Robot Wars Wiki
Robot Wars Wiki

This is a list of all teams that have entered more than one robot in the UK series of Robot Wars. This includes all main UK series (original and rebooted) and both series of Robot Wars Extreme. Each of a team's robots are listed under the series in which they were entered.


The list features all entries in all UK Series events including international and non-heavyweight competitions. Competitors in non-heavyweight events are denoted by the corresponding letter in brackets:

  • Antweight = (A)
  • Featherweight = (F)
  • Lightweight = (L)
  • Middleweight = (M)
  • Super Heavyweight = (SH)

Please note that these letters refer to the weight category event the robot was entered in and not the official weight category of the robot.

  • Robots that were not chosen by the producers to enter a series are denoted by the letters (DNQ).
  • Robots that were forced to withdraw from a series before it started are denoted with (W).
  • Robots which were selected as reserves, but went unused, are denoted with (R)
  • A robot that was entered but whose event was cancelled is denoted with (EC).
  • A robot that competed in Robot Wars: Battle of the Stars is denoted with (BotS).

Team List[]

Team Name Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Extreme 1 Series 5 Series 6 Extreme 2 Series 7 Series 8 Series 9 Series 10
1 Law Associates Sting S3
39th Huddersfield Scouts Shark Attack Banshee
Adam Clark Vector of Armageddon Corporal Punishment
Armadillo (F)
Corporal Punishment
Bone (DNQ)
Twister (DNQ) Wowot 259 259 (M)
Bodmin Community College Roadblock Beast of Bodmin
Brentwood School Roboteers Expulsion
Cold Fusion Team Bodyhammer Pussycat Pussycat
Kitty (F)
Katnip (F)
Kitty (F)
Kill-E-Crank-E Crank-E
Dartford Girls Grammar Detonator Napalm Detonator
Shadow of Napalm
Jurassic Park Steg-O-Saw-Us Steg 2 3 Stegs 2 Heaven
Leigh City Technical College Leighbot Leighviathan
Liverdyne Robotics Hard Cheese (M) VIPER 01 (DNQ) Hard Cheese (M) VIPER 01
Memento Mori Overdozer Wyrm
pNq Team Depoppesaurus Rex Philipper Philipper 2
Random Violence Technologies Mortis Mortis
Minotaur (SH)
Team 101 RoboDoc 101 Anarchy
Team 13 Limpet Limpet 2 (DNQ) 13 Black Heavy Metal (DNQ) Heavy Metal Heavy Metal (DNQ)
Team A-Kill A-Kill (M) A-Kill Saw Point
Team Axios Ron Axios
Team Battlebot Attila the Drum Jackson Wallop
Team Beast 8645T (F2Q) 8645T 8645T 2 (DNQ) 8645T 2 Beast Beast (DNQ) Harpy (R)
Team Berserk Berserk (SH) Berserk 2 Twister Twister (DNQ)
Team Big Brother Big Brother Bigger Brother Or Te! Or Te! (DNQ) The Swarm
Or Te! (DNQ)
Team Big Cheese The Mule The Big Cheese Wheely Big Cheese
Team Black Widow Black Widow Killerkat
Team Blades Night Raider (DNQ) Night Raider B.O.D.
Team Bodge-it The Stag (DNQ) The Stag The Stag
Staglet (F)
Whipper (F)
Team Carbide Tiberius Tiberius 2 Tiberius 3 Carbide Carbide
Arena Cleaner (BotS)
Team Cassius Recyclopse Cassius
Team Challenge Rambot Double Trouble
Team Chaos Robot The Bruce Chaos Chaos 2
Team Clean Machine Zeus Cronos
Team Conker Crackers 'n' Smash (W) Crackers 'n' Smash
Team Coyote Lambsy Lambsy (DNQ) Lambsy
Cutlet (F)
Ewe 2
Cutlet (F)
Team Crippler Crippler The Predator
Team Cyrax Wild Willy Cyrax
Team Danby Deadline (F) Toxin (SH) (EC) Vindicare (DNQ) TX-108 (Unaired)
Anto (A)
TX-108 (DNQ) Gi-Ant-O (F) Gi-Ant-O (F)
Tanto (R)
TX-108 (DNQ)
Foxic Foxic
The Cat (BotS)
Team Dantomkia Dantomkia 1.0 (DNQ) Dantomkia Dantomkia
Team Death Piece De Resistance Death Warmed Up Immortalis Immortalis (DNQ) Metalis
Team Demon Kliptonite Diabolus
Team Desert Storm The Alien The Alien
Alienator (F)
Team Disruptor Disruptor Excalibur
Team Driving Force Malc 1.5 (M) Phoenix (M)
Team EyeEye Jim Struts Miss Struts Arnold A. Terminegger
Miss Struts (DNQ)
Arnold A. Terminegger Arnold A. Terminegger (DNQ)
Team Firestorm GroundHog Firestorm
Team Flip Flop Fly Flip Flop Fly Tetanus
Team Forklift Forklift Forklift's Revenge
Team Forsey Trouble 'n' Strife Revenge of Trouble & Strife M.R. Speed Squared
Team General Spartacus (L) The General
Hazzard (EC)
The General (DNQ)
Slicer (DNQ)
The General
Team Granny's Revenge Purple Predator Granny's Revenge
Team Havoc Havoc Undertaker Cannibal (DNQ)
Team Hurtz Killerhurtz Terrorhurtz Terrorhurtz
Basher (pilot)
Dee (BotS)
Team Iron-Awe Iron-Awe Axe-Awe Iron-Awe Iron-Awe
Prince of Awe (F)
Iron-Awe 5 & Iron-Awe 7 (DNQ) Iron-Awe (DNQ) Iron-Awe 6
Team Immersion Tanto (Pilot) Vulture (DNQ) Vulture
Team Isis Skarab Rameses II
Team Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Splinter (DNQ)
Ivanhoe 2 (DNQ)
Team Joint Effort Scrapper G.B.H. Facet GBH 2
Team KaterKiller Kater Killer Kat 3
Team Kill Dozer Kill Dozer Raizer Blade
Team Knightmare Knightmare Spirit of Knightmare Spirit of Knightmare (DNQ) Raging Reality Raging Knightmare
Team Legion Sabretooth Sabretooth (W) Sabretooth Sabretooth
JAR (BotS)
Team Loco Loco


Team Mace Mace Gemini
Team MAD Gladiator (F)
Flybot (F)
Chroma (A)
Hades (A)
Alpha (F)
Merlin (DNQ)
Team Make Robotics Behemoth Behemoth
Anty B (A)
Behemoth Behemoth
Anty B (A)
Team Medusa Medusa (EC) Medusa 2000
Team Mega Mega Hurts Tut's Revenge Mega Hurts 2 Mega Hurts LT
Team Ming Ming Ming Dienasty
Team Monad Monad 4x4 Topbot
Team Monster Twn Trwn The Creature
TeamMouseTrap Triterobot MouseTrap Mutant MouseTrap (DNQ) Black and Blue
Team Mute Mute (W) Mute (DNQ) Mute
Micro Mute (F)
Bonk Bonk (DNQ)
Team Nemesis Nemesis Diotoir Diotoir Diotoir (DNQ)
Team Nuts/Team Die Gracefully Robotics Nuts

Nuts 2

Nuts 2
Jellyfish and Ice Cream (DNQ)
Team Outlaw Velocirippa Mighty Mouse
Velocirippa (DNQ)
Mighty Mouse
Ironside 3|
Team Pain Pain

Judge Mech (DNQ)

Team Panda Panda Monium More Panda Monium (DNQ) Big Pants (DNQ)
More Panda Monium (DNQ)
Pants (A) Big Pants (DNQ) Hot Pants Pants (A) Thunderpants
Team Power Barry Gnasher (DNQ) Sonic Blur (DNQ)
Tecumseh (W)
Team Ranglebots Pulsar Pulsar
Kadeena Machina (BotS)
Team Razer Razer Razer
Razzler (A)
Razer Razer
Team RCC RCC 2 (DNQ)
Splinter (DNQ)
Bullfrog (DNQ)
Team Reactor Reactor Reactor 2 Reactor 3 (DNQ) Rhino
Team Reptirron Reptirron (DNQ) Reptirron Reptirron the Second Argh! (F) Reptirron the Second
Team Ripper Ripper (F) Ripper's Revenge (M)
Team Roaming Robots Banana-R Armour (DNQ) T-Bone
Ripper (DNQ)
Ripper (DNQ) Neoteric (F) Ripper
Rip (F)
Ripper (Ineligible) Cyclone (DNQ)
Team Rubbish Caesar (DNQ) Brutus (DNQ) Cobra
Team Saint Gabriel Cherub
Gabriel (R)
Gabriel 2
Team Saw Point Saw Point Demolition Man Demolition Man
Team Scutterbots Scutter's Revenge Spawn of Scutter Spawn Again
Team Shell Shock Fat Boy Tin Shell Shock (DNQ) Shell Shock
Team Shock Shockwave
Manta & Maelstrom (DNQ)
Soldier Ant (BotS)
Team Slicer Techno-Lease Slicer (DNQ)
Team Spin Doctor Spin Doctor Agent Orange Agent Orange (DNQ) Agent Orange (DNQ)
Team S.Tek Hell's Teeth (DNQ) Hell's Teeth Trax


Push to Exit
Interstellar: MML (BotS)
Push to Exit
Team Supernova Oblivion Supernova Supernova
Team Tarantula Robocow Son of Robocow (DNQ) The Spider
Team Termite Aeolus (DNQ) Combatant (A) Combat Ant (A)
Militant (A)
Team Terror Turtle Terror Turtle
Steel Sandwich (M)
Terror Turtle Terror Turtle (DNQ) The Kegs
Terror Turtle
Team TFOSICA Caliban Daisy Chopper Daisy Chopper (DNQ)
Team Thud Thud (SH) Atlas
Team Tilly Meggamouse (DNQ) Meggamouse Dizzy Tilly (DNQ)
Team Torque All Torque Small Torque Fighting Torque Hippobotamus
Bot Out of Hell
Team Twisted Metal Monkey Nuts (DNQ) Dorkus (DNQ) Thor Thor
Robo Savage (BotS)
Team Typhoon/PP3D Robotics/Team Coyote Typhoon (M) Typhoon 2 (DNQ) Typhoon (M)
Typhoon 2
Typhoon Thunder (L)
Typhoon Twins (M)
Typhoon 2
Typhoon (M)
Typhoon Cadet (F)


Team UK Robotics Rottweiler Rottweiler 2 (DNQ) Constrictor
Team Vader Vader Vader
Team Variabot Cataclysmic Variabot C.V.
AM CVn (F)
Cygnus X3 (F)
Team Vercingetorix Vercingetorix Comengetorix Comengetorix
Team Victor Victor The Kraken
Team Wharthog Wharthog Wharthog (M) Crusher Cruncher (DNQ) Cruncher (DNQ)
Team Wizard Wizard The Witch
Team Xenomania Xenomorph (DNQ) Chip (DNQ) Chip
Team Zap Beef-Cake (F)
Zap (M)
Terror-Dactyls Riptilion Riptilion
The Manic Mutants Manic Mutant Shredder Shredder Evolution
The Mavericks Maverick Rick Rick
The Peter Family Flirty Skirty Miss Ile Shockwave
The Press Gang Bulldog Breed
University of Reading Cunning Plan Griffon