Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

"What advice do I give to people who think they can beat us? Fear us."
— Craig Colliass

Team Saint was a roboteering team which collectively referred to the Colliass family, who entered Series 8 of Robot Wars as Team Gabriel and Series 9 as Team Cherub. Team Saint was the name used by the team on the live circuit, where they are captained by the father of the family, Craig Colliass. Team Saint returned once again in Series 10.

The Team[]

"As in most cases with a family situation, you actually do things by consensus and do it by mutual respect. I don't want to be a totalitarian kind of a person, it's not my style. My sons are such nice characters that we get on so well - it works as a family."
— Craig Colliass in Series 8
Gabriel 2 WS

Team Gabriel in Robot Wars: World Series

The Colliass family, consisting of Craig Colliass, his two daughters, and his three sons, were based in Essex. They reached the Heat Final stage in both Series 8 and 9 of Robot Wars. They did so in Series 8 with Gabriel, while captained by Craig Colliass, and in Series 9 with Cherub, while captained by Sarah Colliass. The two captains competed together with an updated version of Gabriel (Gabriel 2) in Series 10. Their robots had Christian based names due to the fact that Craig and his family are practicing Christians that went to church every Sunday.

Team Cherub had a signature victory pose, where the team would put their hands on their backs, and flap them as though they were angel wings.

Craig Colliass[]

"My training is actually in engineering, so I've got a lot of experience in cutting and working with metals, and also other materials."
— Craig Colliass
Craig Colliass

Craig Colliass

Craig Colliass was the head of the family and the captain of the team on the live circuit, as well as holding the position as captain during Series 8. In Series 10, he was listed as the 'International Captain', while daughter Sarah was 'Team Captain'. This may refer to Craig Colliass' captaincy during the live events, or his prominent speaking role during Robot Wars: World Series. He built both robots and was the most involved with the repairs of the robot. Although he was not present on the televised Team Cherub, he was still in attendance at the filming of Series 9 with Gabriel, an unused reserve for that series, and assisted with the repairs of Cherub.


Craig Colliass (upper-right) in his Series 8 costume

Craig Colliass regularly arrived at Robot Wars in costume. In Series 8, he wore a large trenchcoat with a red scarf, red goggles on his forehead, and would carry two smaller replicas of Gabriel's sword. After donating this costume to Alex Brown's charity auction, he prepared a brand-new costume for Series 9 including a metal bowler hat, later used in Series 10 alongside a large cane.

As a captain, Craig Colliass was known to be quite generous in victory. This was particularly noticeable when Gabriel fought Beast in Series 8, as Gabriel required a knockout victory in order to qualify for the Heat Final, but having noticed that Beast was starting to overheat, he ordered his team not to attack Beast, despite it officially being still mobile.

"We felt that Beast had actually been immobilised, and it didn't seem proper for us to continue any gratuitous violence!"
— Craig Colliass after the battle with Beast

Sarah Colliass[]

"My Dad was a wimp last year, and I'm going to make sure I don't make the same mistakes he did"
— Sarah Colliass in Series 9
Sarah Colliass

Sarah Colliass

Then-twelve year old Sarah Colliass was the captain of Team Cherub in Series 9. Sarah was the primary speaker in Cherub's VT in Series 9, and gave Toby commands while he drove Cherub. Sarah was also part of the team in Series 10, and was listed as the Team Captain.

"If my robot got destroyed in battle, I'd be really upset, and I'd go up to them, and cry right in their faces so they feel guilty!"
— Sarah Colliass in Series 9

Toby Colliass[]

"13-year old Toby has proved himself to be among the best drivers in the competition!"
— Angela Scanlon
Toby Colliass

Toby Colliass

Toby Colliass was the youngest son of the family (14 years of age at the time of Series 10). In Series 8, he was introduced as the "apprentice", and did not play an active role on Team Gabriel until the whiteboard matches took place, where Toby was given the chance to drive Gabriel in a match against Behemoth, which they won.

Since Toby's driving debut, he effectively rose beyond the rank of 'apprentice', and became the driver of Cherub in Series 9, steering the robot to victory against PP3D and Behemoth. This role continued into Series 10, where Toby drove Gabriel 2 for the entirety of its appearances in that series, including the World Series, and was also the primary speaker in Gabriel 2's VT's during the main competition, despite being the only team member not listed as a captain in some manner.

Mark Colliass[]

Mark Colliass S9

Mark Colliass

Mark Colliass, alongside Toby, was one of only two team members to appear on both Team Gabriel and Team Cherub. In Series 8, his role was 'pit crew', and he would assist with the repairs of Gabriel. This role became more important in Series 9, where Mark Colliass was the key team member when Cherub was in need of repairs. Additionally, Mark operated Cherub's lifting forks. By trade, Mark Colliass is a graphic designer, and he was the eldest son of the family, at 25 years of age in Series 9.

Zack Colliass[]

Zack Colliass

Zack Colliass

Zack Colliass was a member of Team Gabriel, and was 18 in his televised appearance. Zack was the driver of Gabriel throughout its Series 8 campaign, making him responsible for Gabriel's victories over Chompalot and Beast before his driving role was taken over by Toby Colliass in subsequent series. At the time, Zack Colliass was a student in sixth form.

Rosie Colliass[]

Rosie Colliass

Rosie Colliass

Rosie Colliass is Sarah's twin sister, and was therefore also 12 years old in Series 9-10. On television, her team role in Series 9 was stated as the 'cupcake maker'. The Robot Wars website called Rosie the weapons operator for Cherub, although this role was fulfilled by Mark Colliass in the battles. In Series 10, her role was upgraded to 'co-captain', alongside her sister Sarah.


Name Image Weight Class Series
Gabriel Gabriel 10 Heavyweight Series 8, 10
Cherub Cherub S9 Heavyweight Series 9


  • Wins: 7
  • Losses: 7

NOTE: Whiteboard matches are not included

Series Record[]

Series Team Saint Series Record
Series 1-7 Did not enter
Series 8 Heat Final with Gabriel
Series 9 Heat Final with Cherub
Unused reserve with Gabriel
Series 10 Heat, Round 1 with Gabriel 2


Outside Robot Wars[]

Since 2007, Team Saint have been active competitors on the live event circuit, often appearing at Robots Live! and various competitions organised by Roaming Robots. Alongside Gabriel and Cherub, they have competed with a variety of robots which were not seen in televised Robot Wars series.

The team's first ventures were with their namesake heavyweight The Saint (also shortened to Saint), a two-wheeled thwackbot initially equipped with a horizontally-mounted pickaxe. The pickaxe enabled it to strike opponents while spinning on the spot. This early build of The Saint would be succeeded by two versions with an axlebot design and overhead 'sword'. The second incarnation (also referred to as St Hammer) incorporated green wheels and a box-shaped chassis, while the third - still active as of November 2024 - features a half barrel-shaped body and white HDPE materials similar to Gabriel. At the 2017 Robots Live! Stevenage event, The Saint finished seventh overall in the FRA UK Championship and fought in numerous whiteboard battles.[1]


Gabriel, the team's featherweight

The team have also fought with a number of featherweights;

  • Gabriel (not to be confused with the heavyweight), an axlebot with a grinding blade on the end of the arm.
  • Seraphim, which also resembles Gabriel in appearance. Sold to Trans-Cendant Robotics in 2021 to compete in the FightFest Winter Challenge 2021 as Hoplite.
  • Mechatron, a pushing robot driven by four wheels.

At Extreme Robots Manchester on 22-23 April 2017, Toby Colliass drove Gabriel in competition for the first time. The following month, Team Saint sold one of the prop swords they used in Series 8 on eBay, signed by Craig Colliass. It was sold for £102 to the same person who won Craig's Series 8 outfit in Alex Brown's charity auction.

Excalibur CB

Excalibur at Clash Bots

Excalibur vs King of Ghost

Excalibur immobilises King of Ghost

Craig and Toby Colliass also competed in the Chinese TV show, Clash Bots. They did so with Excalibur, a robot extremely similar to Gabriel, but made of black HDPE with a golden hammer blade or fish-head shaped blade on the end of the weapon shaft. In its first battle, Excalibur defeated the bar spinner King of Ghost by hammering its top until the Chinese robot lost the use of one tyre, awarding the win by knockout to Excalibur. In the second round, it fought the vertical spinner of Catfish, and delivered an overhead blow so powerful that Catfish was overturned. Excalibur repeatedly pounded the underside of Catfish, which could not self-right, and Excalibur won the battle by knockout. Presenter Peter also elected for Excalibur to represent him on his team, starting with a three-way battle aside from the main competition, against the Chinese Nightmare Strangler and the Brazilian Dark Wolf. Excalibur avoided the combat until Nightmare Strangler lost controlled movement, and withstood a blow from the vertical spinner of Dark Wolf before landing a hit on the immobile Nightmare Strangler. However, a strong hit from Dark Wolf immobilised Excalibur, and it lost the battle. Excalibur also participated in a battle to destroy a metal structure while avoiding House Robot-type machines such as Dominator, but Spicy Newt proved the most useful in completing the goal. Directly afterwards, Excalibur fought the American drum spinner in the main competition, and although Spicy Newt's weapon did not function in the battle, Excalibur could not strike the small and fast target, causing Team Saint to lose the Judges' decision. However, Excalibur was reinstated after Angry Frog withdrew from the competition, now joining Angelababy's team. It fought in a five-way melee, but lost the Judges' decision to Toxic Fangs, despite Team Saint believing they had won the battle. After Zack Colliass joined the team as the new driver, Excalibur fought Toxic Fangs head-to-head and earned revenge by smashing its drone into pieces, and won the Judges' decision after landing repeated hits. Excalibur then faced a challenge where it would have to survive against horizontal spinner Brain Storm, flipper Bull Devil and vertical spinner Egg Beater in three consecutive matches, each two minutes long. Excalibur survived the battle against Brain Storm, but not without losing drive to one wheel, which ultimately cost it against Bull Devil, which flipped Excalibur onto the arena wall for a KO. In an effort to earn a place in the Top 4, Excalibur faced Dark Wolf again, but became immobile after repeated hits from the vertical spinner. Excalibur also fought Spicy Newt for the second time, which now had a working drum. Team Saint learned from their previous battles, and landed more blows on Spicy Newt than in the previous encounter, winning the battle on a Judges' decision. Its place in the Top 4 was to be decided in a battle against Toxic Fangs, which also won a battle in the same round that Excalibur defeated Spicy Newt. Despite Toxic Fangs being immobile for nearly ten seconds, Excalibur lost the battle when it became stuck behind the grinder on the wall, and was finally eliminated in fifth place. Excalibur still fought in one last battle outside of the main competition, and lost to Brain Storm.

"All I would say is, a big thank you to everyone at Clash Bots, to all the celebrities, and yourself, and the guests as well, it's been great. A big thank you to my son Toby, who's done a brilliant job with the driving. He's only 15 years old, he's the youngest driver in Clash Bots, and to get this far is really something. Thank you."
— Craig Colliass

Raphael, the team's Middleweight in 2019

In 2019, after Extreme Robots announced a middleweight division, the team built a new robot called Raphael, which features the signature large axlebot design but with an overhead horizontal spinner. It attended multiple events for middleweight battles with reasonable success, and remains in competition to this day. Raphael's most recent combat appearance was at Extreme Robots Colchester in 2022.[2]

In February 2020, Team Saint were revealed to be collaborating with Team Outlaw on a proposed entry for the 2020 season of BattleBots.[3] Their robot was later confirmed to be Spitfire, a fighter plane-inspired horizontal spinner with a similar weapon and chassis design to Ironside3.[4]


In April 2021, a new heavyweight robot, Uriel, was completed for participation in live events.[5] Featuring a large-wheeled design in common with other Team Saint machines, its armament consists of a pneumatic hammer operated by a mechanism incorporating two tyre pumps, recycled Pepsi soft drink bottles and a ram made out of a bicycle inner tube.[6] Uriel's first combat appearance came at the Robots Live! Crawley event, an event also attended by Gabriel.

Zadkiel front 2022

Zadkiel at Extreme Robots Portsmouth, May 2022 (front)

Zadkiel rear 2022

Zadkiel at Extreme Robots Portsmouth, May 2022 (tail)

In 2022, Team Saint built another heavyweight called Zadkiel, armed with an undercutting horizontal spinner similar to Raphael. Zadkiel debuted at that year's Extreme Robots Portsmouth event in May, and is known to have fought Series 9 fourth-place finisher Aftershock, former BattleBots quarter-finalist Monsoon and World Championship VII debutant Ominous in three separate battles.[7] At the following event in Guildford, Zadkiel fought Aftershock again in a fight where it severely damaged its opponent's weapon pulley and bulkhead. The damage was great enough for Team Shock to withdraw Aftershock from the event, effectively avenging Gabriel's previous losses to it in Series 10 and previous Extreme Robots competitions.[8][9]

Gabriel 2 Uriel Zadkiel 2023

Gabriel 2 with Uriel (back, left) and Zadkiel (back, right) in 2023

Zadkiel XR belt 2023

Zadkiel with the Heavyweight Spinner Championship belt won at Extreme Robots Guildford, 2023

Team Saint continued to make an active presence at UK live events in 2023, with Gabriel, The Saint and Uriel all appearing at the Extreme Robots Brentwood event on 27-28 May. Though they would not pick up a victory in any of their battles, Craig Colliass was satisfied with the new drive system received by The Saint for the season. Another notable moment occurred during Uriel's Sunday melee against Tectonic, Impolsion and Brutus, where Uriel itself got wedged in the floor flipper mechanism partway through.[10][11][12]

At Guildford on 17-18 June, Zadkiel defeated Aftershock once again in the inaugural Extreme Robots Heavyweight Spinner Championship match, causing damage severe enough to retire the former Robot Wars Grand Finalist. Zadkiel's performance was followed up by a similarly destructive win over middleweight F7, tearing up the latter's sides and wheels in a non-championship 'Spinner Challenge'.[13][14][15][16][17][18] Zadkiel continued its winning streak at Extreme Robots Newcastle on 22-23 July, winning both of its head-to-heads against Triforce and Galactus respectively. It would also win a three-way melee against Donald Thump and Iron Heart 88 during the weekend, wrecking the latter's chassis and flipper in the process.[19][20]

All four of Team Saint's heavyweights (Gabriel, The Saint, Uriel, Zadkiel) were in action at Extreme Robots Colchester on 16-17 September. Zadkiel again won both of its scheduled 'Spinner Battles' - a melee against Donald Thump and newcomer Virus, and a second head-to-head against Galactus. With Team Divinity winning a place in the Sunday show final after tying Team Quake on points, Gabriel would also win the show outright against Iron-Awe 5 on a Judges' decision.[21][22][23]

A tougher Extreme Robots weekend awaited Team Saint at Maidstone on 21-22 October, supported by a head-to-head win by Gabriel against Manta in the first show. In the 'Spinner Battles', Zadkiel rekindled its rivalry against Monsoon, but lost the first and last of their three encounters by knockout. The second encounter involved both robots getting stuck together, when Monsoon's vertical bar tore through one of Zadkiel's wheels. Though a rematch was planned, Zadkiel was found to have lost drive on one side after being separated, and the battle was abandoned with no winner being declared.[24][25][26]

The final 2023 Extreme Robots leg at Cheltenham began with Zadkiel winning a three-way melee against Donald Thump and Mongrel, and Gabriel reaching the Show 1 final on a judges' decision over Eruption and Tectonic. However, the latter would be defeated by Meggamouse after getting thrown out of the arena in the opening seconds. A subsequent rematch between Zadkiel and Monsoon in Show 2 resulted in the former having its bar spinner torn completely off and suffering its third knockout loss of the year against Tom Brewster's entry. On the Sunday, Gabriel and The Saint paired up for a Tag Team battle at one point, though both would lose to Poseidon and Troublemaker of Team Quake. Despite the damage it sustained, Zadkiel was repaired in time to win its last battle of the season against vertical spinner Little Ned and Dutch BattleBots competitor Ominous, the former sporting a large bladed disc designed to counter its undercutting weapon.[27][28][29]


Gabriel, Zadkiel and The Saint once again represented Craig Colliass' team throughout the 2024 Extreme Robots tour, beginning at Doncaster on the weekend of 20-21 April. Along with another undefeated Spinner Division run for Zadkiel, The Saint claimed a Tag Team win for Team Divinity in the second Saturday show, where it and Jasper eliminated Leviathan and The Alpha by knockout. This contributed to Team Divinity picking up enough points to qualify for the show final with Gabriel; Gabriel won outright by quickly immobilising Poseidon within the opening moments.[30][31][32] Extreme Robots Guildford marked another undefeated Spinner Battle streak for Zadkiel; meanwhile, Gabriel finished runner-up in the Show 1 final to Implosion, and claimed a further Tag Team win alongside Axel in Show 2 of the same weekend.[33][34][35] A similar pattern of success awaited Team Saint at Newcastle (6-7 July); Zadkiel won all three of its scheduled Spinner fights, and Gabriel - equipped with a lighter and faster-swinging titanium sword - took outright victory in the second show over Implosion.[36][37][38]

Following the summer break, Zadkiel continued its unbeaten Spinner run at Extreme Robots Colchester (14-15 September 2024), winning twice more over St Ripper and once more over Talio respectively. The same event also saw Gabriel collect a head-to-head victory over Leviathan, while experimenting with a new "whack bat" weapon designed to strike with a wider reach.[39][40][41] A more difficult weekend for Team Saint's machines at Maidstone (19-20 October) was salvaged by yet another Zadkiel victory during the third show, against Talio once more.[42]


  • With six members, Team Saint is the largest team in Robot Wars to only contain family members.
  • Craig Colliass is a member of MENSA, having scored in the top 99th percentile with an IQ of 156.


  19. 'ReActivate: The Extreme Robots Podcast #2', Extreme Robots (YouTube), uploaded 25 July 2023
  20. 'Extreme Robots Newcastle 2023: Ironheart Vs Zackiel Vs Donald Thump', TEAM IRONCLADS (YouTube), uploaded 24 July 2023
  21. 'Extreme Robots Colchester Show 1 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 16 September 2023
  22. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Colchester Show 2 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 16 September 2023
  23. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Colchester Show 3 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 17 September 2023
  24. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Maidstone Show 1 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 21 October 2023
  25. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Maidstone Show 2 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 21 October 2023
  26. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Maidstone Show 3 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 22 October 2023
  27. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Cheltenham Show 1 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 11 November 2023
  28. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Cheltenham Show 2 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 11 November 2023
  29. 'Extreme Robots 2023 Cheltenham Show 3 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 12 November 2023
  30. 'Extreme Robots 2024 Doncaster Show 1 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 20 April 2024
  31. 'Extreme Robots 2024 Doncaster Show 2 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 20 April 2024
  32. 'Extreme Robots 2024 Doncaster Show 3 LIVESTREAM', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 21 April 2024
  33. 'LIVE SHOW! Extreme Robots Guildford 2024 - Show 1', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 15 June 2024
  34. 'LIVE SHOW! Extreme Robots Guildford 2024 - Show 2', Extreme Robots (YouTube) streamed 15 June 2024
  35. 'LIVE SHOW! Extreme Robots Guildford 2024 - Show 3', Extreme Robots (YouTube), streamed 16 June 2024
  36. 'Newcastle Live Show 1 – 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  37. 'Newcastle Live Show 2 – 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  38. 'Newcastle Live Show 3 – 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  39. 'Colchester Live Show 1 - 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  40. 'Colchester Live Show 2 - 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  41. 'Colchester Live Show 3 - 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV
  42. 'Maidstone Live Show 3 - 2024 Tour', Extreme Robots TV

External Links[]

