Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

Statistics boards (often shortened to Statsboards) were sets of onscreen graphics used throughout all series of Robot Wars as part of competitor and House Robot introductions.

Their usage remained consistent in the Classic, Revival and International series, providing concise information on specific robots and their teams as they were being introduced in a given episode and/or battle. Often, roboteers were asked to provide personalised statistics which would sometimes lead to humorous results, especially in the 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses' categories during series in which those were applied.

"It's a Turtle."
Terror Turtle's Weakness on its Extreme 2 statsboard

Incarnations of the Statsboard[]

Series 1-2[]

Chaos stats

Statsboard for Chaos

The first two UK Series featured a plain statsboard which would appear after a robot's introduction at the start of the show. The statsboard was a plain metallic background featuring a black and yellow border, with the robot's name displayed near the top in red and white, and key information about it typed in smaller white and yellow text. In the top corner featured the robot being introduced, and in Series 2 the image would sometime rotate to show a different angle. The stats featured the following:

  • Robot Name
  • Team Members
  • Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Speed
  • Turning Circle
  • Ground Clearance
  • Power
  • Weapons
  • Notes

Series 3-4[]

Firestorm s3 stats

Statsboard used for Fire Storm in Series 3

Firestorm 2 stats

Statsboard for Firestorm 2 in Series 4

For Series 3 and 4, a new statsboard design was introduced. This did not include an image of the given robot, but rather was superimposed over footage of the robot while it was being introduced in the arena. To enable the robot in question to be visible in frame, the camera would pan out from an initial close-up to frame it in either the left or right-hand side of the screen. This statsboard was animated with the top and bottom panels coming from the sides, with an accompanying gear in the top corner and sound effects for the formation sequence. Left and right-hand versions were created, their usage depending on which side the robot was positioned onscreen during introductions.


Chaos 2's statsboard in the Grand Champions version of Series 4, Heat A

After the top panel had completed its formation, statistics would be displayed in yellow text, accompanied by corresponding sub-headers highlighted in blue boxes with white text. Robot names would usually be displayed on the upper panel in black text (White text was used in the First World Championship, with the national flag of the country the robot was representing in the corner next to the names of its team members). Blue or turquoise lines in an interlacing pattern would provide a backdrop, sometimes accompanied by a black gradient effect between the statistics and the featured robot. Statistics given to Series 3-4 competitors were changed slightly from previous years. Namely, the Turning Circle statistic was discontinued and the statistics were displayed in a different order:

  • Robot Name
  • Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Clearance
  • Power
  • Weapon
  • Notes
  • Team Members

An additional variant was present in the North American Grand Champions dubs of Series 4, where imperial measurements were used, the background gradient effect was made more prominent, and the layout of the individual sub-headers and stats was reworked. As well as taking less space within the statsboard panels, the latter section also used bolder text for the sub-headers. The most notable change was the removal of the 'Clearance' and 'Notes' sections, and the addition of 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses' in common with the later Extreme 1-Series 7 style.

Extreme 1-Series 7[]

Razer ext1 stats

Razer's statsboard in Series 5

Razer ec ext2 stats

Razer's statsboard by Extreme 2

From the first series of Robot Wars Extreme through to the end of the original run in The Seventh Wars, another statsboard design was used in keeping with the show's stylistic revamp in 2001. Like the Series 3-4 incarnation, this design was animated, appearing as a box that would open up and display a full-sized board in the centre of the screen. The board itself was similar to the Series 1-2 incarnation in that it used static official images and a metallic background. The animated borders included details such as rust effects, hazard stripes, and unbranded Robot Wars logos. Three additional cogwheel symbols in the style of the Classic Series logo were also integrated into the design, each rotating in time with the 'unfold' and 'fold' animations.

The statistics shown had once again changed, with the Clearance and Notes categories being replaced by Strengths and Weaknesses. Similarly to the Series 1-2 statboards, robot names were formatted in red text with white borders at the top of the main board. White, yellow and black text was used for sub-headings, information, and a list of team members respectively.

Dantomkia s6 stats

Dantomkia's statsboard for Series 6

Dantomkia s7 stats

Dantomkia's statsboard by Series 7

Though the design remained largely the same, several minor changes were carried out in between series concerning the robot images displayed within the board. Initially, these were displayed at the top-right of the board - occasionally with flags of the robot's homeland in the case of international specials - and small in size. In Series 6 and Dutch Series 2, larger images were placed behind the statistic notes, with a slightly transparent appearance and a yellowish tinge. Series 6 statsboards also featured a subtle dark grey background for the main statistics and image. Extreme 2 reverted to the single-tone grey background, while introducing further variations on the Series 6 style with smaller images placed near the top-right. Series 7 statsboards reduced the photo size further, though the robot images would again be placed at the top-right between the text and board background.

Comegetorix ext1 stats

The first version of Comengetorix's Extreme 1 statsboard

Comengetorix ext1 v2 stats

The second Extreme 1 statsboard for Comengetorix with a different official image

There were some occasions when a robot would receive two versions of a statsboard for the same series in which they entered. For example, Napalm and Comengetorix had two separate statsboards for Extreme 1; the former included one depicting the Series 5 incarnation as it fought in the Mayhem and Annihilator competitions. Meanwhile, Razer, Hypno-Disc, Dantomkia, Bigger Brother, Firestorm, Terrorhurtz and Tornado had two separate statsboards for Extreme 2, the first being based on those from Series 6.

Philliper ext1 stats

Philipper's regular statsboard in Extreme 1

Philipper ds1 stats

Philipper's statsboard in Dutch Series 1 (subtitled Mech+ version)

In Series 5, it was not uncommon for some statsboards to use an image of a robot's Extreme 1 incarnation for entries which had participated in both series; key examples of this included Dominator 2 and Spawn Again. International machines competing in Extreme 1, plus Season 1 of Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors and/or Dutch Robot Wars: Series 1, also received more than one statsboard variation. Key statistics were displayed in English and Dutch respectively, with robot images being displayed slightly differently between versions.

The following statistics were displayed:

  • Robot Name
  • Weight (Dutch: Gewicht)
  • Dimensions (Dutch: Afmetingen)
  • Power (Dutch: Krachtbron, translating to "Power Source")
  • Weapons (Dutch: Bewapening, translating to "Armament")
  • Strengths (Dutch: Sterkte, translating to "Strength")
  • Weaknesses (Dutch: Zwakte, translating to "Weakness")
  • Team
Stinger S5 stats Italian La7

Italian-language statsboards used for La7 airings of Series 5 (Stinger)

Italia Cassius S2 la7

Cassius' statistics board in Robot Wars History, retrospective broadcasts of Series 2 by Italian channel La7


Thermidor 2's statistics board with the first spelling variation of 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses'


Chaos 2's statistics board with the second spelling variation of 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses'

The same statistics board design would also be adopted by international versions, such as Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors, Nickelodeon Robot Wars and Dutch Robot Wars. Indeed, Extreme Warriors: Season 1 was the very first series of any version to use this style, premiering in the United States on 20 August 2001. While maintaining the same language and a virtually similar layout to UK versions, Extreme Warriors and the Nickelodeon series both used imperial measurements instead of metric.

Italian broadcaster La7 would also adopt multiple variations of this style for dubbed airings of the UK run. In Extreme, the categories were all the same as was in the UK airings, but in Series 5, a significantly different layout was used, which omitted 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses' while incorporating categories previously dropped from the original show. Headings listing the robot's name were placed to the left of the statsboard instead of the centre, while official images were replaced by a panel showing live footage of the featured competitors as they prepared for battle in the arena. The La7 statsboards included the following statistics:

  • Robot Name
  • Team (Italian: "Squadra")
  • Dimensions (Italian: "Dimensioni")
  • Weight (Italian: "Peso")
  • Speed (Italian: "Velocità") Not present in Extreme
  • Ground Clearance (Italian: "Altezza Dal Suolo", translating to "Height Above The Ground")
  • Power (Italian: "Alimentazione", translating to "Supply")
  • Weapons (Italian: "Armi")
  • Notes (Italian: "Nota")
  • Strengths (Italian: "Punto Diforza" or "Punti Di Forza") Extreme only
  • Weaknesses (Italian: "Punto Deboles", translating to "Weak Point", or "Punti Debol") Extreme only

Another unique variation is present in La7's retrospective airings of Series 2, dubbed Robot Wars History, which carried over and translated most statistics (aside from team members) from the original UK episodes.

Series 8[]

Gabriel s8 stats

Statsboard for Gabriel in Series 8

For the show's revival in 2016, the statsboard design was updated once more, with three separate styles being introduced throughout the course of the Revival Series.

In Series 8, the boards were displayed during robot introductions in the opening Group Battles, but with a simplified and more concise design using the back of an animated Robot Wars logo as a backdrop. Video footage of competitors recorded from a greenscreen 'turntable' set was displayed to the top-left, along with graphics representing a floating 'gear' platform for the robot to rotate with. Pulsing light effects surrounded the outer circumference of the 'gear' in different colours, usually corresponding with the featured robot's paint scheme. Depending on the footage used, the turntable clips would often present a quasi-3D effect as parts of the robot extended outwards over the statsboard border.

The overall colour scheme was based on the main logo; green, yellow and white, with a black background, a sawblade protruding from within the back of the logo itself, and effects simulating cracks, scratches and scuff marks. Smoke and pulsating light effects were utilised for the main text panels and the text within.

The statistics were ordered completely differently to prior series, with some appearing with less information (e.g. weapons) and other categories (e.g. teams, strengths, weaknesses, dimensions and power) being omitted entirely. Robot names and places of origin were located in the bottom panel as opposed to the top.

Robot statistics for Series 8 competitors were displayed in the following order:

  • Weight
  • Weapon
  • Defence (usually armour)
  • Robot Name
  • Location

During the Head-to-Head stages, dual statsboards were introduced for the first time in the regular series, displaying turntable footage and captions of two robots from each of the applicable match-ups. Simple bar graphs were used to illustrate four key statistics for each featured robot: Weight, Speed, Attack and Armour.

Series 9[]

Crushtacean s9 stats

Statistics for Crushtacean

Sabretooth s9 stats

Statistics for Sabretooth; note the altered lighting effects, resulting in the impression of an orange and black paint scheme

Series 9 introduced a radically different statsboard design to the previous series, adopting a minimalistic layout and a dark grey backdrop with concrete-like textures. Turntable footage of the featured robot was highlighted with circular-shaped graphics, reduced in size and now located on the right-hand side of the screen. On the left was an expanded list of statistics which reinstated the Speed, Drive and Power (Battery) categories, while also including bar graph style-statistics for Attack, Armour, Weight and Speed respectively. Every required element was animated at the start of the statsboard sequence using burst and spark effects, with additional glow and smoke effects highlighting the featured robot's main weapon.

The overall colour scheme used was dark grey, yellow and white, with weathering effects also being applied to much of the accompanying text. Clips used for the turntable footage would appear to have slight editing tweaks in some cases, with exposure, colour and shadow settings being altered in order for the robot to stand out. This is notable with certain robots like Sabretooth, which appears orange and black as opposed to yellow and dark grey.

Thecat stats

The Cat's statistics board from Battle of the Stars, Episode 1

An earlier version of the Series 9 style was used in the 2016 Battle of the Stars specials, which were filmed after, but aired before the main series. Noticeable differences include the substitution of locations for celebrity names, and the display size for the main board, stats and turntable footage, all of which were generally larger than in the main Series 9 version.

Series 9 competitor stats were displayed in the following order:

  • Robot Name
  • Location (replaced by celebrity names in Battle of the Stars)
  • Attack
  • Weapon (uncaptioned)
  • Armour
  • Weight
  • Speed
  • Drive
  • Power
  • Battery

Series 10[]

Eruption s10 stats

A typical statsboard featuring Eruption

Apollo + diotoir stats

A joint statsboard featuring team captains of Apollo and Diotoir

The Series 10 statsboard was largely based on the Series 9 style, but with notable modifications. The background adopted a darker grey colour along with extra 'crack' textures, with light and particle effects being added near the top and bottom of the screen. Static official images returned in place of turntable shots, displayed at a larger size and with brighter contrast on the right-hand side. Listed on the left-hand side were the robot's name, location and weapon, followed by bar graphic statistics for Attack, Armour, Weight and Speed. The 'Technical Information' sub-section featured bullet-pointed details on some of the robot's other design features, including Armour, Weight, Drive, Speed and Power.

In addition to full-sized statistics boards, a number of dual statsboards for two robots were also shown before numerous stages of each episode, namely the Robot Redemption, Semi-Final and Heat Final rounds of the main series. Series 10 was the only series to include team captains as part of the statsboard sequence, often appearing before or after the first time the main statsboard was shown, or even in the boards themselves in the case of dual statsboards. Uniquely, the statsboards for this series were not shown in the opening rounds, nor were full-sized ones aired for every competitor, owing to the different presentation style adopted by Series 10 and the World Series specials.

Thor s10 stats

Thor's regular Series 10 statsboard

Thor WS Stats Mech

The second statsboard for Thor, representing its appearance in the World Series

Similarly to earlier series, there were multiple cases where competitors received two full-sized statsboards with alternating images. This exclusively applied to UK robots appearing in the World Series (e.g. Apollo and Thor), illustrating the Union Jack artwork specially added to them for these specials.

Statistics displayed on full Series 10 statsboards were as follows:

  • Robot Name
  • Location
  • Weapon (uncaptioned)
  • Attack (Bar)
  • Armour (Bar)
  • Weight (Bar)
  • Speed (Bar)
  • Technical Information
  • Armour
  • Weight (uncaptioned)
  • Drive (uncaptioned)
  • Speed (uncaptioned)
  • Power (uncaptioned)

Unique Statsboards[]

House Robots[]

For Extreme 1, Series 5, Dutch Series 1 and both seasons of Extreme Warriors, customised statsboards were introduced for the main House Robots of those series. These statsboards had a similar design and format to those of the competitors, and would be displayed to highlight the House Robots present in the arena before the start of every battle in these series.

A greatly simplified interpretation of this was adopted for Series 8-9, featuring at the end of sequences showing the House Robots' design features and arena entrances. In Series 8, these only featured captions of the corresponding House Robot's name and weaponry displayed over a short clip of the entire machine. Colour of the text would be different depending on the corresponding House Robot, i.e. Shunt had yellow text, Sir Killalot had red text, Matilda had green text and Dead Metal had blue text. The same footage would be used for the Series 9 versions, the main changes being in the text animations and the addition of weight statistics. For the Battle of the Stars specials, the House Robots were given unique statboards based on the Series 8 versions, but with new footage and effects showing them being covered in - or superimposed next to - Christmas decorations.

German Robot Wars[]

Golem germ stats

Golem's statsboard in the German Series

Unlike other international series, the German Series used a unique variant of the Series 5-7 style. The robot images for these were enlarged, translucent and placed in the centre, with the statistic text also being similarly centred. As well as the main series, these statsboards were also used for the German Melee and the first heat from The Second World Championship, themselves having originally been broadcast in UK (Extreme 1) and US (Extreme Warriors Season 1) versions.

Side Competitions[]

Custom statsboards were also used for a number of side competitions in both runs, often correlating with the theme and/or format of the corresponding event.

Both the First World Championship and International League Championship used a variant of the regular Third Wars design, with white text for the robot's name and a flag of its representative country displayed next to the 'Team Members' stats. The Second World Championship featured the origin country flag behind the image of the robot, or, in the Italian La7 version, the country of origin in brackets after its name.[1] Meanwhile, the UK version of the European Championship displayed a smaller version of the former above the 'Weight' sub-header. The 2017-2018 World Series specials (filmed as part of Series 10) added a translucent animated flag behind the robot being displayed.

Starting from Extreme Warriors Season 2, dual statsboards would be used in Tag Team Terror competitions, each displaying images and statistics for both robots from a two-part team. The initial version had robot images placed above the statistics, though for the Nickelodeon International Tag Team, the latter were placed offset to the left of the robots' names. In common with other international specials, the Nickelodeon version also included flags of origin on the top-left corner.

For Extreme 2, the layout was changed once more, with larger robot images appearing at the bottom and behind the text on occasions.

Side competitions broadcast in The Third Wars featured a variety of different statsboards. For the Walker Battles and Robotic Soccer matches, the statistics appeared in a transparent black box in the following order:

  • Robot Name
  • Weight
  • Dimensions
  • Power
  • Team

A second style was used for the Middleweight Melee and Pinball Competition, featured a single metallic bar across the bottom of the screen. In this instance, only the robot's name, weight and weapon were displayed in the latter, though the Middleweight Melee competitors did not receive weight statistics.

Killertron cs stats

Statsboard layout for the Series 4 Celebrity Special (Killertron and Chris Eubank)

The Fourth Wars Celebrity Special featured a variant of the regular series board design with two noticeable changes. Alongside the addition of celebrity names, a black gradient effect was applied over the interlaced effects between the statistics and framed footage of the competing robot.

Statsboards in Merchandise[]

Razer aod stats

Statsboard for Razer in Arenas of Destruction

Statsboards appeared in two pieces of merchandise over the course of the original series run. Both usages was in the 3D Robot Wars games, Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction and the PC/Xbox versions of Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction. In Arenas of Destruction, the statsboard is shown as the same as the Series 3-4 style, however with the statistics being radically different and displaying:

  • Robot Name
  • Cost
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Pushing Power
  • Agility
  • Attack Power
Razer ed stats

Razer's stats for the PC/Xbox versions of Extreme Destruction

In Extreme Destruction, the statsboard reflected the statsboards used in Extreme 1/Series 5, however it does not include a picture of the robot in the top right corner. The statistics included are:

  • Robot Name
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Weapons
  • Team Members (Real-life robots only)



