robot Rebellion
- Snake Bite was sponsored by ACME Bearings, Dynamic Systems and T Thompson, and their names were listed on a banner Team Viper had in the pits[7].
- After the House Robot Rebellion, Mick Foley traded his red shirt for team member Michael Garrod's Cobra shirt for the post-battle interview.
- Snake Bite's battle with Rosie the Riveter in the House Robot Rebellion was a rematch of the two team's fight in Season 1 of Robotica. Whereas Team Juggerbot had beaten Team Viper on the first occasion, Team Viper won the second encounter.
- Team Viper also fought the Panzer Mk series of robots in Robotica and Robot Wars.
See Also[]
- ↑ Eyewitness account of fangs being static
- ↑ Team Viper website - Robots (Archived)
- ↑ Robotica Season 1 Episode 6 (Archived)
- ↑ Team Viper website - Viper (Archived)
- ↑ Team Viper website - Robots (Archived)
- ↑ Gauntlet - Viper Revision 2 Vs Particle Accelerator on YouTube
- ↑ Newsround: Robot Wars on YouTube
External Links[]