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Technophobic was a competitor robot which fought in Series 2 and 3 of Robot Wars. In the former, it reached the Heat Final on its debut appearance, where it was knocked out by eventual finalist Killertron, making it the first robot to be pitted by another competitor. Technophobic reached the second round in Series 3 before falling to eventual Heat winner Pitbull.

Versions of Technophobic[]

Technophobic (Series 2)[]

"It took just four working weeks to build out of bits and bobs from around the workshop. It cost up to a thousand pounds, a lawnmower engine drives two motors, it's the heaviest in the Heat. The 9-inch steel cutting disc weapon could look a little flimsy if Sir Killalot's about!"
Jonathan Pearce introduces Technophobic in Series 2

Technophobic in Series 2


Official image of Technophobic from Series 2

Technophobic was originally a large, silver, roughly barrel-shaped robot, built in 20 days over 4 working weeks. It cost between £800 and £1,000 using various workshop materials and was driven by two motors from a lawnmower engine, with petrol driving the disc as well. Technophobic ran on a four-wheel drive system, and was unique for its time by using hydraulic systems for both its weaponry and motors, which gave a good top speed. However, the hydraulic pressure had to be reduced, after the team discovered that its valves and shafts were bending under its 1,500-1,800psi working pressure[1]. Technophobic would also use interchangeable wheels depending on arena and obstacle surfaces, although ultimately only its nylon wheels would be used.

"Well in RW there are people who go for the easy setup and those who go for something different. Technophobic were the latter in the way the had a hydraulic robot powered with hydraulic weapons and motors and a lawnmower engine providing the go. Technophobic had 4WD and had different wheels depending on the ground, I think they always used their nylon no-grip tyres which was a waste of their hydraulic motors but with more grippy tires the turning friction would be a problem. Their petrol cap was set alight which was quite amusing."
Oliver Steeples on what made Technophobic unique[2]

The cutting discs on the back of Technophobic

It was armed with a 9" cutting disc on the front, which was interchangeable with a pointed frame, that could serve as a wedge or a spike depending on which way up it was fitted. The cutting disc was seen during the robot's introduction and the official photo, but was not used in any of Technophobic's appearances in this series. There were also two horizontal cutting discs on the back, though these were removed prior to the Arena stages.

Technophobic (Series 3)[]

"This is Technophobic, our Mark Two version, improvement from the last wars. We have a bigger motor for more power, we have an improved weapon - a spring-loaded spike with a steel piercing tip, and a hydraulic lifting arm as well. And it's extremely quick, it's much quicker than last year's robot, so we hope to catch a few people unawares!"
— Mike Halon on Technophobic

Technophobic in Series 3


The team show the internals of Technophobic in Series 3

Having been rebuilt over more than six months, the second machine was faster, featuring eight wheels instead of four, a taller shell, a new resin-bonded yellow 5mm[3] fibreglass shell and a more powerful petrol driven motor. Like the original robot, the new version of Technophobic was driven by a hydraulic system powered by a petrol engine, though this was flammable. Technophobic's new weapon was a hydraulic lifting arm with a spring-loaded spike with a steel-piercing tip, and there were two spikes on the front. This version of the robot cost £1,000.

In both series, Technophobic weighed over the weight limit for Heavyweights at the time, at 82.2 and 80kg respectively.


The name 'Technophobic' refers to a fear of technology.

The Team[]

"Handy tip number one... when building a robot, it's always very useful to have your own engineering company! That's exactly what David Hayward does, giving him access to all the bits and bobs that just happen to be lying around his workshop."
— Philippa Forrester in Robot Wars Revealed Episode 5

The Technophobic team in Series 2

Technophobic was created by workmates at Hayward Precision Engineering, a Bournemouth-based company run by team member David Hayward. David Hayward and Mike Halon were present in both of the robot's appearances, with Mark Green being the third team member in Series 2. Dennis Cox was listed on the robot's statistics board in Series 3, but did not appear with the team at filming for unknown reasons. Mark Green was the team captain in Series 2, with Mike Halon being the captain in Series 3. In both appearances, Mike Halon drove the robot.

Robot History[]

Series 2[]

"The robot's driven by a petrol motor, this drives a hydraulic pump, split between two sets of valves driving hydraulic motors. The wheels are chained together in pairs, this gives us good power and good turning ability."
— Mike Halon on the internals of Technophobic

Technophobic debuted in Series 2, Heat E, where it was the fourth robot to run The Gauntlet. At that stage, it began its run by going down the centre route.

Mark Green: "Straight down the middle, just straight down the middle."
David Hayward: "Smash everything through!"
Mark Green: "Smash everything through, and we're gonna push a House Robot off the back, hopefully!"
— The team's tactics for the Gauntlet, in a clip only shown in Robot Wars Revealed

Dead Metal blocks Technophobic as it crosses the see-saw


Technophobic receives a blow from Shunt

It started quickly, but was stopped as the Arena Spikes rose, lifting it off the ground. The spikes lowered, and Technophobic continued, quickly driving to the see-saw and crossing it without any issue. This was until Dead Metal intercepted its path.

"That's a good run at the start, beyond the spikes and up over the see-saw, already into Dead Metal though!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic drives over the see-saw, but is blocked by Dead Metal

Dead Metal grabbed Technophobic in his pincers before it could get off the see-saw, and brought his saw down to the top. Fortunately for Technophobic, the saw was not working. Shunt came alongside as Dead Metal held Technophobic, and tried axing it. His first few blows narrowly missed as Shunt was not close enough, just glancing off the side, but Dead Metal then pulled Technophobic off the ramp and, together with Shunt, pushed it to the fence. This allowed Shunt to get closer, and land an axe blow on Technophobic's top, puncturing the armour. In the last few seconds, Shunt pulled his axe back and reversed, and Dead Metal let Technophobic out of his grip and reversed to the bottom of the course. Technophobic tried to reach the end zone in the remaining few seconds, but Dead Metal blocked it and time ran out.

"Can it withstand the pressure? Still motoring though! This is a good run, into Dead Metal, but that's a tremendous run by Technophobic to get that far!"
— Jonathan Pearce, in the last few seconds of Technophobic's Gauntlet run

Despite not completing the course, Technophobic had covered 11.3m, putting it second on the leaderboard, above Killertron and Schumey, guaranteeing its progress to the next round. Ultimately, Pain was forced to withdraw, putting the other five competitors through regardless of their performances.

Philippa Forrester: "You went great guns and came off the ramp, straight into the welcoming arms of Dead Metal!"
David Hayward: "Well, we didn't know there was two of them! They just came along!"
— Post-Gauntlet interview, in a clip only shown in Robot Wars Revealed

Technophobic then participated in the King of the Castle Trial, where it was the last qualifying robot to attempt the challenge.

David Hayward: "Flying knives, lifter on the front, armoured body."
Philippa Forrester: "You're gonna need every bit of it when those robots come for you!"
David Hayward: "I know this now!"
— Pre-Trial interview

Technophobic reverses away from the edge in King of the Castle

As the House Robots drove up the ramps, Technophobic drove straight into Matilda as she made her way up to the platform. Matilda raised her tusks, and Technophobic drove under them. After a pause, Matilda pushed, and Technophobic reversed into the centre of the platform. Matilda turned around, and Technophobic tried driving into her side, but Matilda turned and pushed against Technophobic with her tusks. Technophobic drove forwards to dodge Matilda's tusks, but in doing so drove dangerously close to the edge. It reversed into Matilda's side, but Matilda backed it close to the edge of the platform. Shunt used his plough to push Technophobic to the edge of the platform. As he drove forwards to line up another push, he inadvertently gave Technophobic a chance to drive to the other side of the platform.

"The cutting blades not really effective, that's a good surge though!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic drives away from the edge of the platform
Technophobic trial

Technophobic falls off the ring with Matilda

Technophobic again drove into the centre, getting its front wedge underneath Matilda as she turned around. It pushed Matilda a little, but then reversed, which allowed Matilda to get under the front and lift Technophobic up with her tusks. Matilda pushed Technophobic towards the edge, off one of the barrels and, with Shunt's help, over the edge. As she did so, however she drove too hard and went over the edge as well.

"This is a good, brave run from Technophobic, staying on in there! Holding on in there! Flipped up, Shunt comes in, and finally going over the edge and taking 'tilda with her!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic is shoved over the edge

Technophobic's run lasted 35.95 seconds, allowing it to finish 3rd on the leaderboard and qualify for the next round.

Craig Charles: "Well guys, how do you think that went?"
David Hayward: "It went well, I thought. We got one off!"
Craig Charles: "Yeah, you definitely took one with ya, and you hung on for quite a while as well, didn't ya?"
Mike Halon: "Yeah, yeah, gave them a good run."
— Post-Trial interview

In the Arena stage, it faced Spin Doctor in the Semi-Finals, with its rear spinning discs being removed in advance.

Mike Halon: "It's all about speed. We're very quick off the mark."
Philippa Forrester: "What, so you're gonna go as speedy as you can at the very beginning?"
Mike Halon: "We've got to catch them before they start spinning."
Philippa Forrester: "See, I love it when we know the plan, because it never goes to plan! When we know the plan, we can watch and go "I knew it wouldn't work!""
— Pre-battle interview
Technophobic vs Spin Doctor

Technophobic battles Spin Doctor

At the start of the battle, the two competitors drove towards each other, but as Technophobic got close, Spin Doctor turned away. Technophobic drove straight into its opponent, getting its front wedge under Spin Doctor's side, but Spin Doctor slid off and used its spinning attack to push it aside. Technophobic reversed past Spin Doctor, being hit and unaffected by the Huddersfield machine's maces as it spun.

"Technophobic, quite wise to dance away. Don't forget, style and control important with the Judges."
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic reverses away from the spinning Spin Doctor
Technophobic fire

A fire begins inside Technophobic

Technophobic held back, waiting for Spin Doctor to stop spinning. Once Spin Doctor slowed down, Technophobic drove into it, getting under the side with its front wedge. In response, Spin Doctor turned and tried pushing against Technophobic's side. Technophobic turned, and Spin Doctor started spinning again. Technophobic reversed into Spin Doctor as it spun, withstanding a couple of hits from Spin Doctor's spinning body. It continued reversing against its opponent, successfully disrupting its spinning. Technophobic manoeuvred away and turned around, and the two competitors again drove at each other, with Technophobic pushing and trying to get under Spin Doctor's side with its front wedge. As before, Spin Doctor started spinning, so Technophobic backed out. Technophobic turned and reversed around Spin Doctor, which drove into its side and started pushing, but Spin Doctor suddenly stopped. Technophobic reversed away, nearly driving into the PPZ. Matilda came out of the PPZ to give it a push, and Technophobic drove away. However, Technophobic suffered an internal fire; sparks began flying from inside the machine as 'Cease' was called.

"Technophobic, moving comfortably, but I think they've got a problem, I think there's a lick of flame underneath Technophobic! There's a problem there, you can see the sparks for Technophobic! That flame will not help, they're in problems here! Spin Doctor's immobilised it seems, but Technophobic's on fire!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic catches fire internally

Technophobic reversed and stopped, at which point the fire was put out by a Robot Wars crewmember.

"The key moments; Technophobic, getting under Spin Doctor. There goes the flail, this is the most dangerous weapon it [Spin Doctor] has, but very, very even at the end of course!"
— Jonathan Pearce reviews the highlights

The Judges were called on to make a decision, and they gave the victory to Technophobic based on Aggression and Damage. In The Pits, the fire was revealed to have only damaged the lid of the petrol tank.

"Bit of a non-event really, wasn't it?"
— Mark Green on the battle (Robot Wars Revealed, Episode 5)

Technophobic was through to the Heat Final, where it met 4th seed Killertron.

"What tactics will they use? They're heavier than Killertron, Killertron is the faster and has the deadly weapon!"
— Jonathan Pearce in the opening moments of the battle
Killertron Technophobic

Technophobic narrowly escapes from Dead Metal

Initially, it started quicker, charging up the arena at Killertron, which was slow to get off the mark. As it got close to the Team Trojan machine, however, Technophobic stopped and turned. Killertron got beside Technophobic and fired its pickaxe, but Technophobic reversed to avoid it. Technophobic reversed away from Killertron, driving down the arena, but drove dangerously close to Dead Metal in the PPZ. Killertron drove towards it, and Technophobic drove at Killertron. Killertron fired the axe, but narrowly missed. Technophobic reversed away from Killertron, but in doing so drove towards Dead Metal, who came out of the PPZ to get his arms around it.

"Good style though by Technophobic, avoiding Richard Broad and killer pick axe, coming in again! Once again, they've avoided the blow, oh, but run into Dead Metal, very nearly!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic avoids Killertron's axe, but drives into Dead Metal
Killertron vs Technophobic

Killertron pushes Technophobic into the Pit

Dead Metal pushed Technophobic, then let go and reversed back into the PPZ. Technophobic pushed against Killertron's side with its front spike, but Killertron turned around to Technophobic's side. Technophobic reversed for another attack, but as it drove at Killertron, Killertron turned to avoid it and drove away. Technophobic again reversed at Killertron, but Killertron used the top of its axe, with its spikes, to push Technophobic to the edge of the Pit, pushing some of the wheels over the edge. Technophobic could not get away, and, after three attempts, was nudged fully into the hazard by Killertron.

"Technophobic, I hope it's not claustrophobic, or arachnophobic, there are spiders down there! It's dark, it's gloomy...and you're going down!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic is pitted by Killertron

Following this defeat, Technophobic was eliminated from The Second Wars.

Philippa Forrester: "How was that for you then, kid?"
David Hayward: "Pitiful!"
Philippa Forrester: "But you're still laughing!"
David Hayward: "No, we're laughing. We had a good time."
Philippa Forrester: "Yeah? In the Pit?"
David Hayward: "We're a big down in a hole at the moment, but we'll get out of it!"
— Post Heat Final interview. (Robot Wars Revealed; only the first part was included in the main Heat E

Series 3[]

"The Technophobes were eliminated in the first round of the last wars, they've improved over six months of rebuilding. The lifting arm weapon and resin-bonded glass fibre shell - don't call this Mellow Yellow!"
— Jonathan Pearce introduces Technophobic in Series 3

Returning in Heat B of The Third Wars, the redesigned Technophobic faced newcomer Abaddon in the first round.

Techophobic vs abaddon

Technophobic spears Abaddon

At the start of the battle, both robots cautiously approached one another. Technophobic attempted to get its lifter under Abaddon, but only managed to get it under the front, lifting up a panel, but not lifting the Scottish robot entirely. It reversed for another attempt, then drove at Abaddon again, getting the lifting arm under Abaddon's body and lifting one of its wheels off the floor. Technophobic reversed whilst lifting Abaddon, but Abaddon slid off. Abaddon drove after Technophobic as it reversed, and drove under Technophobic's lifting arm as it lowered it, lifting its own wheels off the floor. Abaddon reversed, allowing Technophobic to fall off. Technophobic drove at Abaddon as it reversed, and Technophobic got its lifting arm underneath Abaddon again. However, before it could try lifting, Abaddon reversed and turned, getting off the lifter. Technophobic raised the lifting arm, and a small piece of metal fell off Abaddon's front, and was knocked aside with its own rotavator blades. Technophobic reversed, but Abaddon drove after it before Technophobic could lower its lifting arm, so Technophobic brought it down on top of Abaddon again, lifting its wheels off the ground again. Abaddon tried to reverse, but one of Technophobic's front spikes was rubbing against one of the tyres, stopping it from turning properly. Technophobic raised the lifter, and Abaddon reversed to the arena centre. Technophobic charged at Abaddon, and tried pushing it, but then reversed. Abaddon drove past Technophobic, which tried to get its lifter underneath, but Abaddon drove over it. The two competitors turned to face each other, and Technophobic got its lifter under Abaddon's front and lifted it up again.

"A great roar goes up as Technophobic goes back on the attack, up to 25 miles-an-hour they can generate. Trying to flip Abaddon once again."
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic gets under Abaddon again
Technophobic Abaddon

Abaddon loses its castor

Technophobic tried pushing Abaddon towards the Pit, but Abaddon slid off the lifter, though its rear castor was dangerously close to the Pit. Technophobic reversed a little, and Abaddon tried to drive around it, but got under the side with the lifting arm. Technophobic tried lifting Abaddon, but it slid off. Matilda had driven out of her CPZ, and drove at Technophobic, which reversed. Matilda returned to the CPZ, and Abaddon drove straight at Technophobic, which allowed Technophobic to get its lifter under the front and, again, lift one of Abaddon's wheels off the floor. Technophobic tried pushing Abaddon, but without success, letting Abaddon fall off as it reversed.

"Mike, who likes motorbikes and mountain bikes, trying to drive Abaddon in and underneath, as Matilda came into the action there!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic lifts and tries to push Abaddon

Shunt frees Abaddon from the Flame Pit

Abaddon drove towards Technophobic, but turned, which exposed its rear tail. Technophobic got its lifting arm underneath the tail and lifted Abaddon up. As it rammed into Abaddon, the latter's rear castor wheel fell off. Holding Abaddon's tail up, Technophobic pushed Abaddon towards the Flame Pit. Though the tail slid off the lifter, Technophobic pushed Abaddon's tail towards the hazard boundaries. Abaddon tried turning away from Technophobic, but this pulled the tail over the Flame Pit, and with the castor wheel having fallen off, the tail got caught on the grid, and Abaddon was stuck. Technophobic blocked Abaddon as it tried pulling its tail free, but in doing so, drove to the edge of Shunt's CPZ, and Shunt axed it, puncturing the shell. Shunt came out of his CPZ to try and push Abaddon free with his plough, but failed. Matilda also came over, trying to use her tusks to lift Abaddon free, but the tail was still caught. Technophobic drove around to Abaddon's front, and got the lifting arm underneath, lifting one wheel off the floor.

"You can see the problem, the bolt pinning them in on the Flame Pit! They can't escape! On one side they've got Technophobic, with the lifting arm underneath those rotating blades once again!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic lifts Abaddon whilst its opponent is caught on the Flame Pit
Abaddon vs technophbic vs sir killalot

Sir Killalot lifts Abaddon and Technophobic

Meanwhile, Shunt got his lifting scoop under the end of Abaddon's tail and lifted it free of the Flame Pit grille. Technophobic pulled Abaddon to the centre of the arena, then pushed it against the arena wall. As it did so, Sergeant Bash and Matilda came out of their CPZs, with Matilda ramming into Technophobic's side. Technophobic reversed, pulling Abaddon with it, as its rotavator blades were caught in Technophobic's front. Sir Killalot came out of his CPZ and got his lance under Abaddon's tail, lifting the robot up to try and free it, but it was still caught. As such, Sir Killalot lowered Abaddon, before Sergeant Bash rammed into the struggling Scottish entry. The chain had fallen off Abaddon's rotavator blades, rendering them useless, and it was moving back and forth very slowly in the last few seconds. Technophobic drove around Abaddon, but ran out of time to make another attack.

"Well they'll vote on Style, Control, Damage and Aggression, and Technophobic by far the more aggressive. There comes the wheel, off Abaddon, which meant control was limited, driven onto the Flame Pit by Technophobic, couldn't get off, and Technophobic did all the work!"
— Jonathan Pearce reviews the highlights before the Judges' decision was announced

The match went to a Judges' decision, which was given to Technophobic.

Philippa Forrester: "It was fairly easy, wasn't it? Not much damage incurred, that I can see. And you went right in there!"
Mike Halon: "No, no, hardly a scratch!"
Jonathan Pearce: ""No damage" Philippa?! I'd hate to see your car..."
— Post-battle interview, as Philippa Forrester inspects the scratched and cut bodyshell of Technophobic

In the second round, Technophobic met another newcomer, Pitbull.

Philippa Forrester: "Technophobic team, how are you feeling, are you feeling Technophobic?"
Mike Halon: "At the moment, yes! We haven't seen what Pitbull's capable of."
Philippa Forrester: "Really? So you don't know what you're up against? At all!"
Mike Halon: "Don't know yet."
Philippa Forrester: "Are you in good working order?"
Mike Halon: "Fine, yes. All going, yes."
— Pre-battle interview
Technophobic Pitbull

Technophobic lifts Pitbull

The two competitors drove at each other, meeting in the arena centre; Pitbull got its jaw under the front-left corner of Technophobic and rammed it into the arena side wall. Pitbull reversed, allowing Technophobic to turn and drive away from the wall. Technophobic drove past Shunt's CPZ, and the two competitors turned to face each other. Technophobic drove into Pitbull, but did not get its lifter underneath the front of the Nottinghamshire entry. As such, it reversed away, driving to the arena centre. Both robots cautiously approached each other again, and Pitbull pushed Technophobic back across the arena once they engaged. Technophobic managed to back away, past the open Pit, while Pitbull oversteered and stopped next to the grid.

A few tentative seconds followed, before Technophobic chased after and met Pitbull as the latter drove back into the arena centre. Another head-to-head exchange followed, where Technophobic drove into the front of Pitbull and lifted it up. While holding Pitbull in place for several seconds, it could not push, so Technophobic reversed, dropping its opponent.

"Technophobic lifting Pitbull up! And if can it roll him over, not to tickle its tum, but to get rid of it. No, he couldn't flick it over"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic lifts Pitbull up
Technophobic fire Series 3

Technophobic's petrol tank burns as Pitbull looks on

Pitbull quickly reversed, then charged into Technophobic's front-right corner and pushed it aside. In response, Technophobic drove at the side of Pitbull, but was unable to get its lifter under the latter's side. Pitbull tried to push Technophobic back, but Technophobic reversed to the arena centre, avoiding an errant Dead Metal as its opponent accidentally clamped itself onto the top-right CPZ barrier. With Dead Metal out of the way, Technophobic drove into the CPZ itself to try and lift Pitbull clear from the wall, but was unable to do so. It escaped the CPZ as Dead Metal and Sergeant Bash attacked Pitbull, which eventually became freed.

Technophobic, sitting directly opposite the CPZ boundary, was bumped into by a reversing Pitbull. Pitbull rode up against its lifter, pushing Technophobic around in a circle. Technophobic suddenly broke down, and was forcibly pushed and held over the Flame Pit as the House Robots began surrounding both competitors. The flames reached the petrol engine inside Technophobic, starting a fire which intensified as Sergeant Bash and Sir Killalot each tried unsuccessfully to prise both robots apart. Seconds after 'Cease' was called, a huge burst of flames flew up from within the front of Technophobic, which continued to burn for sometime after.

"OH, AND LOOK! THE PETROL ENGINE'S GONE! Well Technophobic looks like some... great yellow bun being overcooked in the oven there! And it's ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Technophobic, go home to rust!"
— Jonathan Pearce as Technophobic catches fire

After being extinguished off-camera, the robot was shown to be isolated in the Pits test area, with its bodyshell fully removed. This battle eliminated Technophobic from The Third Wars, and it was retired afterwards.

Philippa Forrester: "You had every right to be frightened of the Pitbull! It was a hot robot!"
David Hayward: "It was. A dragon next, we'll go for it as a dragon next year!"
Philippa Forrester: "Are you? You're already thinking about the next war! And then it doesn't matter if it catches fire? Exactly!"
— Post-battle interview


Series 2
The Second Wars - UK Championship
Heat Final
Heat E, Gauntlet 11.3m (2nd) Qualified
Heat E, Trial (King of the Castle) 35.95 Seconds (3rd) Qualified
Heat E, Semi-Final vs. Spin Doctor Won
Heat E, Final vs. Killertron (4) Lost
Series 3
The Third Wars - UK Championship
Heats, Round 2
Heat B, Round 1 vs. Abaddon Won
Heat B, Round 2 vs. Pitbull Lost


  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 2

NOTE: Technophobic's successful Gauntlet and Trial runs are not included

Series Record[]

Technophobic s3 official

Official Series 3 photo

Series Technophobic Series Record
The First Wars Did not enter
The Second Wars Heat Final
The Third Wars Heat, Round 2
The Fourth Wars Did not enter
The Fifth Wars Did not enter
The Sixth Wars Did not enter
The Seventh Wars Did not enter
Series 8 Did not enter
Series 9 Did not enter
Series 10 Did not enter



  • Technophobic has the dubious honour of being the first robot ever defeated in a battle by pitting, in its Heat Final bout against Killertron.
  • In Episode 5 of Robot Wars Revealed, which covered Heat E of Series 2, clips from the team's video diary were shown, showing the construction and testing of Technophobic at David Hayward's engineering company.
  • Both robots which defeated Technophobic fought and beat Behemoth in their next battle.
  • Oddly, when introduced in Series 3, Technophobic was mentioned as being eliminated in Round 1, despite reaching its Heat Final. Also, it was said to have appeared in the second Heat of the Second Wars (Heat B), despite it having appeared in the fifth Heat of that series (Heat E). Ironically, Technophobic appeared in the second Heat of Series 3.
  • In both series it competed in, Technophobic's petrol engine caught fire.
  • Both robots Technophobic defeated utilised sit-and-spin weaponry.
  • In both of Technophobic's appearances, it was the fourth robot to be introduced.


